[9] | 1 | ! Bootblock 1.5 - Minix boot block. Author: Kees J. Bot
| 2 | ! 21 Dec 1991
| 3 | !
| 4 | ! When the PC is powered on, it will try to read the first sector of floppy
| 5 | ! disk 0 at address 0x7C00. If this fails due to the absence of flexible
| 6 | ! magnetic media, it will read the master boot record from the first sector
| 7 | ! of the hard disk. This sector not only contains executable code, but also
| 8 | ! the partition table of the hard disk. When executed, it will select the
| 9 | ! active partition and load the first sector of that at address 0x7C00.
| 10 | ! This file contains the code that is eventually read from either the floppy
| 11 | ! disk, or the hard disk partition. It is just smart enough to load /boot
| 12 | ! from the boot device into memory at address 0x10000 and execute that. The
| 13 | ! disk addresses for /boot are patched into this code by installboot as 24-bit
| 14 | ! sector numbers and 8-bit sector counts above enddata upwards. /boot is in
| 15 | ! turn smart enough to load the different parts of the Minix kernel into
| 16 | ! memory and execute them to finally get Minix started.
| 17 | !
| 18 |
| 19 | LOADOFF = 0x7C00 ! 0x0000:LOADOFF is where this code is loaded
| 20 | BOOTSEG = 0x1000 ! Secondary boot code segment.
| 21 | BOOTOFF = 0x0030 ! Offset into /boot above header
| 22 | BUFFER = 0x0600 ! First free memory
| 23 | LOWSEC = 8 ! Offset of logical first sector in partition
| 24 | ! table
| 25 |
| 26 | ! Variables addressed using bp register
| 27 | device = 0 ! The boot device
| 28 | lowsec = 2 ! Offset of boot partition within drive
| 29 | secpcyl = 6 ! Sectors per cylinder = heads * sectors
| 30 |
| 31 | .text
| 32 |
| 33 | ! Start boot procedure.
| 34 |
| 35 | boot:
| 36 | xor ax, ax ! ax = 0x0000, the vector segment
| 37 | mov ds, ax
| 38 | cli ! Ignore interrupts while setting stack
| 39 | mov ss, ax ! ss = ds = vector segment
| 40 | mov sp, #LOADOFF ! Usual place for a bootstrap stack
| 41 | sti
| 42 |
| 43 | push ax
| 44 | push ax ! Push a zero lowsec(bp)
| 45 |
| 46 | push dx ! Boot device in dl will be device(bp)
| 47 | mov bp, sp ! Using var(bp) is one byte cheaper then var.
| 48 |
| 49 | push es
| 50 | push si ! es:si = partition table entry if hard disk
| 51 |
| 52 | mov di, #LOADOFF+sectors ! char *di = sectors;
| 53 |
| 54 | testb dl, dl ! Winchester disks if dl >= 0x80
| 55 | jge floppy
| 56 |
| 57 | winchester:
| 58 |
| 59 | ! Get the offset of the first sector of the boot partition from the partition
| 60 | ! table. The table is found at es:si, the lowsec parameter at offset LOWSEC.
| 61 |
| 62 | eseg
| 63 | les ax, LOWSEC(si) ! es:ax = LOWSEC+2(si):LOWSEC(si)
| 64 | mov lowsec+0(bp), ax ! Low 16 bits of partition's first sector
| 65 | mov lowsec+2(bp), es ! High 16 bits of partition's first sector
| 66 |
| 67 | ! Get the drive parameters, the number of sectors is bluntly written into the
| 68 | ! floppy disk sectors/track array.
| 69 |
| 70 | movb ah, #0x08 ! Code for drive parameters
| 71 | int 0x13 ! dl still contains drive
| 72 | andb cl, #0x3F ! cl = max sector number (1-origin)
| 73 | movb (di), cl ! Number of sectors per track
| 74 | incb dh ! dh = 1 + max head number (0-origin)
| 75 | jmp loadboot
| 76 |
| 77 | ! Floppy:
| 78 | ! Execute three read tests to determine the drive type. Test for each floppy
| 79 | ! type by reading the last sector on the first track. If it fails, try a type
| 80 | ! that has less sectors. Therefore we start with 1.44M (18 sectors) then 1.2M
| 81 | ! (15 sectors) ending with 720K/360K (both 9 sectors).
| 82 |
| 83 | next: inc di ! Next number of sectors per track
| 84 |
| 85 | floppy: xorb ah, ah ! Reset drive
| 86 | int 0x13
| 87 |
| 88 | movb cl, (di) ! cl = number of last sector on track
| 89 |
| 90 | cmpb cl, #9 ! No need to do the last 720K/360K test
| 91 | je success
| 92 |
| 93 | ! Try to read the last sector on track 0
| 94 |
| 95 | mov es, lowsec(bp) ! es = vector segment (lowsec = 0)
| 96 | mov bx, #BUFFER ! es:bx buffer = 0x0000:0x0600
| 97 | mov ax, #0x0201 ! Read sector, #sectors = 1
| 98 | xorb ch, ch ! Track 0, last sector
| 99 | xorb dh, dh ! Drive dl, head 0
| 100 | int 0x13
| 101 | jc next ! Error, try the next floppy type
| 102 |
| 103 | success:movb dh, #2 ! Load number of heads for multiply
| 104 |
| 105 | loadboot:
| 106 | ! Load /boot from the boot device
| 107 |
| 108 | movb al, (di) ! al = (di) = sectors per track
| 109 | mulb dh ! dh = heads, ax = heads * sectors
| 110 | mov secpcyl(bp), ax ! Sectors per cylinder = heads * sectors
| 111 |
| 112 | mov ax, #BOOTSEG ! Segment to load /boot into
| 113 | mov es, ax
| 114 | xor bx, bx ! Load first sector at es:bx = BOOTSEG:0x0000
| 115 | mov si, #LOADOFF+addresses ! Start of the boot code addresses
| 116 | load:
| 117 | mov ax, 1(si) ! Get next sector number: low 16 bits
| 118 | movb dl, 3(si) ! Bits 16-23 for your up to 8GB partition
| 119 | xorb dh, dh ! dx:ax = sector within partition
| 120 | add ax, lowsec+0(bp)
| 121 | adc dx, lowsec+2(bp)! dx:ax = sector within drive
| 122 | cmp dx, #[1024*255*63-255]>>16 ! Near 8G limit?
| 123 | jae bigdisk
| 124 | div secpcyl(bp) ! ax = cylinder, dx = sector within cylinder
| 125 | xchg ax, dx ! ax = sector within cylinder, dx = cylinder
| 126 | movb ch, dl ! ch = low 8 bits of cylinder
| 127 | divb (di) ! al = head, ah = sector (0-origin)
| 128 | xorb dl, dl ! About to shift bits 8-9 of cylinder into dl
| 129 | shr dx, #1
| 130 | shr dx, #1 ! dl[6..7] = high cylinder
| 131 | orb dl, ah ! dl[0..5] = sector (0-origin)
| 132 | movb cl, dl ! cl[0..5] = sector, cl[6..7] = high cyl
| 133 | incb cl ! cl[0..5] = sector (1-origin)
| 134 | movb dh, al ! dh = al = head
| 135 | movb dl, device(bp) ! dl = device to read
| 136 | movb al, (di) ! Sectors per track - Sector number (0-origin)
| 137 | subb al, ah ! = Sectors left on this track
| 138 | cmpb al, (si) ! Compare with # sectors to read
| 139 | jbe read ! Can't read past the end of a cylinder?
| 140 | movb al, (si) ! (si) < sectors left on this track
| 141 | read: push ax ! Save al = sectors to read
| 142 | movb ah, #0x02 ! Code for disk read (all registers in use now!)
| 143 | int 0x13 ! Call the BIOS for a read
| 144 | pop cx ! Restore al in cl
| 145 | jmp rdeval
| 146 | bigdisk:
| 147 | movb cl, (si) ! Number of sectors to read
| 148 | push si ! Save si
| 149 | mov si, #LOADOFF+ext_rw ! si = extended read/write parameter packet
| 150 | movb 2(si), cl ! Fill in # blocks to transfer
| 151 | mov 4(si), bx ! Buffer address
| 152 | mov 8(si), ax ! Starting block number = dx:ax
| 153 | mov 10(si), dx
| 154 | movb dl, device(bp) ! dl = device to read
| 155 | movb ah, #0x42 ! Extended read
| 156 | int 0x13
| 157 | pop si ! Restore si to point to the addresses array
| 158 | !jmp rdeval
| 159 | rdeval:
| 160 | jc error ! Jump on disk read error
| 161 | movb al, cl ! Restore al = sectors read
| 162 | addb bh, al ! bx += 2 * al * 256 (add bytes read)
| 163 | addb bh, al ! es:bx = where next sector must be read
| 164 | add 1(si), ax ! Update address by sectors read
| 165 | adcb 3(si), ah ! Don't forget bits 16-23 (add ah = 0)
| 166 | subb (si), al ! Decrement sector count by sectors read
| 167 | jnz load ! Not all sectors have been read
| 168 | add si, #4 ! Next (address, count) pair
| 169 | cmpb ah, (si) ! Done when no sectors to read
| 170 | jnz load ! Read next chunk of /boot
| 171 |
| 172 | done:
| 173 |
| 174 | ! Call /boot, assuming a long a.out header (48 bytes). The a.out header is
| 175 | ! usually short (32 bytes), but to be sure /boot has two entry points:
| 176 | ! One at offset 0 for the long, and one at offset 16 for the short header.
| 177 | ! Parameters passed in registers are:
| 178 | !
| 179 | ! dl = Boot-device.
| 180 | ! es:si = Partition table entry if hard disk.
| 181 | !
| 182 | pop si ! Restore es:si = partition table entry
| 183 | pop es ! dl is still loaded
| 184 | jmpf BOOTOFF, BOOTSEG ! jmp to sec. boot (skipping header).
| 185 |
| 186 | ! Read error: print message, hang forever
| 187 | error:
| 188 | mov si, #LOADOFF+errno+1
| 189 | prnum: movb al, ah ! Error number in ah
| 190 | andb al, #0x0F ! Low 4 bits
| 191 | cmpb al, #10 ! A-F?
| 192 | jb digit ! 0-9!
| 193 | addb al, #7 ! 'A' - ':'
| 194 | digit: addb (si), al ! Modify '0' in string
| 195 | dec si
| 196 | movb cl, #4 ! Next 4 bits
| 197 | shrb ah, cl
| 198 | jnz prnum ! Again if digit > 0
| 199 |
| 200 | mov si, #LOADOFF+rderr ! String to print
| 201 | print: lodsb ! al = *si++ is char to be printed
| 202 | testb al, al ! Null byte marks end
| 203 | hang: jz hang ! Hang forever waiting for CTRL-ALT-DEL
| 204 | movb ah, #0x0E ! Print character in teletype mode
| 205 | mov bx, #0x0001 ! Page 0, foreground color
| 206 | int 0x10 ! Call BIOS VIDEO_IO
| 207 | jmp print
| 208 |
| 209 | .data
| 210 | rderr: .ascii "Read error "
| 211 | errno: .ascii "00 \0"
| 212 | errend:
| 213 |
| 214 | ! Floppy disk sectors per track for the 1.44M, 1.2M and 360K/720K types:
| 215 | sectors:
| 216 | .data1 18, 15, 9
| 217 |
| 218 | ! Extended read/write commands require a parameter packet.
| 219 | ext_rw:
| 220 | .data1 0x10 ! Length of extended r/w packet
| 221 | .data1 0 ! Reserved
| 222 | .data2 0 ! Blocks to transfer (to be filled in)
| 223 | .data2 0 ! Buffer address offset (tbfi)
| 224 | .data2 BOOTSEG ! Buffer address segment
| 225 | .data4 0 ! Starting block number low 32 bits (tbfi)
| 226 | .data4 0 ! Starting block number high 32 bits
| 227 |
| 228 | .align 2
| 229 | addresses:
| 230 | ! The space below this is for disk addresses for a 38K /boot program (worst
| 231 | ! case, i.e. file is completely fragmented). It should be enough.