/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header: /cvsup/minix/src/lib/ansi/qsort.c,v 2005/04/21 14:56:06 beng Exp $ */ #include static void qsort1(char *, char *, size_t); static int (*qcompar)(const char *, const char *); static void qexchange(char *, char *, size_t); static void q3exchange(char *, char *, char *, size_t); void qsort(void *base, size_t nel, size_t width, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { /* when nel is 0, the expression '(nel - 1) * width' is wrong */ if (!nel) return; qcompar = (int (*)(const char *, const char *)) compar; qsort1(base, (char *)base + (nel - 1) * width, width); } static void qsort1(char *a1, char *a2, register size_t width) { register char *left, *right; register char *lefteq, *righteq; int cmp; for (;;) { if (a2 <= a1) return; left = a1; right = a2; lefteq = righteq = a1 + width * (((a2-a1)+width)/(2*width)); /* Pick an element in the middle of the array. We will collect the equals around it. "lefteq" and "righteq" indicate the left and right bounds of the equals respectively. Smaller elements end up left of it, larger elements end up right of it. */ again: while (left < lefteq && (cmp = (*qcompar)(left, lefteq)) <= 0) { if (cmp < 0) { /* leave it where it is */ left += width; } else { /* equal, so exchange with the element to the left of the "equal"-interval. */ lefteq -= width; qexchange(left, lefteq, width); } } while (right > righteq) { if ((cmp = (*qcompar)(right, righteq)) < 0) { /* smaller, should go to left part */ if (left < lefteq) { /* yes, we had a larger one at the left, so we can just exchange */ qexchange(left, right, width); left += width; right -= width; goto again; } /* no more room at the left part, so we move the "equal-interval" one place to the right, and the smaller element to the left of it. This is best expressed as a three-way exchange. */ righteq += width; q3exchange(left, righteq, right, width); lefteq += width; left = lefteq; } else if (cmp == 0) { /* equal, so exchange with the element to the right of the "equal-interval" */ righteq += width; qexchange(right, righteq, width); } else /* just leave it */ right -= width; } if (left < lefteq) { /* larger element to the left, but no more room, so move the "equal-interval" one place to the left, and the larger element to the right of it. */ lefteq -= width; q3exchange(right, lefteq, left, width); righteq -= width; right = righteq; goto again; } /* now sort the "smaller" part */ qsort1(a1, lefteq - width, width); /* and now the larger, saving a subroutine call because of the for(;;) */ a1 = righteq + width; } /*NOTREACHED*/ } static void qexchange(register char *p, register char *q, register size_t n) { register int c; while (n-- > 0) { c = *p; *p++ = *q; *q++ = c; } } static void q3exchange(register char *p, register char *q, register char *r, register size_t n) { register int c; while (n-- > 0) { c = *p; *p++ = *r; *r++ = *q; *q++ = c; } }