102 | | Interaction via MS Teams, streaming via [https://youtu.be/Px2Cqf3Ct4M YouTube] |
| 102 | * [https://homes.di.unimi.it/monga/lucidi2021/pyqb07.pdf Slides] -- [https://homes.di.unimi.it/monga/lucidi2021/pyqb07-handout.pdf Slides (printing version)] |
| 103 | * [https://youtu.be/Px2Cqf3Ct4M Video recording] Unfortunately the first ~15' are missing: |
| 104 | - for consolidating the basics I was suggesting [https://manin.docenti.di.unimi.it CS Circles] |
| 105 | - a book on Python (the one suggested above, there are many suggested also on CS Circles) |
| 106 | - you can find tons of additional exercises if you want: [https://exercism.io Exercism] |
| 107 | * [https://classroom.github.com/a/JMlHieUy DNA forensics] |
| 108 | * Optional, provided by [https://github.com GitHub] to [https://classroom.github.com/a/KLoZ8Qxl familiarize with GitHub Classroom] |