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83 | <div class="titlepage">
84 | <div>
85 | <div><h1 class="title">
86 | <a name="userman"></a>bzip2 and libbzip2, version 1.0.3</h1></div>
87 | <div><h2 class="subtitle">A program and library for data compression</h2></div>
88 | <div><div class="authorgroup"><div class="author">
89 | <h3 class="author">
90 | <span class="firstname">Julian</span> <span class="surname">Seward</span>
91 | </h3>
92 | <div class="affiliation"><span class="orgname">http://www.bzip.org<br></span></div>
93 | </div></div></div>
94 | <div><p class="releaseinfo">Version 1.0.3 of 15 February 2005</p></div>
95 | <div><p class="copyright">Copyright © 1996-2005 Julian Seward</p></div>
96 | <div><div class="legalnotice">
97 | <p>This program, <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>, the
98 | associated library <tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt>, and
99 | all documentation, are copyright © 1996-2005 Julian Seward.
100 | All rights reserved.</p>
101 | <p>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with
102 | or without modification, are permitted provided that the
103 | following conditions are met:</p>
104 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
105 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>Redistributions of source code must retain the
106 | above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
107 | following disclaimer.</p></li>
108 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>The origin of this software must not be
109 | misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original
110 | software. If you use this software in a product, an
111 | acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
112 | appreciated but is not required.</p></li>
113 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>Altered source versions must be plainly marked
114 | as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original
115 | software.</p></li>
116 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>The name of the author may not be used to
117 | endorse or promote products derived from this software without
118 | specific prior written permission.</p></li>
119 | </ul></div>
132 | <p>PATENTS: To the best of my knowledge,
133 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> and
134 | <tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt> do not use any patented
135 | algorithms. However, I do not have the resources to carry
136 | out a patent search. Therefore I cannot give any guarantee of
137 | the above statement.
138 | </p>
139 | </div></div>
140 | </div>
141 | <div></div>
142 | <hr>
143 | </div>
144 | <div class="toc">
145 | <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
146 | <dl>
147 | <dt><span class="chapter"><a href="#intro">1. Introduction</a></span></dt>
148 | <dt><span class="chapter"><a href="#using">2. How to use bzip2</a></span></dt>
149 | <dd><dl>
150 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#name">2.1. NAME</a></span></dt>
151 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#synopsis">2.2. SYNOPSIS</a></span></dt>
152 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#description">2.3. DESCRIPTION</a></span></dt>
153 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#options">2.4. OPTIONS</a></span></dt>
154 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#memory-management">2.5. MEMORY MANAGEMENT</a></span></dt>
155 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#recovering">2.6. RECOVERING DATA FROM DAMAGED FILES</a></span></dt>
156 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#performance">2.7. PERFORMANCE NOTES</a></span></dt>
157 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#caveats">2.8. CAVEATS</a></span></dt>
158 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#author">2.9. AUTHOR</a></span></dt>
159 | </dl></dd>
160 | <dt><span class="chapter"><a href="#libprog">3.
161 | Programming with libbzip2
162 | </a></span></dt>
163 | <dd><dl>
164 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#top-level">3.1. Top-level structure</a></span></dt>
165 | <dd><dl>
166 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#ll-summary">3.1.1. Low-level summary</a></span></dt>
167 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#hl-summary">3.1.2. High-level summary</a></span></dt>
168 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#util-fns-summary">3.1.3. Utility functions summary</a></span></dt>
169 | </dl></dd>
170 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#err-handling">3.2. Error handling</a></span></dt>
171 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#low-level">3.3. Low-level interface</a></span></dt>
172 | <dd><dl>
173 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzcompress-init">3.3.1. BZ2_bzCompressInit</a></span></dt>
174 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzCompress">3.3.2. BZ2_bzCompress</a></span></dt>
175 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzCompress-end">3.3.3. BZ2_bzCompressEnd</a></span></dt>
176 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzDecompress-init">3.3.4. BZ2_bzDecompressInit</a></span></dt>
177 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzDecompress">3.3.5. BZ2_bzDecompress</a></span></dt>
178 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzDecompress-end">3.3.6. BZ2_bzDecompressEnd</a></span></dt>
179 | </dl></dd>
180 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#hl-interface">3.4. High-level interface</a></span></dt>
181 | <dd><dl>
182 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzreadopen">3.4.1. BZ2_bzReadOpen</a></span></dt>
183 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzread">3.4.2. BZ2_bzRead</a></span></dt>
184 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzreadgetunused">3.4.3. BZ2_bzReadGetUnused</a></span></dt>
185 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzreadclose">3.4.4. BZ2_bzReadClose</a></span></dt>
186 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzwriteopen">3.4.5. BZ2_bzWriteOpen</a></span></dt>
187 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzwrite">3.4.6. BZ2_bzWrite</a></span></dt>
188 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzwriteclose">3.4.7. BZ2_bzWriteClose</a></span></dt>
189 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#embed">3.4.8. Handling embedded compressed data streams</a></span></dt>
190 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#std-rdwr">3.4.9. Standard file-reading/writing code</a></span></dt>
191 | </dl></dd>
192 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#util-fns">3.5. Utility functions</a></span></dt>
193 | <dd><dl>
194 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzbufftobuffcompress">3.5.1. BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress</a></span></dt>
195 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzbufftobuffdecompress">3.5.2. BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress</a></span></dt>
196 | </dl></dd>
197 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#zlib-compat">3.6. zlib compatibility functions</a></span></dt>
198 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#stdio-free">3.7. Using the library in a stdio-free environment</a></span></dt>
199 | <dd><dl>
200 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#stdio-bye">3.7.1. Getting rid of stdio</a></span></dt>
201 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#critical-error">3.7.2. Critical error handling</a></span></dt>
202 | </dl></dd>
203 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#win-dll">3.8. Making a Windows DLL</a></span></dt>
204 | </dl></dd>
205 | <dt><span class="chapter"><a href="#misc">4. Miscellanea</a></span></dt>
206 | <dd><dl>
207 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#limits">4.1. Limitations of the compressed file format</a></span></dt>
208 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#port-issues">4.2. Portability issues</a></span></dt>
209 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#bugs">4.3. Reporting bugs</a></span></dt>
210 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#package">4.4. Did you get the right package?</a></span></dt>
211 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#reading">4.5. Further Reading</a></span></dt>
212 | </dl></dd>
213 | </dl>
214 | </div>
215 | <div class="chapter" lang="en">
216 | <div class="titlepage">
217 | <div><div><h2 class="title">
218 | <a name="intro"></a>1. Introduction</h2></div></div>
219 | <div></div>
220 | </div>
221 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> compresses files
222 | using the Burrows-Wheeler block-sorting text compression
223 | algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally
224 | considerably better than that achieved by more conventional
225 | LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of
226 | the PPM family of statistical compressors.</p>
227 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> is built on top of
228 | <tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt>, a flexible library for
229 | handling compressed data in the
230 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> format. This manual
231 | describes both how to use the program and how to work with the
232 | library interface. Most of the manual is devoted to this
233 | library, not the program, which is good news if your interest is
234 | only in the program.</p>
235 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
236 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><a href="#using">How to use bzip2</a> describes how to use
237 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>; this is the only part
238 | you need to read if you just want to know how to operate the
239 | program.</p></li>
240 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><a href="#libprog">Programming with libbzip2</a> describes the
241 | programming interfaces in detail, and</p></li>
242 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><a href="#misc">Miscellanea</a> records some
243 | miscellaneous notes which I thought ought to be recorded
244 | somewhere.</p></li>
245 | </ul></div>
246 | </div>
247 | <div class="chapter" lang="en">
248 | <div class="titlepage">
249 | <div><div><h2 class="title">
250 | <a name="using"></a>2. How to use bzip2</h2></div></div>
251 | <div></div>
252 | </div>
253 | <div class="toc">
254 | <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
255 | <dl>
256 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#name">2.1. NAME</a></span></dt>
257 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#synopsis">2.2. SYNOPSIS</a></span></dt>
258 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#description">2.3. DESCRIPTION</a></span></dt>
259 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#options">2.4. OPTIONS</a></span></dt>
260 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#memory-management">2.5. MEMORY MANAGEMENT</a></span></dt>
261 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#recovering">2.6. RECOVERING DATA FROM DAMAGED FILES</a></span></dt>
262 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#performance">2.7. PERFORMANCE NOTES</a></span></dt>
263 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#caveats">2.8. CAVEATS</a></span></dt>
264 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#author">2.9. AUTHOR</a></span></dt>
265 | </dl>
266 | </div>
267 | <p>This chapter contains a copy of the
268 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> man page, and nothing
269 | else.</p>
270 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
271 | <div class="titlepage">
272 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
273 | <a name="name"></a>2.1. NAME</h2></div></div>
274 | <div></div>
275 | </div>
276 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
277 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>,
278 | <tt class="computeroutput">bunzip2</tt> - a block-sorting file
279 | compressor, v1.0.3</p></li>
280 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">bzcat</tt> -
281 | decompresses files to stdout</p></li>
282 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2recover</tt> -
283 | recovers data from damaged bzip2 files</p></li>
284 | </ul></div>
285 | </div>
286 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
287 | <div class="titlepage">
288 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
289 | <a name="synopsis"></a>2.2. SYNOPSIS</h2></div></div>
290 | <div></div>
291 | </div>
292 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
293 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> [
294 | -cdfkqstvzVL123456789 ] [ filenames ... ]</p></li>
295 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">bunzip2</tt> [
296 | -fkvsVL ] [ filenames ... ]</p></li>
297 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">bzcat</tt> [ -s ] [
298 | filenames ... ]</p></li>
299 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2recover</tt>
300 | filename</p></li>
301 | </ul></div>
302 | </div>
303 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
304 | <div class="titlepage">
305 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
306 | <a name="description"></a>2.3. DESCRIPTION</h2></div></div>
307 | <div></div>
308 | </div>
309 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> compresses files
310 | using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression
311 | algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally
312 | considerably better than that achieved by more conventional
313 | LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of
314 | the PPM family of statistical compressors.</p>
315 | <p>The command-line options are deliberately very similar to
316 | those of GNU <tt class="computeroutput">gzip</tt>, but they are
317 | not identical.</p>
318 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> expects a list of
319 | file names to accompany the command-line flags. Each file is
320 | replaced by a compressed version of itself, with the name
321 | <tt class="computeroutput">original_name.bz2</tt>. Each
322 | compressed file has the same modification date, permissions, and,
323 | when possible, ownership as the corresponding original, so that
324 | these properties can be correctly restored at decompression time.
325 | File name handling is naive in the sense that there is no
326 | mechanism for preserving original file names, permissions,
327 | ownerships or dates in filesystems which lack these concepts, or
328 | have serious file name length restrictions, such as
329 | MS-DOS.</p>
330 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> and
331 | <tt class="computeroutput">bunzip2</tt> will by default not
332 | overwrite existing files. If you want this to happen, specify
333 | the <tt class="computeroutput">-f</tt> flag.</p>
334 | <p>If no file names are specified,
335 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> compresses from standard
336 | input to standard output. In this case,
337 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> will decline to write
338 | compressed output to a terminal, as this would be entirely
339 | incomprehensible and therefore pointless.</p>
340 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bunzip2</tt> (or
341 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2 -d</tt>) decompresses all
342 | specified files. Files which were not created by
343 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> will be detected and
344 | ignored, and a warning issued.
345 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> attempts to guess the
346 | filename for the decompressed file from that of the compressed
347 | file as follows:</p>
348 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
349 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">filename.bz2 </tt>
350 | becomes
351 | <tt class="computeroutput">filename</tt></p></li>
352 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">filename.bz </tt>
353 | becomes
354 | <tt class="computeroutput">filename</tt></p></li>
355 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">filename.tbz2</tt>
356 | becomes
357 | <tt class="computeroutput">filename.tar</tt></p></li>
358 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">filename.tbz </tt>
359 | becomes
360 | <tt class="computeroutput">filename.tar</tt></p></li>
361 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">anyothername </tt>
362 | becomes
363 | <tt class="computeroutput">anyothername.out</tt></p></li>
364 | </ul></div>
365 | <p>If the file does not end in one of the recognised endings,
366 | <tt class="computeroutput">.bz2</tt>,
367 | <tt class="computeroutput">.bz</tt>,
368 | <tt class="computeroutput">.tbz2</tt> or
369 | <tt class="computeroutput">.tbz</tt>,
370 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> complains that it cannot
371 | guess the name of the original file, and uses the original name
372 | with <tt class="computeroutput">.out</tt> appended.</p>
373 | <p>As with compression, supplying no filenames causes
374 | decompression from standard input to standard output.</p>
375 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bunzip2</tt> will correctly
376 | decompress a file which is the concatenation of two or more
377 | compressed files. The result is the concatenation of the
378 | corresponding uncompressed files. Integrity testing
379 | (<tt class="computeroutput">-t</tt>) of concatenated compressed
380 | files is also supported.</p>
381 | <p>You can also compress or decompress files to the standard
382 | output by giving the <tt class="computeroutput">-c</tt> flag.
383 | Multiple files may be compressed and decompressed like this. The
384 | resulting outputs are fed sequentially to stdout. Compression of
385 | multiple files in this manner generates a stream containing
386 | multiple compressed file representations. Such a stream can be
387 | decompressed correctly only by
388 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> version 0.9.0 or later.
389 | Earlier versions of <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> will
390 | stop after decompressing the first file in the stream.</p>
391 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzcat</tt> (or
392 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2 -dc</tt>) decompresses all
393 | specified files to the standard output.</p>
394 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> will read arguments
395 | from the environment variables
396 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZIP2</tt> and
397 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZIP</tt>, in that order, and will
398 | process them before any arguments read from the command line.
399 | This gives a convenient way to supply default arguments.</p>
400 | <p>Compression is always performed, even if the compressed
401 | file is slightly larger than the original. Files of less than
402 | about one hundred bytes tend to get larger, since the compression
403 | mechanism has a constant overhead in the region of 50 bytes.
404 | Random data (including the output of most file compressors) is
405 | coded at about 8.05 bits per byte, giving an expansion of around
406 | 0.5%.</p>
407 | <p>As a self-check for your protection,
408 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> uses 32-bit CRCs to make
409 | sure that the decompressed version of a file is identical to the
410 | original. This guards against corruption of the compressed data,
411 | and against undetected bugs in
412 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> (hopefully very unlikely).
413 | The chances of data corruption going undetected is microscopic,
414 | about one chance in four billion for each file processed. Be
415 | aware, though, that the check occurs upon decompression, so it
416 | can only tell you that something is wrong. It can't help you
417 | recover the original uncompressed data. You can use
418 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2recover</tt> to try to recover
419 | data from damaged files.</p>
420 | <p>Return values: 0 for a normal exit, 1 for environmental
421 | problems (file not found, invalid flags, I/O errors, etc.), 2
422 | to indicate a corrupt compressed file, 3 for an internal
423 | consistency error (eg, bug) which caused
424 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> to panic.</p>
425 | </div>
426 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
427 | <div class="titlepage">
428 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
429 | <a name="options"></a>2.4. OPTIONS</h2></div></div>
430 | <div></div>
431 | </div>
432 | <div class="variablelist"><dl>
433 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-c --stdout</tt></span></dt>
434 | <dd><p>Compress or decompress to standard
435 | output.</p></dd>
436 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-d --decompress</tt></span></dt>
437 | <dd><p>Force decompression.
438 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>,
439 | <tt class="computeroutput">bunzip2</tt> and
440 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzcat</tt> are really the same
441 | program, and the decision about what actions to take is done on
442 | the basis of which name is used. This flag overrides that
443 | mechanism, and forces bzip2 to decompress.</p></dd>
444 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-z --compress</tt></span></dt>
445 | <dd><p>The complement to
446 | <tt class="computeroutput">-d</tt>: forces compression,
447 | regardless of the invokation name.</p></dd>
448 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-t --test</tt></span></dt>
449 | <dd><p>Check integrity of the specified file(s), but
450 | don't decompress them. This really performs a trial
451 | decompression and throws away the result.</p></dd>
452 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-f --force</tt></span></dt>
453 | <dd>
454 | <p>Force overwrite of output files. Normally,
455 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> will not overwrite
456 | existing output files. Also forces
457 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> to break hard links to
458 | files, which it otherwise wouldn't do.</p>
459 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> normally declines
460 | to decompress files which don't have the correct magic header
461 | bytes. If forced (<tt class="computeroutput">-f</tt>),
462 | however, it will pass such files through unmodified. This is
463 | how GNU <tt class="computeroutput">gzip</tt> behaves.</p>
464 | </dd>
465 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-k --keep</tt></span></dt>
466 | <dd><p>Keep (don't delete) input files during
467 | compression or decompression.</p></dd>
468 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-s --small</tt></span></dt>
469 | <dd>
470 | <p>Reduce memory usage, for compression,
471 | decompression and testing. Files are decompressed and tested
472 | using a modified algorithm which only requires 2.5 bytes per
473 | block byte. This means any file can be decompressed in 2300k
474 | of memory, albeit at about half the normal speed.</p>
475 | <p>During compression, <tt class="computeroutput">-s</tt>
476 | selects a block size of 200k, which limits memory use to around
477 | the same figure, at the expense of your compression ratio. In
478 | short, if your machine is low on memory (8 megabytes or less),
479 | use <tt class="computeroutput">-s</tt> for everything. See
480 | <a href="#memory-management">MEMORY MANAGEMENT</a> below.</p>
481 | </dd>
482 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-q --quiet</tt></span></dt>
483 | <dd><p>Suppress non-essential warning messages.
484 | Messages pertaining to I/O errors and other critical events
485 | will not be suppressed.</p></dd>
486 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-v --verbose</tt></span></dt>
487 | <dd><p>Verbose mode -- show the compression ratio for
488 | each file processed. Further
489 | <tt class="computeroutput">-v</tt>'s increase the verbosity
490 | level, spewing out lots of information which is primarily of
491 | interest for diagnostic purposes.</p></dd>
492 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-L --license -V --version</tt></span></dt>
493 | <dd><p>Display the software version, license terms and
494 | conditions.</p></dd>
495 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">-1</tt> (or
496 | <tt class="computeroutput">--fast</tt>) to
497 | <tt class="computeroutput">-9</tt> (or
498 | <tt class="computeroutput">-best</tt>)</span></dt>
499 | <dd><p>Set the block size to 100 k, 200 k ... 900 k
500 | when compressing. Has no effect when decompressing. See <a href="#memory-management">MEMORY MANAGEMENT</a> below. The
501 | <tt class="computeroutput">--fast</tt> and
502 | <tt class="computeroutput">--best</tt> aliases are primarily
503 | for GNU <tt class="computeroutput">gzip</tt> compatibility.
504 | In particular, <tt class="computeroutput">--fast</tt> doesn't
505 | make things significantly faster. And
506 | <tt class="computeroutput">--best</tt> merely selects the
507 | default behaviour.</p></dd>
508 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">--</tt></span></dt>
509 | <dd><p>Treats all subsequent arguments as file names,
510 | even if they start with a dash. This is so you can handle
511 | files with names beginning with a dash, for example:
512 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2 --
513 | -myfilename</tt>.</p></dd>
514 | <dt>
515 | <span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">--repetitive-fast</tt>, </span><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">--repetitive-best</tt>, </span>
516 | </dt>
517 | <dd><p>These flags are redundant in versions 0.9.5 and
518 | above. They provided some coarse control over the behaviour of
519 | the sorting algorithm in earlier versions, which was sometimes
520 | useful. 0.9.5 and above have an improved algorithm which
521 | renders these flags irrelevant.</p></dd>
522 | </dl></div>
523 | </div>
524 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
525 | <div class="titlepage">
526 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
527 | <a name="memory-management"></a>2.5. MEMORY MANAGEMENT</h2></div></div>
528 | <div></div>
529 | </div>
530 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> compresses large
531 | files in blocks. The block size affects both the compression
532 | ratio achieved, and the amount of memory needed for compression
533 | and decompression. The flags <tt class="computeroutput">-1</tt>
534 | through <tt class="computeroutput">-9</tt> specify the block
535 | size to be 100,000 bytes through 900,000 bytes (the default)
536 | respectively. At decompression time, the block size used for
537 | compression is read from the header of the compressed file, and
538 | <tt class="computeroutput">bunzip2</tt> then allocates itself
539 | just enough memory to decompress the file. Since block sizes are
540 | stored in compressed files, it follows that the flags
541 | <tt class="computeroutput">-1</tt> to
542 | <tt class="computeroutput">-9</tt> are irrelevant to and so
543 | ignored during decompression.</p>
544 | <p>Compression and decompression requirements, in bytes, can be
545 | estimated as:</p>
546 | <pre class="programlisting">Compression: 400k + ( 8 x block size )
547 |
548 | Decompression: 100k + ( 4 x block size ), or
549 | 100k + ( 2.5 x block size )</pre>
550 | <p>Larger block sizes give rapidly diminishing marginal
551 | returns. Most of the compression comes from the first two or
552 | three hundred k of block size, a fact worth bearing in mind when
553 | using <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> on small machines.
554 | It is also important to appreciate that the decompression memory
555 | requirement is set at compression time by the choice of block
556 | size.</p>
557 | <p>For files compressed with the default 900k block size,
558 | <tt class="computeroutput">bunzip2</tt> will require about 3700
559 | kbytes to decompress. To support decompression of any file on a
560 | 4 megabyte machine, <tt class="computeroutput">bunzip2</tt> has
561 | an option to decompress using approximately half this amount of
562 | memory, about 2300 kbytes. Decompression speed is also halved,
563 | so you should use this option only where necessary. The relevant
564 | flag is <tt class="computeroutput">-s</tt>.</p>
565 | <p>In general, try and use the largest block size memory
566 | constraints allow, since that maximises the compression achieved.
567 | Compression and decompression speed are virtually unaffected by
568 | block size.</p>
569 | <p>Another significant point applies to files which fit in a
570 | single block -- that means most files you'd encounter using a
571 | large block size. The amount of real memory touched is
572 | proportional to the size of the file, since the file is smaller
573 | than a block. For example, compressing a file 20,000 bytes long
574 | with the flag <tt class="computeroutput">-9</tt> will cause the
575 | compressor to allocate around 7600k of memory, but only touch
576 | 400k + 20000 * 8 = 560 kbytes of it. Similarly, the decompressor
577 | will allocate 3700k but only touch 100k + 20000 * 4 = 180
578 | kbytes.</p>
579 | <p>Here is a table which summarises the maximum memory usage
580 | for different block sizes. Also recorded is the total compressed
581 | size for 14 files of the Calgary Text Compression Corpus
582 | totalling 3,141,622 bytes. This column gives some feel for how
583 | compression varies with block size. These figures tend to
584 | understate the advantage of larger block sizes for larger files,
585 | since the Corpus is dominated by smaller files.</p>
586 | <pre class="programlisting"> Compress Decompress Decompress Corpus
587 | Flag usage usage -s usage Size
588 |
589 | -1 1200k 500k 350k 914704
590 | -2 2000k 900k 600k 877703
591 | -3 2800k 1300k 850k 860338
592 | -4 3600k 1700k 1100k 846899
593 | -5 4400k 2100k 1350k 845160
594 | -6 5200k 2500k 1600k 838626
595 | -7 6100k 2900k 1850k 834096
596 | -8 6800k 3300k 2100k 828642
597 | -9 7600k 3700k 2350k 828642</pre>
598 | </div>
599 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
600 | <div class="titlepage">
601 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
602 | <a name="recovering"></a>2.6. RECOVERING DATA FROM DAMAGED FILES</h2></div></div>
603 | <div></div>
604 | </div>
605 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> compresses files in
606 | blocks, usually 900kbytes long. Each block is handled
607 | independently. If a media or transmission error causes a
608 | multi-block <tt class="computeroutput">.bz2</tt> file to become
609 | damaged, it may be possible to recover data from the undamaged
610 | blocks in the file.</p>
611 | <p>The compressed representation of each block is delimited by
612 | a 48-bit pattern, which makes it possible to find the block
613 | boundaries with reasonable certainty. Each block also carries
614 | its own 32-bit CRC, so damaged blocks can be distinguished from
615 | undamaged ones.</p>
616 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2recover</tt> is a simple
617 | program whose purpose is to search for blocks in
618 | <tt class="computeroutput">.bz2</tt> files, and write each block
619 | out into its own <tt class="computeroutput">.bz2</tt> file. You
620 | can then use <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2 -t</tt> to test
621 | the integrity of the resulting files, and decompress those which
622 | are undamaged.</p>
623 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2recover</tt> takes a
624 | single argument, the name of the damaged file, and writes a
625 | number of files <tt class="computeroutput">rec0001file.bz2</tt>,
626 | <tt class="computeroutput">rec0002file.bz2</tt>, etc, containing
627 | the extracted blocks. The output filenames are designed so that
628 | the use of wildcards in subsequent processing -- for example,
629 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2 -dc rec*file.bz2 >
630 | recovered_data</tt> -- lists the files in the correct
631 | order.</p>
632 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2recover</tt> should be of
633 | most use dealing with large <tt class="computeroutput">.bz2</tt>
634 | files, as these will contain many blocks. It is clearly futile
635 | to use it on damaged single-block files, since a damaged block
636 | cannot be recovered. If you wish to minimise any potential data
637 | loss through media or transmission errors, you might consider
638 | compressing with a smaller block size.</p>
639 | </div>
640 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
641 | <div class="titlepage">
642 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
643 | <a name="performance"></a>2.7. PERFORMANCE NOTES</h2></div></div>
644 | <div></div>
645 | </div>
646 | <p>The sorting phase of compression gathers together similar
647 | strings in the file. Because of this, files containing very long
648 | runs of repeated symbols, like "aabaabaabaab ..." (repeated
649 | several hundred times) may compress more slowly than normal.
650 | Versions 0.9.5 and above fare much better than previous versions
651 | in this respect. The ratio between worst-case and average-case
652 | compression time is in the region of 10:1. For previous
653 | versions, this figure was more like 100:1. You can use the
654 | <tt class="computeroutput">-vvvv</tt> option to monitor progress
655 | in great detail, if you want.</p>
656 | <p>Decompression speed is unaffected by these
657 | phenomena.</p>
658 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> usually allocates
659 | several megabytes of memory to operate in, and then charges all
660 | over it in a fairly random fashion. This means that performance,
661 | both for compressing and decompressing, is largely determined by
662 | the speed at which your machine can service cache misses.
663 | Because of this, small changes to the code to reduce the miss
664 | rate have been observed to give disproportionately large
665 | performance improvements. I imagine
666 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> will perform best on
667 | machines with very large caches.</p>
668 | </div>
669 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
670 | <div class="titlepage">
671 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
672 | <a name="caveats"></a>2.8. CAVEATS</h2></div></div>
673 | <div></div>
674 | </div>
675 | <p>I/O error messages are not as helpful as they could be.
676 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> tries hard to detect I/O
677 | errors and exit cleanly, but the details of what the problem is
678 | sometimes seem rather misleading.</p>
679 | <p>This manual page pertains to version 1.0.3 of
680 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>. Compressed data created
681 | by this version is entirely forwards and backwards compatible
682 | with the previous public releases, versions 0.1pl2, 0.9.0 and
683 | 0.9.5, 1.0.0, 1.0.1 and 1.0.2, but with the following exception: 0.9.0
684 | and above can correctly decompress multiple concatenated
685 | compressed files. 0.1pl2 cannot do this; it will stop after
686 | decompressing just the first file in the stream.</p>
687 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2recover</tt> versions
688 | prior to 1.0.2 used 32-bit integers to represent bit positions in
689 | compressed files, so it could not handle compressed files more
690 | than 512 megabytes long. Versions 1.0.2 and above use 64-bit ints
691 | on some platforms which support them (GNU supported targets, and
692 | Windows). To establish whether or not
693 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2recover</tt> was built with such
694 | a limitation, run it without arguments. In any event you can
695 | build yourself an unlimited version if you can recompile it with
696 | <tt class="computeroutput">MaybeUInt64</tt> set to be an
697 | unsigned 64-bit integer.</p>
698 | </div>
699 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
700 | <div class="titlepage">
701 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
702 | <a name="author"></a>2.9. AUTHOR</h2></div></div>
703 | <div></div>
704 | </div>
705 | <p>Julian Seward,
706 | <tt class="computeroutput">jseward@bzip.org</tt></p>
707 | <p>The ideas embodied in
708 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> are due to (at least) the
709 | following people: Michael Burrows and David Wheeler (for the
710 | block sorting transformation), David Wheeler (again, for the
711 | Huffman coder), Peter Fenwick (for the structured coding model in
712 | the original <tt class="computeroutput">bzip</tt>, and many
713 | refinements), and Alistair Moffat, Radford Neal and Ian Witten
714 | (for the arithmetic coder in the original
715 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip</tt>). I am much indebted for
716 | their help, support and advice. See the manual in the source
717 | distribution for pointers to sources of documentation. Christian
718 | von Roques encouraged me to look for faster sorting algorithms,
719 | so as to speed up compression. Bela Lubkin encouraged me to
720 | improve the worst-case compression performance.
721 | Donna Robinson XMLised the documentation.
722 | Many people sent
723 | patches, helped with portability problems, lent machines, gave
724 | advice and were generally helpful.</p>
725 | </div>
726 | </div>
727 | <div class="chapter" lang="en">
728 | <div class="titlepage">
729 | <div><div><h2 class="title">
730 | <a name="libprog"></a>3.
731 | Programming with <tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt>
732 | </h2></div></div>
733 | <div></div>
734 | </div>
735 | <div class="toc">
736 | <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
737 | <dl>
738 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#top-level">3.1. Top-level structure</a></span></dt>
739 | <dd><dl>
740 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#ll-summary">3.1.1. Low-level summary</a></span></dt>
741 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#hl-summary">3.1.2. High-level summary</a></span></dt>
742 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#util-fns-summary">3.1.3. Utility functions summary</a></span></dt>
743 | </dl></dd>
744 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#err-handling">3.2. Error handling</a></span></dt>
745 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#low-level">3.3. Low-level interface</a></span></dt>
746 | <dd><dl>
747 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzcompress-init">3.3.1. BZ2_bzCompressInit</a></span></dt>
748 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzCompress">3.3.2. BZ2_bzCompress</a></span></dt>
749 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzCompress-end">3.3.3. BZ2_bzCompressEnd</a></span></dt>
750 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzDecompress-init">3.3.4. BZ2_bzDecompressInit</a></span></dt>
751 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzDecompress">3.3.5. BZ2_bzDecompress</a></span></dt>
752 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzDecompress-end">3.3.6. BZ2_bzDecompressEnd</a></span></dt>
753 | </dl></dd>
754 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#hl-interface">3.4. High-level interface</a></span></dt>
755 | <dd><dl>
756 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzreadopen">3.4.1. BZ2_bzReadOpen</a></span></dt>
757 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzread">3.4.2. BZ2_bzRead</a></span></dt>
758 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzreadgetunused">3.4.3. BZ2_bzReadGetUnused</a></span></dt>
759 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzreadclose">3.4.4. BZ2_bzReadClose</a></span></dt>
760 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzwriteopen">3.4.5. BZ2_bzWriteOpen</a></span></dt>
761 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzwrite">3.4.6. BZ2_bzWrite</a></span></dt>
762 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzwriteclose">3.4.7. BZ2_bzWriteClose</a></span></dt>
763 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#embed">3.4.8. Handling embedded compressed data streams</a></span></dt>
764 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#std-rdwr">3.4.9. Standard file-reading/writing code</a></span></dt>
765 | </dl></dd>
766 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#util-fns">3.5. Utility functions</a></span></dt>
767 | <dd><dl>
768 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzbufftobuffcompress">3.5.1. BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress</a></span></dt>
769 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#bzbufftobuffdecompress">3.5.2. BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress</a></span></dt>
770 | </dl></dd>
771 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#zlib-compat">3.6. zlib compatibility functions</a></span></dt>
772 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#stdio-free">3.7. Using the library in a stdio-free environment</a></span></dt>
773 | <dd><dl>
774 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#stdio-bye">3.7.1. Getting rid of stdio</a></span></dt>
775 | <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#critical-error">3.7.2. Critical error handling</a></span></dt>
776 | </dl></dd>
777 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#win-dll">3.8. Making a Windows DLL</a></span></dt>
778 | </dl>
779 | </div>
780 | <p>This chapter describes the programming interface to
781 | <tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt>.</p>
782 | <p>For general background information, particularly about
783 | memory use and performance aspects, you'd be well advised to read
784 | <a href="#using">How to use bzip2</a> as well.</p>
785 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
786 | <div class="titlepage">
787 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
788 | <a name="top-level"></a>3.1. Top-level structure</h2></div></div>
789 | <div></div>
790 | </div>
791 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt> is a flexible
792 | library for compressing and decompressing data in the
793 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> data format. Although
794 | packaged as a single entity, it helps to regard the library as
795 | three separate parts: the low level interface, and the high level
796 | interface, and some utility functions.</p>
797 | <p>The structure of
798 | <tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt>'s interfaces is similar
799 | to that of Jean-loup Gailly's and Mark Adler's excellent
800 | <tt class="computeroutput">zlib</tt> library.</p>
801 | <p>All externally visible symbols have names beginning
802 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_</tt>. This is new in version
803 | 1.0. The intention is to minimise pollution of the namespaces of
804 | library clients.</p>
805 | <p>To use any part of the library, you need to
806 | <tt class="computeroutput">#include <bzlib.h></tt>
807 | into your sources.</p>
808 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
809 | <div class="titlepage">
810 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
811 | <a name="ll-summary"></a>3.1.1. Low-level summary</h3></div></div>
812 | <div></div>
813 | </div>
814 | <p>This interface provides services for compressing and
815 | decompressing data in memory. There's no provision for dealing
816 | with files, streams or any other I/O mechanisms, just straight
817 | memory-to-memory work. In fact, this part of the library can be
818 | compiled without inclusion of
819 | <tt class="computeroutput">stdio.h</tt>, which may be helpful
820 | for embedded applications.</p>
821 | <p>The low-level part of the library has no global variables
822 | and is therefore thread-safe.</p>
823 | <p>Six routines make up the low level interface:
824 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>,
825 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>, and
826 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressEnd</tt> for
827 | compression, and a corresponding trio
828 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressInit</tt>,
829 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt> and
830 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressEnd</tt> for
831 | decompression. The <tt class="computeroutput">*Init</tt>
832 | functions allocate memory for compression/decompression and do
833 | other initialisations, whilst the
834 | <tt class="computeroutput">*End</tt> functions close down
835 | operations and release memory.</p>
836 | <p>The real work is done by
837 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> and
838 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt>. These
839 | compress and decompress data from a user-supplied input buffer to
840 | a user-supplied output buffer. These buffers can be any size;
841 | arbitrary quantities of data are handled by making repeated calls
842 | to these functions. This is a flexible mechanism allowing a
843 | consumer-pull style of activity, or producer-push, or a mixture
844 | of both.</p>
845 | </div>
846 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
847 | <div class="titlepage">
848 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
849 | <a name="hl-summary"></a>3.1.2. High-level summary</h3></div></div>
850 | <div></div>
851 | </div>
852 | <p>This interface provides some handy wrappers around the
853 | low-level interface to facilitate reading and writing
854 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> format files
855 | (<tt class="computeroutput">.bz2</tt> files). The routines
856 | provide hooks to facilitate reading files in which the
857 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> data stream is embedded
858 | within some larger-scale file structure, or where there are
859 | multiple <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> data streams
860 | concatenated end-to-end.</p>
861 | <p>For reading files,
862 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadOpen</tt>,
863 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt>,
864 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt> and
865 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadGetUnused</tt> are
866 | supplied. For writing files,
867 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteOpen</tt>,
868 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWrite</tt> and
869 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteFinish</tt> are
870 | available.</p>
871 | <p>As with the low-level library, no global variables are used
872 | so the library is per se thread-safe. However, if I/O errors
873 | occur whilst reading or writing the underlying compressed files,
874 | you may have to consult <tt class="computeroutput">errno</tt> to
875 | determine the cause of the error. In that case, you'd need a C
876 | library which correctly supports
877 | <tt class="computeroutput">errno</tt> in a multithreaded
878 | environment.</p>
879 | <p>To make the library a little simpler and more portable,
880 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadOpen</tt> and
881 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteOpen</tt> require you to
882 | pass them file handles (<tt class="computeroutput">FILE*</tt>s)
883 | which have previously been opened for reading or writing
884 | respectively. That avoids portability problems associated with
885 | file operations and file attributes, whilst not being much of an
886 | imposition on the programmer.</p>
887 | </div>
888 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
889 | <div class="titlepage">
890 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
891 | <a name="util-fns-summary"></a>3.1.3. Utility functions summary</h3></div></div>
892 | <div></div>
893 | </div>
894 | <p>For very simple needs,
895 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress</tt> and
896 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress</tt> are
897 | provided. These compress data in memory from one buffer to
898 | another buffer in a single function call. You should assess
899 | whether these functions fulfill your memory-to-memory
900 | compression/decompression requirements before investing effort in
901 | understanding the more general but more complex low-level
902 | interface.</p>
903 | <p>Yoshioka Tsuneo
904 | (<tt class="computeroutput">QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp</tt> /
905 | <tt class="computeroutput">tsuneo-y@is.aist-nara.ac.jp</tt>) has
906 | contributed some functions to give better
907 | <tt class="computeroutput">zlib</tt> compatibility. These
908 | functions are <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzopen</tt>,
909 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzread</tt>,
910 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzwrite</tt>,
911 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzflush</tt>,
912 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzclose</tt>,
913 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzerror</tt> and
914 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzlibVersion</tt>. You may find
915 | these functions more convenient for simple file reading and
916 | writing, than those in the high-level interface. These functions
917 | are not (yet) officially part of the library, and are minimally
918 | documented here. If they break, you get to keep all the pieces.
919 | I hope to document them properly when time permits.</p>
920 | <p>Yoshioka also contributed modifications to allow the
921 | library to be built as a Windows DLL.</p>
922 | </div>
923 | </div>
924 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
925 | <div class="titlepage">
926 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
927 | <a name="err-handling"></a>3.2. Error handling</h2></div></div>
928 | <div></div>
929 | </div>
930 | <p>The library is designed to recover cleanly in all
931 | situations, including the worst-case situation of decompressing
932 | random data. I'm not 100% sure that it can always do this, so
933 | you might want to add a signal handler to catch segmentation
934 | violations during decompression if you are feeling especially
935 | paranoid. I would be interested in hearing more about the
936 | robustness of the library to corrupted compressed data.</p>
937 | <p>Version 1.0.3 more robust in this respect than any
938 | previous version. Investigations with Valgrind (a tool for detecting
939 | problems with memory management) indicate
940 | that, at least for the few files I tested, all single-bit errors
941 | in the decompressed data are caught properly, with no
942 | segmentation faults, no uses of uninitialised data, no out of
943 | range reads or writes, and no infinite looping in the decompressor.
944 | So it's certainly pretty robust, although
945 | I wouldn't claim it to be totally bombproof.</p>
946 | <p>The file <tt class="computeroutput">bzlib.h</tt> contains
947 | all definitions needed to use the library. In particular, you
948 | should definitely not include
949 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzlib_private.h</tt>.</p>
950 | <p>In <tt class="computeroutput">bzlib.h</tt>, the various
951 | return values are defined. The following list is not intended as
952 | an exhaustive description of the circumstances in which a given
953 | value may be returned -- those descriptions are given later.
954 | Rather, it is intended to convey the rough meaning of each return
955 | value. The first five actions are normal and not intended to
956 | denote an error situation.</p>
957 | <div class="variablelist"><dl>
958 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OK</tt></span></dt>
959 | <dd><p>The requested action was completed
960 | successfully.</p></dd>
961 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_RUN_OK, BZ_FLUSH_OK,
962 | BZ_FINISH_OK</tt></span></dt>
963 | <dd><p>In
964 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>, the requested
965 | flush/finish/nothing-special action was completed
966 | successfully.</p></dd>
967 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt></span></dt>
968 | <dd><p>Compression of data was completed, or the
969 | logical stream end was detected during
970 | decompression.</p></dd>
971 | </dl></div>
972 | <p>The following return values indicate an error of some
973 | kind.</p>
974 | <div class="variablelist"><dl>
975 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_CONFIG_ERROR</tt></span></dt>
976 | <dd><p>Indicates that the library has been improperly
977 | compiled on your platform -- a major configuration error.
978 | Specifically, it means that
979 | <tt class="computeroutput">sizeof(char)</tt>,
980 | <tt class="computeroutput">sizeof(short)</tt> and
981 | <tt class="computeroutput">sizeof(int)</tt> are not 1, 2 and
982 | 4 respectively, as they should be. Note that the library
983 | should still work properly on 64-bit platforms which follow
984 | the LP64 programming model -- that is, where
985 | <tt class="computeroutput">sizeof(long)</tt> and
986 | <tt class="computeroutput">sizeof(void*)</tt> are 8. Under
987 | LP64, <tt class="computeroutput">sizeof(int)</tt> is still 4,
988 | so <tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt>, which doesn't
989 | use the <tt class="computeroutput">long</tt> type, is
990 | OK.</p></dd>
991 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR</tt></span></dt>
992 | <dd><p>When using the library, it is important to call
993 | the functions in the correct sequence and with data structures
994 | (buffers etc) in the correct states.
995 | <tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt> checks as much as it
996 | can to ensure this is happening, and returns
997 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR</tt> if not.
998 | Code which complies precisely with the function semantics, as
999 | detailed below, should never receive this value; such an event
1000 | denotes buggy code which you should
1001 | investigate.</p></dd>
1002 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_PARAM_ERROR</tt></span></dt>
1003 | <dd><p>Returned when a parameter to a function call is
1004 | out of range or otherwise manifestly incorrect. As with
1005 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR</tt>, this
1006 | denotes a bug in the client code. The distinction between
1007 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_PARAM_ERROR</tt> and
1008 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR</tt> is a bit
1009 | hazy, but still worth making.</p></dd>
1010 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MEM_ERROR</tt></span></dt>
1011 | <dd><p>Returned when a request to allocate memory
1012 | failed. Note that the quantity of memory needed to decompress
1013 | a stream cannot be determined until the stream's header has
1014 | been read. So
1015 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt> and
1016 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt> may return
1017 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MEM_ERROR</tt> even though some
1018 | of the compressed data has been read. The same is not true
1019 | for compression; once
1020 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt> or
1021 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteOpen</tt> have
1022 | successfully completed,
1023 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MEM_ERROR</tt> cannot
1024 | occur.</p></dd>
1025 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_DATA_ERROR</tt></span></dt>
1026 | <dd><p>Returned when a data integrity error is
1027 | detected during decompression. Most importantly, this means
1028 | when stored and computed CRCs for the data do not match. This
1029 | value is also returned upon detection of any other anomaly in
1030 | the compressed data.</p></dd>
1031 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_DATA_ERROR_MAGIC</tt></span></dt>
1032 | <dd><p>As a special case of
1033 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_DATA_ERROR</tt>, it is
1034 | sometimes useful to know when the compressed stream does not
1035 | start with the correct magic bytes (<tt class="computeroutput">'B' 'Z'
1036 | 'h'</tt>).</p></dd>
1037 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_IO_ERROR</tt></span></dt>
1038 | <dd><p>Returned by
1039 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt> and
1040 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWrite</tt> when there is an
1041 | error reading or writing in the compressed file, and by
1042 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadOpen</tt> and
1043 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteOpen</tt> for attempts
1044 | to use a file for which the error indicator (viz,
1045 | <tt class="computeroutput">ferror(f)</tt>) is set. On
1046 | receipt of <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_IO_ERROR</tt>, the
1047 | caller should consult <tt class="computeroutput">errno</tt>
1048 | and/or <tt class="computeroutput">perror</tt> to acquire
1049 | operating-system specific information about the
1050 | problem.</p></dd>
1051 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_UNEXPECTED_EOF</tt></span></dt>
1052 | <dd><p>Returned by
1053 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt> when the
1054 | compressed file finishes before the logical end of stream is
1055 | detected.</p></dd>
1056 | <dt><span class="term"><tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL</tt></span></dt>
1057 | <dd><p>Returned by
1058 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress</tt> and
1059 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress</tt> to
1060 | indicate that the output data will not fit into the output
1061 | buffer provided.</p></dd>
1062 | </dl></div>
1063 | </div>
1064 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
1065 | <div class="titlepage">
1066 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
1067 | <a name="low-level"></a>3.3. Low-level interface</h2></div></div>
1068 | <div></div>
1069 | </div>
1070 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1071 | <div class="titlepage">
1072 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1073 | <a name="bzcompress-init"></a>3.3.1. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt></h3></div></div>
1074 | <div></div>
1075 | </div>
1076 | <pre class="programlisting">typedef struct {
1077 | char *next_in;
1078 | unsigned int avail_in;
1079 | unsigned int total_in_lo32;
1080 | unsigned int total_in_hi32;
1081 |
1082 | char *next_out;
1083 | unsigned int avail_out;
1084 | unsigned int total_out_lo32;
1085 | unsigned int total_out_hi32;
1086 |
1087 | void *state;
1088 |
1089 | void *(*bzalloc)(void *,int,int);
1090 | void (*bzfree)(void *,void *);
1091 | void *opaque;
1092 | } bz_stream;
1093 |
1094 | int BZ2_bzCompressInit ( bz_stream *strm,
1095 | int blockSize100k,
1096 | int verbosity,
1097 | int workFactor );</pre>
1098 | <p>Prepares for compression. The
1099 | <tt class="computeroutput">bz_stream</tt> structure holds all
1100 | data pertaining to the compression activity. A
1101 | <tt class="computeroutput">bz_stream</tt> structure should be
1102 | allocated and initialised prior to the call. The fields of
1103 | <tt class="computeroutput">bz_stream</tt> comprise the entirety
1104 | of the user-visible data. <tt class="computeroutput">state</tt>
1105 | is a pointer to the private data structures required for
1106 | compression.</p>
1107 | <p>Custom memory allocators are supported, via fields
1108 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzalloc</tt>,
1109 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzfree</tt>, and
1110 | <tt class="computeroutput">opaque</tt>. The value
1111 | <tt class="computeroutput">opaque</tt> is passed to as the first
1112 | argument to all calls to <tt class="computeroutput">bzalloc</tt>
1113 | and <tt class="computeroutput">bzfree</tt>, but is otherwise
1114 | ignored by the library. The call <tt class="computeroutput">bzalloc (
1115 | opaque, n, m )</tt> is expected to return a pointer
1116 | <tt class="computeroutput">p</tt> to <tt class="computeroutput">n *
1117 | m</tt> bytes of memory, and <tt class="computeroutput">bzfree (
1118 | opaque, p )</tt> should free that memory.</p>
1119 | <p>If you don't want to use a custom memory allocator, set
1120 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzalloc</tt>,
1121 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzfree</tt> and
1122 | <tt class="computeroutput">opaque</tt> to
1123 | <tt class="computeroutput">NULL</tt>, and the library will then
1124 | use the standard <tt class="computeroutput">malloc</tt> /
1125 | <tt class="computeroutput">free</tt> routines.</p>
1126 | <p>Before calling
1127 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>, fields
1128 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzalloc</tt>,
1129 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzfree</tt> and
1130 | <tt class="computeroutput">opaque</tt> should be filled
1131 | appropriately, as just described. Upon return, the internal
1132 | state will have been allocated and initialised, and
1133 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_in_lo32</tt>,
1134 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_in_hi32</tt>,
1135 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_out_lo32</tt> and
1136 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_out_hi32</tt> will have been
1137 | set to zero. These four fields are used by the library to inform
1138 | the caller of the total amount of data passed into and out of the
1139 | library, respectively. You should not try to change them. As of
1140 | version 1.0, 64-bit counts are maintained, even on 32-bit
1141 | platforms, using the <tt class="computeroutput">_hi32</tt>
1142 | fields to store the upper 32 bits of the count. So, for example,
1143 | the total amount of data in is <tt class="computeroutput">(total_in_hi32
1144 | << 32) + total_in_lo32</tt>.</p>
1145 | <p>Parameter <tt class="computeroutput">blockSize100k</tt>
1146 | specifies the block size to be used for compression. It should
1147 | be a value between 1 and 9 inclusive, and the actual block size
1148 | used is 100000 x this figure. 9 gives the best compression but
1149 | takes most memory.</p>
1150 | <p>Parameter <tt class="computeroutput">verbosity</tt> should
1151 | be set to a number between 0 and 4 inclusive. 0 is silent, and
1152 | greater numbers give increasingly verbose monitoring/debugging
1153 | output. If the library has been compiled with
1154 | <tt class="computeroutput">-DBZ_NO_STDIO</tt>, no such output
1155 | will appear for any verbosity setting.</p>
1156 | <p>Parameter <tt class="computeroutput">workFactor</tt>
1157 | controls how the compression phase behaves when presented with
1158 | worst case, highly repetitive, input data. If compression runs
1159 | into difficulties caused by repetitive data, the library switches
1160 | from the standard sorting algorithm to a fallback algorithm. The
1161 | fallback is slower than the standard algorithm by perhaps a
1162 | factor of three, but always behaves reasonably, no matter how bad
1163 | the input.</p>
1164 | <p>Lower values of <tt class="computeroutput">workFactor</tt>
1165 | reduce the amount of effort the standard algorithm will expend
1166 | before resorting to the fallback. You should set this parameter
1167 | carefully; too low, and many inputs will be handled by the
1168 | fallback algorithm and so compress rather slowly, too high, and
1169 | your average-to-worst case compression times can become very
1170 | large. The default value of 30 gives reasonable behaviour over a
1171 | wide range of circumstances.</p>
1172 | <p>Allowable values range from 0 to 250 inclusive. 0 is a
1173 | special case, equivalent to using the default value of 30.</p>
1174 | <p>Note that the compressed output generated is the same
1175 | regardless of whether or not the fallback algorithm is
1176 | used.</p>
1177 | <p>Be aware also that this parameter may disappear entirely in
1178 | future versions of the library. In principle it should be
1179 | possible to devise a good way to automatically choose which
1180 | algorithm to use. Such a mechanism would render the parameter
1181 | obsolete.</p>
1182 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
1183 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_CONFIG_ERROR
1184 | if the library has been mis-compiled
1186 | if strm is NULL
1187 | or blockSize < 1 or blockSize > 9
1188 | or verbosity < 0 or verbosity > 4
1189 | or workFactor < 0 or workFactor > 250
1191 | if not enough memory is available
1192 | BZ_OK
1193 | otherwise</pre>
1194 | <p>Allowable next actions:</p>
1195 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ2_bzCompress
1196 | if BZ_OK is returned
1197 | no specific action needed in case of error</pre>
1198 | </div>
1199 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1200 | <div class="titlepage">
1201 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1202 | <a name="bzCompress"></a>3.3.2. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt></h3></div></div>
1203 | <div></div>
1204 | </div>
1205 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzCompress ( bz_stream *strm, int action );</pre>
1206 | <p>Provides more input and/or output buffer space for the
1207 | library. The caller maintains input and output buffers, and
1208 | calls <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> to transfer
1209 | data between them.</p>
1210 | <p>Before each call to
1211 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>,
1212 | <tt class="computeroutput">next_in</tt> should point at the data
1213 | to be compressed, and <tt class="computeroutput">avail_in</tt>
1214 | should indicate how many bytes the library may read.
1215 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> updates
1216 | <tt class="computeroutput">next_in</tt>,
1217 | <tt class="computeroutput">avail_in</tt> and
1218 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_in</tt> to reflect the number
1219 | of bytes it has read.</p>
1220 | <p>Similarly, <tt class="computeroutput">next_out</tt> should
1221 | point to a buffer in which the compressed data is to be placed,
1222 | with <tt class="computeroutput">avail_out</tt> indicating how
1223 | much output space is available.
1224 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> updates
1225 | <tt class="computeroutput">next_out</tt>,
1226 | <tt class="computeroutput">avail_out</tt> and
1227 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_out</tt> to reflect the number
1228 | of bytes output.</p>
1229 | <p>You may provide and remove as little or as much data as you
1230 | like on each call of
1231 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>. In the limit,
1232 | it is acceptable to supply and remove data one byte at a time,
1233 | although this would be terribly inefficient. You should always
1234 | ensure that at least one byte of output space is available at
1235 | each call.</p>
1236 | <p>A second purpose of
1237 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> is to request a
1238 | change of mode of the compressed stream.</p>
1239 | <p>Conceptually, a compressed stream can be in one of four
1240 | states: IDLE, RUNNING, FLUSHING and FINISHING. Before
1241 | initialisation
1242 | (<tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>) and after
1243 | termination (<tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressEnd</tt>),
1244 | a stream is regarded as IDLE.</p>
1245 | <p>Upon initialisation
1246 | (<tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>), the stream
1247 | is placed in the RUNNING state. Subsequent calls to
1248 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> should pass
1249 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_RUN</tt> as the requested action;
1250 | other actions are illegal and will result in
1251 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR</tt>.</p>
1252 | <p>At some point, the calling program will have provided all
1253 | the input data it wants to. It will then want to finish up -- in
1254 | effect, asking the library to process any data it might have
1255 | buffered internally. In this state,
1256 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> will no longer
1257 | attempt to read data from
1258 | <tt class="computeroutput">next_in</tt>, but it will want to
1259 | write data to <tt class="computeroutput">next_out</tt>. Because
1260 | the output buffer supplied by the user can be arbitrarily small,
1261 | the finishing-up operation cannot necessarily be done with a
1262 | single call of
1263 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>.</p>
1264 | <p>Instead, the calling program passes
1265 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_FINISH</tt> as an action to
1266 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>. This changes
1267 | the stream's state to FINISHING. Any remaining input (ie,
1268 | <tt class="computeroutput">next_in[0 .. avail_in-1]</tt>) is
1269 | compressed and transferred to the output buffer. To do this,
1270 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> must be called
1271 | repeatedly until all the output has been consumed. At that
1272 | point, <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> returns
1273 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt>, and the stream's
1274 | state is set back to IDLE.
1275 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressEnd</tt> should then be
1276 | called.</p>
1277 | <p>Just to make sure the calling program does not cheat, the
1278 | library makes a note of <tt class="computeroutput">avail_in</tt>
1279 | at the time of the first call to
1280 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> which has
1281 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_FINISH</tt> as an action (ie, at
1282 | the time the program has announced its intention to not supply
1283 | any more input). By comparing this value with that of
1284 | <tt class="computeroutput">avail_in</tt> over subsequent calls
1285 | to <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>, the library
1286 | can detect any attempts to slip in more data to compress. Any
1287 | calls for which this is detected will return
1288 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR</tt>. This
1289 | indicates a programming mistake which should be corrected.</p>
1290 | <p>Instead of asking to finish, the calling program may ask
1291 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> to take all the
1292 | remaining input, compress it and terminate the current
1293 | (Burrows-Wheeler) compression block. This could be useful for
1294 | error control purposes. The mechanism is analogous to that for
1295 | finishing: call <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>
1296 | with an action of <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_FLUSH</tt>,
1297 | remove output data, and persist with the
1298 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_FLUSH</tt> action until the value
1299 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_RUN</tt> is returned. As with
1300 | finishing, <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>
1301 | detects any attempt to provide more input data once the flush has
1302 | begun.</p>
1303 | <p>Once the flush is complete, the stream returns to the
1304 | normal RUNNING state.</p>
1305 | <p>This all sounds pretty complex, but isn't really. Here's a
1306 | table which shows which actions are allowable in each state, what
1307 | action will be taken, what the next state is, and what the
1308 | non-error return values are. Note that you can't explicitly ask
1309 | what state the stream is in, but nor do you need to -- it can be
1310 | inferred from the values returned by
1311 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>.</p>
1312 | <pre class="programlisting">IDLE/any
1313 | Illegal. IDLE state only exists after BZ2_bzCompressEnd or
1314 | before BZ2_bzCompressInit.
1315 | Return value = BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR
1316 |
1318 | Compress from next_in to next_out as much as possible.
1319 | Next state = RUNNING
1320 | Return value = BZ_RUN_OK
1321 |
1323 | Remember current value of next_in. Compress from next_in
1324 | to next_out as much as possible, but do not accept any more input.
1325 | Next state = FLUSHING
1326 | Return value = BZ_FLUSH_OK
1327 |
1329 | Remember current value of next_in. Compress from next_in
1330 | to next_out as much as possible, but do not accept any more input.
1331 | Next state = FINISHING
1332 | Return value = BZ_FINISH_OK
1333 |
1335 | Compress from next_in to next_out as much as possible,
1336 | but do not accept any more input.
1337 | If all the existing input has been used up and all compressed
1338 | output has been removed
1339 | Next state = RUNNING; Return value = BZ_RUN_OK
1340 | else
1341 | Next state = FLUSHING; Return value = BZ_FLUSH_OK
1342 |
1343 | FLUSHING/other
1344 | Illegal.
1345 | Return value = BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR
1346 |
1348 | Compress from next_in to next_out as much as possible,
1349 | but to not accept any more input.
1350 | If all the existing input has been used up and all compressed
1351 | output has been removed
1352 | Next state = IDLE; Return value = BZ_STREAM_END
1353 | else
1354 | Next state = FINISHING; Return value = BZ_FINISHING
1355 |
1356 | FINISHING/other
1357 | Illegal.
1358 | Return value = BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR</pre>
1359 | <p>That still looks complicated? Well, fair enough. The
1360 | usual sequence of calls for compressing a load of data is:</p>
1361 | <div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1">
1362 | <li><p>Get started with
1363 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>.</p></li>
1364 | <li><p>Shovel data in and shlurp out its compressed form
1365 | using zero or more calls of
1366 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> with action =
1367 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_RUN</tt>.</p></li>
1368 | <li><p>Finish up. Repeatedly call
1369 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> with action =
1370 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_FINISH</tt>, copying out the
1371 | compressed output, until
1372 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt> is
1373 | returned.</p></li>
1374 | <li><p>Close up and go home. Call
1375 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressEnd</tt>.</p></li>
1376 | </ol></div>
1377 | <p>If the data you want to compress fits into your input
1378 | buffer all at once, you can skip the calls of
1379 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress ( ..., BZ_RUN )</tt>
1380 | and just do the <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress ( ..., BZ_FINISH
1381 | )</tt> calls.</p>
1382 | <p>All required memory is allocated by
1383 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>. The
1384 | compression library can accept any data at all (obviously). So
1385 | you shouldn't get any error return values from the
1386 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> calls. If you
1387 | do, they will be
1388 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR</tt>, and indicate
1389 | a bug in your programming.</p>
1390 | <p>Trivial other possible return values:</p>
1391 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_PARAM_ERROR
1392 | if strm is NULL, or strm->s is NULL</pre>
1393 | </div>
1394 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1395 | <div class="titlepage">
1396 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1397 | <a name="bzCompress-end"></a>3.3.3. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressEnd</tt></h3></div></div>
1398 | <div></div>
1399 | </div>
1400 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzCompressEnd ( bz_stream *strm );</pre>
1401 | <p>Releases all memory associated with a compression
1402 | stream.</p>
1403 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
1404 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_PARAM_ERROR if strm is NULL or strm->s is NULL
1405 | BZ_OK otherwise</pre>
1406 | </div>
1407 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1408 | <div class="titlepage">
1409 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1410 | <a name="bzDecompress-init"></a>3.3.4. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressInit</tt></h3></div></div>
1411 | <div></div>
1412 | </div>
1413 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzDecompressInit ( bz_stream *strm, int verbosity, int small );</pre>
1414 | <p>Prepares for decompression. As with
1415 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>, a
1416 | <tt class="computeroutput">bz_stream</tt> record should be
1417 | allocated and initialised before the call. Fields
1418 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzalloc</tt>,
1419 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzfree</tt> and
1420 | <tt class="computeroutput">opaque</tt> should be set if a custom
1421 | memory allocator is required, or made
1422 | <tt class="computeroutput">NULL</tt> for the normal
1423 | <tt class="computeroutput">malloc</tt> /
1424 | <tt class="computeroutput">free</tt> routines. Upon return, the
1425 | internal state will have been initialised, and
1426 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_in</tt> and
1427 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_out</tt> will be zero.</p>
1428 | <p>For the meaning of parameter
1429 | <tt class="computeroutput">verbosity</tt>, see
1430 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>.</p>
1431 | <p>If <tt class="computeroutput">small</tt> is nonzero, the
1432 | library will use an alternative decompression algorithm which
1433 | uses less memory but at the cost of decompressing more slowly
1434 | (roughly speaking, half the speed, but the maximum memory
1435 | requirement drops to around 2300k). See <a href="#using">How to use bzip2</a>
1436 | for more information on memory management.</p>
1437 | <p>Note that the amount of memory needed to decompress a
1438 | stream cannot be determined until the stream's header has been
1439 | read, so even if
1440 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressInit</tt> succeeds, a
1441 | subsequent <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt>
1442 | could fail with
1443 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MEM_ERROR</tt>.</p>
1444 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
1445 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_CONFIG_ERROR
1446 | if the library has been mis-compiled
1448 | if ( small != 0 && small != 1 )
1449 | or (verbosity <; 0 || verbosity > 4)
1451 | if insufficient memory is available</pre>
1452 | <p>Allowable next actions:</p>
1453 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ2_bzDecompress
1454 | if BZ_OK was returned
1455 | no specific action required in case of error</pre>
1456 | </div>
1457 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1458 | <div class="titlepage">
1459 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1460 | <a name="bzDecompress"></a>3.3.5. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt></h3></div></div>
1461 | <div></div>
1462 | </div>
1463 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzDecompress ( bz_stream *strm );</pre>
1464 | <p>Provides more input and/out output buffer space for the
1465 | library. The caller maintains input and output buffers, and uses
1466 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt> to transfer
1467 | data between them.</p>
1468 | <p>Before each call to
1469 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt>,
1470 | <tt class="computeroutput">next_in</tt> should point at the
1471 | compressed data, and <tt class="computeroutput">avail_in</tt>
1472 | should indicate how many bytes the library may read.
1473 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt> updates
1474 | <tt class="computeroutput">next_in</tt>,
1475 | <tt class="computeroutput">avail_in</tt> and
1476 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_in</tt> to reflect the number
1477 | of bytes it has read.</p>
1478 | <p>Similarly, <tt class="computeroutput">next_out</tt> should
1479 | point to a buffer in which the uncompressed output is to be
1480 | placed, with <tt class="computeroutput">avail_out</tt>
1481 | indicating how much output space is available.
1482 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt> updates
1483 | <tt class="computeroutput">next_out</tt>,
1484 | <tt class="computeroutput">avail_out</tt> and
1485 | <tt class="computeroutput">total_out</tt> to reflect the number
1486 | of bytes output.</p>
1487 | <p>You may provide and remove as little or as much data as you
1488 | like on each call of
1489 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt>. In the limit,
1490 | it is acceptable to supply and remove data one byte at a time,
1491 | although this would be terribly inefficient. You should always
1492 | ensure that at least one byte of output space is available at
1493 | each call.</p>
1494 | <p>Use of <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt> is
1495 | simpler than
1496 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>.</p>
1497 | <p>You should provide input and remove output as described
1498 | above, and repeatedly call
1499 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt> until
1500 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt> is returned.
1501 | Appearance of <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt>
1502 | denotes that <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt>
1503 | has detected the logical end of the compressed stream.
1504 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt> will not
1505 | produce <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt> until all
1506 | output data has been placed into the output buffer, so once
1507 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt> appears, you are
1508 | guaranteed to have available all the decompressed output, and
1509 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressEnd</tt> can safely
1510 | be called.</p>
1511 | <p>If case of an error return value, you should call
1512 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressEnd</tt> to clean up
1513 | and release memory.</p>
1514 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
1515 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_PARAM_ERROR
1516 | if strm is NULL or strm->s is NULL
1517 | or strm->avail_out < 1
1519 | if a data integrity error is detected in the compressed stream
1521 | if the compressed stream doesn't begin with the right magic bytes
1523 | if there wasn't enough memory available
1525 | if the logical end of the data stream was detected and all
1526 | output in has been consumed, eg s-->avail_out > 0
1527 | BZ_OK
1528 | otherwise</pre>
1529 | <p>Allowable next actions:</p>
1530 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ2_bzDecompress
1531 | if BZ_OK was returned
1532 | BZ2_bzDecompressEnd
1533 | otherwise</pre>
1534 | </div>
1535 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1536 | <div class="titlepage">
1537 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1538 | <a name="bzDecompress-end"></a>3.3.6. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressEnd</tt></h3></div></div>
1539 | <div></div>
1540 | </div>
1541 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzDecompressEnd ( bz_stream *strm );</pre>
1542 | <p>Releases all memory associated with a decompression
1543 | stream.</p>
1544 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
1545 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_PARAM_ERROR
1546 | if strm is NULL or strm->s is NULL
1547 | BZ_OK
1548 | otherwise</pre>
1549 | <p>Allowable next actions:</p>
1550 | <pre class="programlisting"> None.</pre>
1551 | </div>
1552 | </div>
1553 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
1554 | <div class="titlepage">
1555 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
1556 | <a name="hl-interface"></a>3.4. High-level interface</h2></div></div>
1557 | <div></div>
1558 | </div>
1559 | <p>This interface provides functions for reading and writing
1560 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> format files. First, some
1561 | general points.</p>
1562 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
1563 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>All of the functions take an
1564 | <tt class="computeroutput">int*</tt> first argument,
1565 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt>. After each call,
1566 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> should be consulted
1567 | first to determine the outcome of the call. If
1568 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> is
1569 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OK</tt>, the call completed
1570 | successfully, and only then should the return value of the
1571 | function (if any) be consulted. If
1572 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> is
1573 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_IO_ERROR</tt>, there was an
1574 | error reading/writing the underlying compressed file, and you
1575 | should then consult <tt class="computeroutput">errno</tt> /
1576 | <tt class="computeroutput">perror</tt> to determine the cause
1577 | of the difficulty. <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt>
1578 | may also be set to various other values; precise details are
1579 | given on a per-function basis below.</p></li>
1580 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>If <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> indicates
1581 | an error (ie, anything except
1582 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OK</tt> and
1583 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt>), you should
1584 | immediately call
1585 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt> (or
1586 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteClose</tt>, depending on
1587 | whether you are attempting to read or to write) to free up all
1588 | resources associated with the stream. Once an error has been
1589 | indicated, behaviour of all calls except
1590 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt>
1591 | (<tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteClose</tt>) is
1592 | undefined. The implication is that (1)
1593 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> should be checked
1594 | after each call, and (2) if
1595 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> indicates an error,
1596 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt>
1597 | (<tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteClose</tt>) should then
1598 | be called to clean up.</p></li>
1599 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>The <tt class="computeroutput">FILE*</tt> arguments
1600 | passed to <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadOpen</tt> /
1601 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteOpen</tt> should be set
1602 | to binary mode. Most Unix systems will do this by default, but
1603 | other platforms, including Windows and Mac, will not. If you
1604 | omit this, you may encounter problems when moving code to new
1605 | platforms.</p></li>
1606 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>Memory allocation requests are handled by
1607 | <tt class="computeroutput">malloc</tt> /
1608 | <tt class="computeroutput">free</tt>. At present there is no
1609 | facility for user-defined memory allocators in the file I/O
1610 | functions (could easily be added, though).</p></li>
1611 | </ul></div>
1612 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1613 | <div class="titlepage">
1614 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1615 | <a name="bzreadopen"></a>3.4.1. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadOpen</tt></h3></div></div>
1616 | <div></div>
1617 | </div>
1618 | <pre class="programlisting">typedef void BZFILE;
1619 |
1620 | BZFILE *BZ2_bzReadOpen( int *bzerror, FILE *f,
1621 | int verbosity, int small,
1622 | void *unused, int nUnused );</pre>
1623 | <p>Prepare to read compressed data from file handle
1624 | <tt class="computeroutput">f</tt>.
1625 | <tt class="computeroutput">f</tt> should refer to a file which
1626 | has been opened for reading, and for which the error indicator
1627 | (<tt class="computeroutput">ferror(f)</tt>)is not set. If
1628 | <tt class="computeroutput">small</tt> is 1, the library will try
1629 | to decompress using less memory, at the expense of speed.</p>
1630 | <p>For reasons explained below,
1631 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt> will decompress the
1632 | <tt class="computeroutput">nUnused</tt> bytes starting at
1633 | <tt class="computeroutput">unused</tt>, before starting to read
1634 | from the file <tt class="computeroutput">f</tt>. At most
1635 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MAX_UNUSED</tt> bytes may be
1636 | supplied like this. If this facility is not required, you should
1637 | pass <tt class="computeroutput">NULL</tt> and
1638 | <tt class="computeroutput">0</tt> for
1639 | <tt class="computeroutput">unused</tt> and
1640 | n<tt class="computeroutput">Unused</tt> respectively.</p>
1641 | <p>For the meaning of parameters
1642 | <tt class="computeroutput">small</tt> and
1643 | <tt class="computeroutput">verbosity</tt>, see
1644 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressInit</tt>.</p>
1645 | <p>The amount of memory needed to decompress a file cannot be
1646 | determined until the file's header has been read. So it is
1647 | possible that <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadOpen</tt>
1648 | returns <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OK</tt> but a subsequent
1649 | call of <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt> will return
1650 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MEM_ERROR</tt>.</p>
1651 | <p>Possible assignments to
1652 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt>:</p>
1653 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_CONFIG_ERROR
1654 | if the library has been mis-compiled
1656 | if f is NULL
1657 | or small is neither 0 nor 1
1658 | or ( unused == NULL && nUnused != 0 )
1659 | or ( unused != NULL && !(0 <= nUnused <= BZ_MAX_UNUSED) )
1660 | BZ_IO_ERROR
1661 | if ferror(f) is nonzero
1663 | if insufficient memory is available
1664 | BZ_OK
1665 | otherwise.</pre>
1666 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
1667 | <pre class="programlisting">Pointer to an abstract BZFILE
1668 | if bzerror is BZ_OK
1669 | NULL
1670 | otherwise</pre>
1671 | <p>Allowable next actions:</p>
1672 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ2_bzRead
1673 | if bzerror is BZ_OK
1674 | BZ2_bzClose
1675 | otherwise</pre>
1676 | </div>
1677 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1678 | <div class="titlepage">
1679 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1680 | <a name="bzread"></a>3.4.2. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt></h3></div></div>
1681 | <div></div>
1682 | </div>
1683 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzRead ( int *bzerror, BZFILE *b, void *buf, int len );</pre>
1684 | <p>Reads up to <tt class="computeroutput">len</tt>
1685 | (uncompressed) bytes from the compressed file
1686 | <tt class="computeroutput">b</tt> into the buffer
1687 | <tt class="computeroutput">buf</tt>. If the read was
1688 | successful, <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> is set to
1689 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OK</tt> and the number of bytes
1690 | read is returned. If the logical end-of-stream was detected,
1691 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> will be set to
1692 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt>, and the number of
1693 | bytes read is returned. All other
1694 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> values denote an
1695 | error.</p>
1696 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt> will supply
1697 | <tt class="computeroutput">len</tt> bytes, unless the logical
1698 | stream end is detected or an error occurs. Because of this, it
1699 | is possible to detect the stream end by observing when the number
1700 | of bytes returned is less than the number requested.
1701 | Nevertheless, this is regarded as inadvisable; you should instead
1702 | check <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt> after every call
1703 | and watch out for
1704 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt>.</p>
1705 | <p>Internally, <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt>
1706 | copies data from the compressed file in chunks of size
1707 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MAX_UNUSED</tt> bytes before
1708 | decompressing it. If the file contains more bytes than strictly
1709 | needed to reach the logical end-of-stream,
1710 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt> will almost certainly
1711 | read some of the trailing data before signalling
1712 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_SEQUENCE_END</tt>. To collect the
1713 | read but unused data once
1714 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_SEQUENCE_END</tt> has appeared,
1715 | call <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadGetUnused</tt>
1716 | immediately before
1717 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt>.</p>
1718 | <p>Possible assignments to
1719 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt>:</p>
1720 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_PARAM_ERROR
1721 | if b is NULL or buf is NULL or len < 0
1723 | if b was opened with BZ2_bzWriteOpen
1724 | BZ_IO_ERROR
1725 | if there is an error reading from the compressed file
1727 | if the compressed file ended before
1728 | the logical end-of-stream was detected
1730 | if a data integrity error was detected in the compressed stream
1732 | if the stream does not begin with the requisite header bytes
1733 | (ie, is not a bzip2 data file). This is really
1734 | a special case of BZ_DATA_ERROR.
1736 | if insufficient memory was available
1738 | if the logical end of stream was detected.
1739 | BZ_OK
1740 | otherwise.</pre>
1741 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
1742 | <pre class="programlisting">number of bytes read
1743 | if bzerror is BZ_OK or BZ_STREAM_END
1744 | undefined
1745 | otherwise</pre>
1746 | <p>Allowable next actions:</p>
1747 | <pre class="programlisting">collect data from buf, then BZ2_bzRead or BZ2_bzReadClose
1748 | if bzerror is BZ_OK
1749 | collect data from buf, then BZ2_bzReadClose or BZ2_bzReadGetUnused
1750 | if bzerror is BZ_SEQUENCE_END
1751 | BZ2_bzReadClose
1752 | otherwise</pre>
1753 | </div>
1754 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1755 | <div class="titlepage">
1756 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1757 | <a name="bzreadgetunused"></a>3.4.3. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadGetUnused</tt></h3></div></div>
1758 | <div></div>
1759 | </div>
1760 | <pre class="programlisting">void BZ2_bzReadGetUnused( int* bzerror, BZFILE *b,
1761 | void** unused, int* nUnused );</pre>
1762 | <p>Returns data which was read from the compressed file but
1763 | was not needed to get to the logical end-of-stream.
1764 | <tt class="computeroutput">*unused</tt> is set to the address of
1765 | the data, and <tt class="computeroutput">*nUnused</tt> to the
1766 | number of bytes. <tt class="computeroutput">*nUnused</tt> will
1767 | be set to a value between <tt class="computeroutput">0</tt> and
1768 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MAX_UNUSED</tt> inclusive.</p>
1769 | <p>This function may only be called once
1770 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt> has signalled
1771 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt> but before
1772 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt>.</p>
1773 | <p>Possible assignments to
1774 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt>:</p>
1775 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_PARAM_ERROR
1776 | if b is NULL
1777 | or unused is NULL or nUnused is NULL
1779 | if BZ_STREAM_END has not been signalled
1780 | or if b was opened with BZ2_bzWriteOpen
1781 | BZ_OK
1782 | otherwise</pre>
1783 | <p>Allowable next actions:</p>
1784 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ2_bzReadClose</pre>
1785 | </div>
1786 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1787 | <div class="titlepage">
1788 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1789 | <a name="bzreadclose"></a>3.4.4. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt></h3></div></div>
1790 | <div></div>
1791 | </div>
1792 | <pre class="programlisting">void BZ2_bzReadClose ( int *bzerror, BZFILE *b );</pre>
1793 | <p>Releases all memory pertaining to the compressed file
1794 | <tt class="computeroutput">b</tt>.
1795 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt> does not call
1796 | <tt class="computeroutput">fclose</tt> on the underlying file
1797 | handle, so you should do that yourself if appropriate.
1798 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt> should be called
1799 | to clean up after all error situations.</p>
1800 | <p>Possible assignments to
1801 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt>:</p>
1802 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR
1803 | if b was opened with BZ2_bzOpenWrite
1804 | BZ_OK
1805 | otherwise</pre>
1806 | <p>Allowable next actions:</p>
1807 | <pre class="programlisting">none</pre>
1808 | </div>
1809 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1810 | <div class="titlepage">
1811 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1812 | <a name="bzwriteopen"></a>3.4.5. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteOpen</tt></h3></div></div>
1813 | <div></div>
1814 | </div>
1815 | <pre class="programlisting">BZFILE *BZ2_bzWriteOpen( int *bzerror, FILE *f,
1816 | int blockSize100k, int verbosity,
1817 | int workFactor );</pre>
1818 | <p>Prepare to write compressed data to file handle
1819 | <tt class="computeroutput">f</tt>.
1820 | <tt class="computeroutput">f</tt> should refer to a file which
1821 | has been opened for writing, and for which the error indicator
1822 | (<tt class="computeroutput">ferror(f)</tt>)is not set.</p>
1823 | <p>For the meaning of parameters
1824 | <tt class="computeroutput">blockSize100k</tt>,
1825 | <tt class="computeroutput">verbosity</tt> and
1826 | <tt class="computeroutput">workFactor</tt>, see
1827 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>.</p>
1828 | <p>All required memory is allocated at this stage, so if the
1829 | call completes successfully,
1830 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MEM_ERROR</tt> cannot be signalled
1831 | by a subsequent call to
1832 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWrite</tt>.</p>
1833 | <p>Possible assignments to
1834 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt>:</p>
1835 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_CONFIG_ERROR
1836 | if the library has been mis-compiled
1838 | if f is NULL
1839 | or blockSize100k < 1 or blockSize100k > 9
1840 | BZ_IO_ERROR
1841 | if ferror(f) is nonzero
1843 | if insufficient memory is available
1844 | BZ_OK
1845 | otherwise</pre>
1846 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
1847 | <pre class="programlisting">Pointer to an abstract BZFILE
1848 | if bzerror is BZ_OK
1849 | NULL
1850 | otherwise</pre>
1851 | <p>Allowable next actions:</p>
1852 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ2_bzWrite
1853 | if bzerror is BZ_OK
1854 | (you could go directly to BZ2_bzWriteClose, but this would be pretty pointless)
1855 | BZ2_bzWriteClose
1856 | otherwise</pre>
1857 | </div>
1858 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1859 | <div class="titlepage">
1860 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1861 | <a name="bzwrite"></a>3.4.6. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWrite</tt></h3></div></div>
1862 | <div></div>
1863 | </div>
1864 | <pre class="programlisting">void BZ2_bzWrite ( int *bzerror, BZFILE *b, void *buf, int len );</pre>
1865 | <p>Absorbs <tt class="computeroutput">len</tt> bytes from the
1866 | buffer <tt class="computeroutput">buf</tt>, eventually to be
1867 | compressed and written to the file.</p>
1868 | <p>Possible assignments to
1869 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt>:</p>
1870 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_PARAM_ERROR
1871 | if b is NULL or buf is NULL or len < 0
1873 | if b was opened with BZ2_bzReadOpen
1874 | BZ_IO_ERROR
1875 | if there is an error writing the compressed file.
1876 | BZ_OK
1877 | otherwise</pre>
1878 | </div>
1879 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1880 | <div class="titlepage">
1881 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1882 | <a name="bzwriteclose"></a>3.4.7. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteClose</tt></h3></div></div>
1883 | <div></div>
1884 | </div>
1885 | <pre class="programlisting">void BZ2_bzWriteClose( int *bzerror, BZFILE* f,
1886 | int abandon,
1887 | unsigned int* nbytes_in,
1888 | unsigned int* nbytes_out );
1889 |
1890 | void BZ2_bzWriteClose64( int *bzerror, BZFILE* f,
1891 | int abandon,
1892 | unsigned int* nbytes_in_lo32,
1893 | unsigned int* nbytes_in_hi32,
1894 | unsigned int* nbytes_out_lo32,
1895 | unsigned int* nbytes_out_hi32 );</pre>
1896 | <p>Compresses and flushes to the compressed file all data so
1897 | far supplied by <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWrite</tt>.
1898 | The logical end-of-stream markers are also written, so subsequent
1899 | calls to <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWrite</tt> are
1900 | illegal. All memory associated with the compressed file
1901 | <tt class="computeroutput">b</tt> is released.
1902 | <tt class="computeroutput">fflush</tt> is called on the
1903 | compressed file, but it is not
1904 | <tt class="computeroutput">fclose</tt>'d.</p>
1905 | <p>If <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteClose</tt> is
1906 | called to clean up after an error, the only action is to release
1907 | the memory. The library records the error codes issued by
1908 | previous calls, so this situation will be detected automatically.
1909 | There is no attempt to complete the compression operation, nor to
1910 | <tt class="computeroutput">fflush</tt> the compressed file. You
1911 | can force this behaviour to happen even in the case of no error,
1912 | by passing a nonzero value to
1913 | <tt class="computeroutput">abandon</tt>.</p>
1914 | <p>If <tt class="computeroutput">nbytes_in</tt> is non-null,
1915 | <tt class="computeroutput">*nbytes_in</tt> will be set to be the
1916 | total volume of uncompressed data handled. Similarly,
1917 | <tt class="computeroutput">nbytes_out</tt> will be set to the
1918 | total volume of compressed data written. For compatibility with
1919 | older versions of the library,
1920 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteClose</tt> only yields the
1921 | lower 32 bits of these counts. Use
1922 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzWriteClose64</tt> if you want
1923 | the full 64 bit counts. These two functions are otherwise
1924 | absolutely identical.</p>
1925 | <p>Possible assignments to
1926 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzerror</tt>:</p>
1927 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR
1928 | if b was opened with BZ2_bzReadOpen
1929 | BZ_IO_ERROR
1930 | if there is an error writing the compressed file
1931 | BZ_OK
1932 | otherwise</pre>
1933 | </div>
1934 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1935 | <div class="titlepage">
1936 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1937 | <a name="embed"></a>3.4.8. Handling embedded compressed data streams</h3></div></div>
1938 | <div></div>
1939 | </div>
1940 | <p>The high-level library facilitates use of
1941 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> data streams which form
1942 | some part of a surrounding, larger data stream.</p>
1943 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
1944 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>For writing, the library takes an open file handle,
1945 | writes compressed data to it,
1946 | <tt class="computeroutput">fflush</tt>es it but does not
1947 | <tt class="computeroutput">fclose</tt> it. The calling
1948 | application can write its own data before and after the
1949 | compressed data stream, using that same file handle.</p></li>
1950 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>Reading is more complex, and the facilities are not as
1951 | general as they could be since generality is hard to reconcile
1952 | with efficiency. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt>
1953 | reads from the compressed file in blocks of size
1954 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_MAX_UNUSED</tt> bytes, and in
1955 | doing so probably will overshoot the logical end of compressed
1956 | stream. To recover this data once decompression has ended,
1957 | call <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadGetUnused</tt> after
1958 | the last call of <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt>
1959 | (the one returning
1960 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt>) but before
1961 | calling
1962 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadClose</tt>.</p></li>
1963 | </ul></div>
1964 | <p>This mechanism makes it easy to decompress multiple
1965 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> streams placed end-to-end.
1966 | As the end of one stream, when
1967 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzRead</tt> returns
1968 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt>, call
1969 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadGetUnused</tt> to collect
1970 | the unused data (copy it into your own buffer somewhere). That
1971 | data forms the start of the next compressed stream. To start
1972 | uncompressing that next stream, call
1973 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadOpen</tt> again, feeding in
1974 | the unused data via the <tt class="computeroutput">unused</tt> /
1975 | <tt class="computeroutput">nUnused</tt> parameters. Keep doing
1976 | this until <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STREAM_END</tt> return
1977 | coincides with the physical end of file
1978 | (<tt class="computeroutput">feof(f)</tt>). In this situation
1979 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzReadGetUnused</tt> will of
1980 | course return no data.</p>
1981 | <p>This should give some feel for how the high-level interface
1982 | can be used. If you require extra flexibility, you'll have to
1983 | bite the bullet and get to grips with the low-level
1984 | interface.</p>
1985 | </div>
1986 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
1987 | <div class="titlepage">
1988 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
1989 | <a name="std-rdwr"></a>3.4.9. Standard file-reading/writing code</h3></div></div>
1990 | <div></div>
1991 | </div>
1992 | <p>Here's how you'd write data to a compressed file:</p>
1993 | <pre class="programlisting">FILE* f;
1994 | BZFILE* b;
1995 | int nBuf;
1996 | char buf[ /* whatever size you like */ ];
1997 | int bzerror;
1998 | int nWritten;
1999 |
2000 | f = fopen ( "myfile.bz2", "w" );
2001 | if ( !f ) {
2002 | /* handle error */
2003 | }
2004 | b = BZ2_bzWriteOpen( &bzerror, f, 9 );
2005 | if (bzerror != BZ_OK) {
2006 | BZ2_bzWriteClose ( b );
2007 | /* handle error */
2008 | }
2009 |
2010 | while ( /* condition */ ) {
2011 | /* get data to write into buf, and set nBuf appropriately */
2012 | nWritten = BZ2_bzWrite ( &bzerror, b, buf, nBuf );
2013 | if (bzerror == BZ_IO_ERROR) {
2014 | BZ2_bzWriteClose ( &bzerror, b );
2015 | /* handle error */
2016 | }
2017 | }
2018 |
2019 | BZ2_bzWriteClose( &bzerror, b );
2020 | if (bzerror == BZ_IO_ERROR) {
2021 | /* handle error */
2022 | }</pre>
2023 | <p>And to read from a compressed file:</p>
2024 | <pre class="programlisting">FILE* f;
2025 | BZFILE* b;
2026 | int nBuf;
2027 | char buf[ /* whatever size you like */ ];
2028 | int bzerror;
2029 | int nWritten;
2030 |
2031 | f = fopen ( "myfile.bz2", "r" );
2032 | if ( !f ) {
2033 | /* handle error */
2034 | }
2035 | b = BZ2_bzReadOpen ( &bzerror, f, 0, NULL, 0 );
2036 | if ( bzerror != BZ_OK ) {
2037 | BZ2_bzReadClose ( &bzerror, b );
2038 | /* handle error */
2039 | }
2040 |
2041 | bzerror = BZ_OK;
2042 | while ( bzerror == BZ_OK && /* arbitrary other conditions */) {
2043 | nBuf = BZ2_bzRead ( &bzerror, b, buf, /* size of buf */ );
2044 | if ( bzerror == BZ_OK ) {
2045 | /* do something with buf[0 .. nBuf-1] */
2046 | }
2047 | }
2048 | if ( bzerror != BZ_STREAM_END ) {
2049 | BZ2_bzReadClose ( &bzerror, b );
2050 | /* handle error */
2051 | } else {
2052 | BZ2_bzReadClose ( &bzerror );
2053 | }</pre>
2054 | </div>
2055 | </div>
2056 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
2057 | <div class="titlepage">
2058 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
2059 | <a name="util-fns"></a>3.5. Utility functions</h2></div></div>
2060 | <div></div>
2061 | </div>
2062 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
2063 | <div class="titlepage">
2064 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
2065 | <a name="bzbufftobuffcompress"></a>3.5.1. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress</tt></h3></div></div>
2066 | <div></div>
2067 | </div>
2068 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress( char* dest,
2069 | unsigned int* destLen,
2070 | char* source,
2071 | unsigned int sourceLen,
2072 | int blockSize100k,
2073 | int verbosity,
2074 | int workFactor );</pre>
2075 | <p>Attempts to compress the data in <tt class="computeroutput">source[0
2076 | .. sourceLen-1]</tt> into the destination buffer,
2077 | <tt class="computeroutput">dest[0 .. *destLen-1]</tt>. If the
2078 | destination buffer is big enough,
2079 | <tt class="computeroutput">*destLen</tt> is set to the size of
2080 | the compressed data, and <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OK</tt>
2081 | is returned. If the compressed data won't fit,
2082 | <tt class="computeroutput">*destLen</tt> is unchanged, and
2083 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL</tt> is
2084 | returned.</p>
2085 | <p>Compression in this manner is a one-shot event, done with a
2086 | single call to this function. The resulting compressed data is a
2087 | complete <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> format data
2088 | stream. There is no mechanism for making additional calls to
2089 | provide extra input data. If you want that kind of mechanism,
2090 | use the low-level interface.</p>
2091 | <p>For the meaning of parameters
2092 | <tt class="computeroutput">blockSize100k</tt>,
2093 | <tt class="computeroutput">verbosity</tt> and
2094 | <tt class="computeroutput">workFactor</tt>, see
2095 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>.</p>
2096 | <p>To guarantee that the compressed data will fit in its
2097 | buffer, allocate an output buffer of size 1% larger than the
2098 | uncompressed data, plus six hundred extra bytes.</p>
2099 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress</tt>
2100 | will not write data at or beyond
2101 | <tt class="computeroutput">dest[*destLen]</tt>, even in case of
2102 | buffer overflow.</p>
2103 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
2104 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_CONFIG_ERROR
2105 | if the library has been mis-compiled
2107 | if dest is NULL or destLen is NULL
2108 | or blockSize100k < 1 or blockSize100k > 9
2109 | or verbosity < 0 or verbosity > 4
2110 | or workFactor < 0 or workFactor > 250
2112 | if insufficient memory is available
2114 | if the size of the compressed data exceeds *destLen
2115 | BZ_OK
2116 | otherwise</pre>
2117 | </div>
2118 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
2119 | <div class="titlepage">
2120 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
2121 | <a name="bzbufftobuffdecompress"></a>3.5.2. <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress</tt></h3></div></div>
2122 | <div></div>
2123 | </div>
2124 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( char* dest,
2125 | unsigned int* destLen,
2126 | char* source,
2127 | unsigned int sourceLen,
2128 | int small,
2129 | int verbosity );</pre>
2130 | <p>Attempts to decompress the data in <tt class="computeroutput">source[0
2131 | .. sourceLen-1]</tt> into the destination buffer,
2132 | <tt class="computeroutput">dest[0 .. *destLen-1]</tt>. If the
2133 | destination buffer is big enough,
2134 | <tt class="computeroutput">*destLen</tt> is set to the size of
2135 | the uncompressed data, and <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OK</tt>
2136 | is returned. If the compressed data won't fit,
2137 | <tt class="computeroutput">*destLen</tt> is unchanged, and
2138 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL</tt> is
2139 | returned.</p>
2140 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">source</tt> is assumed to hold
2141 | a complete <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> format data
2142 | stream.
2143 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress</tt> tries
2144 | to decompress the entirety of the stream into the output
2145 | buffer.</p>
2146 | <p>For the meaning of parameters
2147 | <tt class="computeroutput">small</tt> and
2148 | <tt class="computeroutput">verbosity</tt>, see
2149 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressInit</tt>.</p>
2150 | <p>Because the compression ratio of the compressed data cannot
2151 | be known in advance, there is no easy way to guarantee that the
2152 | output buffer will be big enough. You may of course make
2153 | arrangements in your code to record the size of the uncompressed
2154 | data, but such a mechanism is beyond the scope of this
2155 | library.</p>
2156 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress</tt>
2157 | will not write data at or beyond
2158 | <tt class="computeroutput">dest[*destLen]</tt>, even in case of
2159 | buffer overflow.</p>
2160 | <p>Possible return values:</p>
2161 | <pre class="programlisting">BZ_CONFIG_ERROR
2162 | if the library has been mis-compiled
2164 | if dest is NULL or destLen is NULL
2165 | or small != 0 && small != 1
2166 | or verbosity < 0 or verbosity > 4
2168 | if insufficient memory is available
2170 | if the size of the compressed data exceeds *destLen
2172 | if a data integrity error was detected in the compressed data
2174 | if the compressed data doesn't begin with the right magic bytes
2176 | if the compressed data ends unexpectedly
2177 | BZ_OK
2178 | otherwise</pre>
2179 | </div>
2180 | </div>
2181 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
2182 | <div class="titlepage">
2183 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
2184 | <a name="zlib-compat"></a>3.6. <tt class="computeroutput">zlib</tt> compatibility functions</h2></div></div>
2185 | <div></div>
2186 | </div>
2187 | <p>Yoshioka Tsuneo has contributed some functions to give
2188 | better <tt class="computeroutput">zlib</tt> compatibility.
2189 | These functions are <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzopen</tt>,
2190 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzread</tt>,
2191 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzwrite</tt>,
2192 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzflush</tt>,
2193 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzclose</tt>,
2194 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzerror</tt> and
2195 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzlibVersion</tt>. These
2196 | functions are not (yet) officially part of the library. If they
2197 | break, you get to keep all the pieces. Nevertheless, I think
2198 | they work ok.</p>
2199 | <pre class="programlisting">typedef void BZFILE;
2200 |
2201 | const char * BZ2_bzlibVersion ( void );</pre>
2202 | <p>Returns a string indicating the library version.</p>
2203 | <pre class="programlisting">BZFILE * BZ2_bzopen ( const char *path, const char *mode );
2204 | BZFILE * BZ2_bzdopen ( int fd, const char *mode );</pre>
2205 | <p>Opens a <tt class="computeroutput">.bz2</tt> file for
2206 | reading or writing, using either its name or a pre-existing file
2207 | descriptor. Analogous to <tt class="computeroutput">fopen</tt>
2208 | and <tt class="computeroutput">fdopen</tt>.</p>
2209 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzread ( BZFILE* b, void* buf, int len );
2210 | int BZ2_bzwrite ( BZFILE* b, void* buf, int len );</pre>
2211 | <p>Reads/writes data from/to a previously opened
2212 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZFILE</tt>. Analogous to
2213 | <tt class="computeroutput">fread</tt> and
2214 | <tt class="computeroutput">fwrite</tt>.</p>
2215 | <pre class="programlisting">int BZ2_bzflush ( BZFILE* b );
2216 | void BZ2_bzclose ( BZFILE* b );</pre>
2217 | <p>Flushes/closes a <tt class="computeroutput">BZFILE</tt>.
2218 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzflush</tt> doesn't actually do
2219 | anything. Analogous to <tt class="computeroutput">fflush</tt>
2220 | and <tt class="computeroutput">fclose</tt>.</p>
2221 | <pre class="programlisting">const char * BZ2_bzerror ( BZFILE *b, int *errnum )</pre>
2222 | <p>Returns a string describing the more recent error status of
2223 | <tt class="computeroutput">b</tt>, and also sets
2224 | <tt class="computeroutput">*errnum</tt> to its numerical
2225 | value.</p>
2226 | </div>
2227 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
2228 | <div class="titlepage">
2229 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
2230 | <a name="stdio-free"></a>3.7. Using the library in a <tt class="computeroutput">stdio</tt>-free environment</h2></div></div>
2231 | <div></div>
2232 | </div>
2233 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
2234 | <div class="titlepage">
2235 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
2236 | <a name="stdio-bye"></a>3.7.1. Getting rid of <tt class="computeroutput">stdio</tt></h3></div></div>
2237 | <div></div>
2238 | </div>
2239 | <p>In a deeply embedded application, you might want to use
2240 | just the memory-to-memory functions. You can do this
2241 | conveniently by compiling the library with preprocessor symbol
2242 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_NO_STDIO</tt> defined. Doing this
2243 | gives you a library containing only the following eight
2244 | functions:</p>
2245 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressInit</tt>,
2246 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompress</tt>,
2247 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzCompressEnd</tt>
2248 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressInit</tt>,
2249 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompress</tt>,
2250 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzDecompressEnd</tt>
2251 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress</tt>,
2252 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress</tt></p>
2253 | <p>When compiled like this, all functions will ignore
2254 | <tt class="computeroutput">verbosity</tt> settings.</p>
2255 | </div>
2256 | <div class="sect2" lang="en">
2257 | <div class="titlepage">
2258 | <div><div><h3 class="title">
2259 | <a name="critical-error"></a>3.7.2. Critical error handling</h3></div></div>
2260 | <div></div>
2261 | </div>
2262 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt> contains a number
2263 | of internal assertion checks which should, needless to say, never
2264 | be activated. Nevertheless, if an assertion should fail,
2265 | behaviour depends on whether or not the library was compiled with
2266 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_NO_STDIO</tt> set.</p>
2267 | <p>For a normal compile, an assertion failure yields the
2268 | message:</p>
2269 | <div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote">
2270 | <p>bzip2/libbzip2: internal error number N.</p>
2271 | <p>This is a bug in bzip2/libbzip2, 1.0.3 of 15 February 2005.
2272 | Please report it to me at: jseward@bzip.org. If this happened
2273 | when you were using some program which uses libbzip2 as a
2274 | component, you should also report this bug to the author(s)
2275 | of that program. Please make an effort to report this bug;
2276 | timely and accurate bug reports eventually lead to higher
2277 | quality software. Thanks. Julian Seward, 15 February 2005.
2278 | </p>
2279 | </blockquote></div>
2280 | <p>where <tt class="computeroutput">N</tt> is some error code
2281 | number. If <tt class="computeroutput">N == 1007</tt>, it also
2282 | prints some extra text advising the reader that unreliable memory
2283 | is often associated with internal error 1007. (This is a
2284 | frequently-observed-phenomenon with versions 1.0.0/1.0.1).</p>
2285 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">exit(3)</tt> is then
2286 | called.</p>
2287 | <p>For a <tt class="computeroutput">stdio</tt>-free library,
2288 | assertion failures result in a call to a function declared
2289 | as:</p>
2290 | <pre class="programlisting">extern void bz_internal_error ( int errcode );</pre>
2291 | <p>The relevant code is passed as a parameter. You should
2292 | supply such a function.</p>
2293 | <p>In either case, once an assertion failure has occurred, any
2294 | <tt class="computeroutput">bz_stream</tt> records involved can
2295 | be regarded as invalid. You should not attempt to resume normal
2296 | operation with them.</p>
2297 | <p>You may, of course, change critical error handling to suit
2298 | your needs. As I said above, critical errors indicate bugs in
2299 | the library and should not occur. All "normal" error situations
2300 | are indicated via error return codes from functions, and can be
2301 | recovered from.</p>
2302 | </div>
2303 | </div>
2304 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
2305 | <div class="titlepage">
2306 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
2307 | <a name="win-dll"></a>3.8. Making a Windows DLL</h2></div></div>
2308 | <div></div>
2309 | </div>
2310 | <p>Everything related to Windows has been contributed by
2311 | Yoshioka Tsuneo
2312 | (<tt class="computeroutput">QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp</tt> /
2313 | <tt class="computeroutput">tsuneo-y@is.aist-nara.ac.jp</tt>), so
2314 | you should send your queries to him (but perhaps Cc: me,
2315 | <tt class="computeroutput">jseward@bzip.org</tt>).</p>
2316 | <p>My vague understanding of what to do is: using Visual C++
2317 | 5.0, open the project file
2318 | <tt class="computeroutput">libbz2.dsp</tt>, and build. That's
2319 | all.</p>
2320 | <p>If you can't open the project file for some reason, make a
2321 | new one, naming these files:
2322 | <tt class="computeroutput">blocksort.c</tt>,
2323 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzlib.c</tt>,
2324 | <tt class="computeroutput">compress.c</tt>,
2325 | <tt class="computeroutput">crctable.c</tt>,
2326 | <tt class="computeroutput">decompress.c</tt>,
2327 | <tt class="computeroutput">huffman.c</tt>,
2328 | <tt class="computeroutput">randtable.c</tt> and
2329 | <tt class="computeroutput">libbz2.def</tt>. You will also need
2330 | to name the header files <tt class="computeroutput">bzlib.h</tt>
2331 | and <tt class="computeroutput">bzlib_private.h</tt>.</p>
2332 | <p>If you don't use VC++, you may need to define the
2333 | proprocessor symbol
2334 | <tt class="computeroutput">_WIN32</tt>.</p>
2335 | <p>Finally, <tt class="computeroutput">dlltest.c</tt> is a
2336 | sample program using the DLL. It has a project file,
2337 | <tt class="computeroutput">dlltest.dsp</tt>.</p>
2338 | <p>If you just want a makefile for Visual C, have a look at
2339 | <tt class="computeroutput">makefile.msc</tt>.</p>
2340 | <p>Be aware that if you compile
2341 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> itself on Win32, you must
2342 | set <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_UNIX</tt> to 0 and
2343 | <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_LCCWIN32</tt> to 1, in the file
2344 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2.c</tt>, before compiling.
2345 | Otherwise the resulting binary won't work correctly.</p>
2346 | <p>I haven't tried any of this stuff myself, but it all looks
2347 | plausible.</p>
2348 | </div>
2349 | </div>
2350 | <div class="chapter" lang="en">
2351 | <div class="titlepage">
2352 | <div><div><h2 class="title">
2353 | <a name="misc"></a>4. Miscellanea</h2></div></div>
2354 | <div></div>
2355 | </div>
2356 | <div class="toc">
2357 | <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
2358 | <dl>
2359 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#limits">4.1. Limitations of the compressed file format</a></span></dt>
2360 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#port-issues">4.2. Portability issues</a></span></dt>
2361 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#bugs">4.3. Reporting bugs</a></span></dt>
2362 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#package">4.4. Did you get the right package?</a></span></dt>
2363 | <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#reading">4.5. Further Reading</a></span></dt>
2364 | </dl>
2365 | </div>
2366 | <p>These are just some random thoughts of mine. Your mileage
2367 | may vary.</p>
2368 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
2369 | <div class="titlepage">
2370 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
2371 | <a name="limits"></a>4.1. Limitations of the compressed file format</h2></div></div>
2372 | <div></div>
2373 | </div>
2374 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2-1.0.X</tt>,
2375 | <tt class="computeroutput">0.9.5</tt> and
2376 | <tt class="computeroutput">0.9.0</tt> use exactly the same file
2377 | format as the original version,
2378 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2-0.1</tt>. This decision was
2379 | made in the interests of stability. Creating yet another
2380 | incompatible compressed file format would create further
2381 | confusion and disruption for users.</p>
2382 | <p>Nevertheless, this is not a painless decision. Development
2383 | work since the release of
2384 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2-0.1</tt> in August 1997 has
2385 | shown complexities in the file format which slow down
2386 | decompression and, in retrospect, are unnecessary. These
2387 | are:</p>
2388 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
2389 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>The run-length encoder, which is the first of the
2390 | compression transformations, is entirely irrelevant. The
2391 | original purpose was to protect the sorting algorithm from the
2392 | very worst case input: a string of repeated symbols. But
2393 | algorithm steps Q6a and Q6b in the original Burrows-Wheeler
2394 | technical report (SRC-124) show how repeats can be handled
2395 | without difficulty in block sorting.</p></li>
2396 | <li style="list-style-type: disc">
2397 | <p>The randomisation mechanism doesn't really need to be
2398 | there. Udi Manber and Gene Myers published a suffix array
2399 | construction algorithm a few years back, which can be employed
2400 | to sort any block, no matter how repetitive, in O(N log N)
2401 | time. Subsequent work by Kunihiko Sadakane has produced a
2402 | derivative O(N (log N)^2) algorithm which usually outperforms
2403 | the Manber-Myers algorithm.</p>
2404 | <p>I could have changed to Sadakane's algorithm, but I find
2405 | it to be slower than <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>'s
2406 | existing algorithm for most inputs, and the randomisation
2407 | mechanism protects adequately against bad cases. I didn't
2408 | think it was a good tradeoff to make. Partly this is due to
2409 | the fact that I was not flooded with email complaints about
2410 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2-0.1</tt>'s performance on
2411 | repetitive data, so perhaps it isn't a problem for real
2412 | inputs.</p>
2413 | <p>Probably the best long-term solution, and the one I have
2414 | incorporated into 0.9.5 and above, is to use the existing
2415 | sorting algorithm initially, and fall back to a O(N (log N)^2)
2416 | algorithm if the standard algorithm gets into
2417 | difficulties.</p>
2418 | </li>
2419 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>The compressed file format was never designed to be
2420 | handled by a library, and I have had to jump though some hoops
2421 | to produce an efficient implementation of decompression. It's
2422 | a bit hairy. Try passing
2423 | <tt class="computeroutput">decompress.c</tt> through the C
2424 | preprocessor and you'll see what I mean. Much of this
2425 | complexity could have been avoided if the compressed size of
2426 | each block of data was recorded in the data stream.</p></li>
2427 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>An Adler-32 checksum, rather than a CRC32 checksum,
2428 | would be faster to compute.</p></li>
2429 | </ul></div>
2430 | <p>It would be fair to say that the
2431 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> format was frozen before I
2432 | properly and fully understood the performance consequences of
2433 | doing so.</p>
2434 | <p>Improvements which I was able to incorporate into 0.9.0,
2435 | despite using the same file format, are:</p>
2436 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
2437 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>Single array implementation of the inverse BWT. This
2438 | significantly speeds up decompression, presumably because it
2439 | reduces the number of cache misses.</p></li>
2440 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>Faster inverse MTF transform for large MTF values.
2441 | The new implementation is based on the notion of sliding blocks
2442 | of values.</p></li>
2443 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2-0.9.0</tt> now reads
2444 | and writes files with <tt class="computeroutput">fread</tt>
2445 | and <tt class="computeroutput">fwrite</tt>; version 0.1 used
2446 | <tt class="computeroutput">putc</tt> and
2447 | <tt class="computeroutput">getc</tt>. Duh! Well, you live
2448 | and learn.</p></li>
2449 | </ul></div>
2450 | <p>Further ahead, it would be nice to be able to do random
2451 | access into files. This will require some careful design of
2452 | compressed file formats.</p>
2453 | </div>
2454 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
2455 | <div class="titlepage">
2456 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
2457 | <a name="port-issues"></a>4.2. Portability issues</h2></div></div>
2458 | <div></div>
2459 | </div>
2460 | <p>After some consideration, I have decided not to use GNU
2461 | <tt class="computeroutput">autoconf</tt> to configure 0.9.5 or
2462 | 1.0.</p>
2463 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">autoconf</tt>, admirable and
2464 | wonderful though it is, mainly assists with portability problems
2465 | between Unix-like platforms. But
2466 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> doesn't have much in the
2467 | way of portability problems on Unix; most of the difficulties
2468 | appear when porting to the Mac, or to Microsoft's operating
2469 | systems. <tt class="computeroutput">autoconf</tt> doesn't help
2470 | in those cases, and brings in a whole load of new
2471 | complexity.</p>
2472 | <p>Most people should be able to compile the library and
2473 | program under Unix straight out-of-the-box, so to speak,
2474 | especially if you have a version of GNU C available.</p>
2475 | <p>There are a couple of
2476 | <tt class="computeroutput">__inline__</tt> directives in the
2477 | code. GNU C (<tt class="computeroutput">gcc</tt>) should be
2478 | able to handle them. If you're not using GNU C, your C compiler
2479 | shouldn't see them at all. If your compiler does, for some
2480 | reason, see them and doesn't like them, just
2481 | <tt class="computeroutput">#define</tt>
2482 | <tt class="computeroutput">__inline__</tt> to be
2483 | <tt class="computeroutput">/* */</tt>. One easy way to do this
2484 | is to compile with the flag
2485 | <tt class="computeroutput">-D__inline__=</tt>, which should be
2486 | understood by most Unix compilers.</p>
2487 | <p>If you still have difficulties, try compiling with the
2488 | macro <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_STRICT_ANSI</tt> defined.
2489 | This should enable you to build the library in a strictly ANSI
2490 | compliant environment. Building the program itself like this is
2491 | dangerous and not supported, since you remove
2492 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>'s checks against
2493 | compressing directories, symbolic links, devices, and other
2494 | not-really-a-file entities. This could cause filesystem
2495 | corruption!</p>
2496 | <p>One other thing: if you create a
2497 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> binary for public distribution,
2498 | please consider linking it statically (<tt class="computeroutput">gcc
2499 | -static</tt>). This avoids all sorts of library-version
2500 | issues that others may encounter later on.</p>
2501 | <p>If you build <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> on
2502 | Win32, you must set <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_UNIX</tt> to 0
2503 | and <tt class="computeroutput">BZ_LCCWIN32</tt> to 1, in the
2504 | file <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2.c</tt>, before compiling.
2505 | Otherwise the resulting binary won't work correctly.</p>
2506 | </div>
2507 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
2508 | <div class="titlepage">
2509 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
2510 | <a name="bugs"></a>4.3. Reporting bugs</h2></div></div>
2511 | <div></div>
2512 | </div>
2513 | <p>I tried pretty hard to make sure
2514 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> is bug free, both by
2515 | design and by testing. Hopefully you'll never need to read this
2516 | section for real.</p>
2517 | <p>Nevertheless, if <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> dies
2518 | with a segmentation fault, a bus error or an internal assertion
2519 | failure, it will ask you to email me a bug report. Experience from
2520 | years of feedback of bzip2 users indicates that almost all these
2521 | problems can be traced to either compiler bugs or hardware
2522 | problems.</p>
2523 | <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="bullet">
2524 | <li style="list-style-type: disc">
2525 | <p>Recompile the program with no optimisation, and
2526 | see if it works. And/or try a different compiler. I heard all
2527 | sorts of stories about various flavours of GNU C (and other
2528 | compilers) generating bad code for
2529 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>, and I've run across two
2530 | such examples myself.</p>
2531 | <p>2.7.X versions of GNU C are known to generate bad code
2532 | from time to time, at high optimisation levels. If you get
2533 | problems, try using the flags
2534 | <tt class="computeroutput">-O2</tt>
2535 | <tt class="computeroutput">-fomit-frame-pointer</tt>
2536 | <tt class="computeroutput">-fno-strength-reduce</tt>. You
2537 | should specifically <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> use
2538 | <tt class="computeroutput">-funroll-loops</tt>.</p>
2539 | <p>You may notice that the Makefile runs six tests as part
2540 | of the build process. If the program passes all of these, it's
2541 | a pretty good (but not 100%) indication that the compiler has
2542 | done its job correctly.</p>
2543 | </li>
2544 | <li style="list-style-type: disc">
2545 | <p>If <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>
2546 | crashes randomly, and the crashes are not repeatable, you may
2547 | have a flaky memory subsystem.
2548 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> really hammers your
2549 | memory hierarchy, and if it's a bit marginal, you may get these
2550 | problems. Ditto if your disk or I/O subsystem is slowly
2551 | failing. Yup, this really does happen.</p>
2552 | <p>Try using a different machine of the same type, and see
2553 | if you can repeat the problem.</p>
2554 | </li>
2555 | <li style="list-style-type: disc"><p>This isn't really a bug, but ... If
2556 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> tells you your file is
2557 | corrupted on decompression, and you obtained the file via FTP,
2558 | there is a possibility that you forgot to tell FTP to do a
2559 | binary mode transfer. That absolutely will cause the file to
2560 | be non-decompressible. You'll have to transfer it
2561 | again.</p></li>
2562 | </ul></div>
2563 | <p>If you've incorporated
2564 | <tt class="computeroutput">libbzip2</tt> into your own program
2565 | and are getting problems, please, please, please, check that the
2566 | parameters you are passing in calls to the library, are correct,
2567 | and in accordance with what the documentation says is allowable.
2568 | I have tried to make the library robust against such problems,
2569 | but I'm sure I haven't succeeded.</p>
2570 | <p>Finally, if the above comments don't help, you'll have to
2571 | send me a bug report. Now, it's just amazing how many people
2572 | will send me a bug report saying something like:</p>
2573 | <pre class="programlisting">bzip2 crashed with segmentation fault on my machine</pre>
2574 | <p>and absolutely nothing else. Needless to say, a such a
2575 | report is <span class="emphasis"><em>totally, utterly, completely and
2576 | comprehensively 100% useless; a waste of your time, my time, and
2577 | net bandwidth</em></span>. With no details at all, there's no way
2578 | I can possibly begin to figure out what the problem is.</p>
2579 | <p>The rules of the game are: facts, facts, facts. Don't omit
2580 | them because "oh, they won't be relevant". At the bare
2581 | minimum:</p>
2582 | <pre class="programlisting">Machine type. Operating system version.
2583 | Exact version of bzip2 (do bzip2 -V).
2584 | Exact version of the compiler used.
2585 | Flags passed to the compiler.</pre>
2586 | <p>However, the most important single thing that will help me
2587 | is the file that you were trying to compress or decompress at the
2588 | time the problem happened. Without that, my ability to do
2589 | anything more than speculate about the cause, is limited.</p>
2590 | </div>
2591 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
2592 | <div class="titlepage">
2593 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
2594 | <a name="package"></a>4.4. Did you get the right package?</h2></div></div>
2595 | <div></div>
2596 | </div>
2597 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> is a resource hog.
2598 | It soaks up large amounts of CPU cycles and memory. Also, it
2599 | gives very large latencies. In the worst case, you can feed many
2600 | megabytes of uncompressed data into the library before getting
2601 | any compressed output, so this probably rules out applications
2602 | requiring interactive behaviour.</p>
2603 | <p>These aren't faults of my implementation, I hope, but more
2604 | an intrinsic property of the Burrows-Wheeler transform
2605 | (unfortunately). Maybe this isn't what you want.</p>
2606 | <p>If you want a compressor and/or library which is faster,
2607 | uses less memory but gets pretty good compression, and has
2608 | minimal latency, consider Jean-loup Gailly's and Mark Adler's
2609 | work, <tt class="computeroutput">zlib-1.2.1</tt> and
2610 | <tt class="computeroutput">gzip-1.2.4</tt>. Look for them at
2611 | <a href="http://www.zlib.org" target="_top">http://www.zlib.org</a> and
2612 | <a href="http://www.gzip.org" target="_top">http://www.gzip.org</a>
2613 | respectively.</p>
2614 | <p>For something faster and lighter still, you might try Markus F
2615 | X J Oberhumer's <tt class="computeroutput">LZO</tt> real-time
2616 | compression/decompression library, at
2617 | <a href="http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource" target="_top">http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource</a>.</p>
2618 | </div>
2619 | <div class="sect1" lang="en">
2620 | <div class="titlepage">
2621 | <div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
2622 | <a name="reading"></a>4.5. Further Reading</h2></div></div>
2623 | <div></div>
2624 | </div>
2625 | <p><tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt> is not research
2626 | work, in the sense that it doesn't present any new ideas.
2627 | Rather, it's an engineering exercise based on existing
2628 | ideas.</p>
2629 | <p>Four documents describe essentially all the ideas behind
2630 | <tt class="computeroutput">bzip2</tt>:</p>
2631 | <div class="literallayout"><p>Michael Burrows and D. J. Wheeler:<br>
2632 | "A block-sorting lossless data compression algorithm"<br>
2633 | 10th May 1994. <br>
2634 | Digital SRC Research Report 124.<br>
2635 | ftp://ftp.digital.com/pub/DEC/SRC/research-reports/SRC-124.ps.gz<br>
2636 | If you have trouble finding it, try searching at the<br>
2637 | New Zealand Digital Library, http://www.nzdl.org.<br>
2638 | <br>
2639 | Daniel S. Hirschberg and Debra A. LeLewer<br>
2640 | "Efficient Decoding of Prefix Codes"<br>
2641 | Communications of the ACM, April 1990, Vol 33, Number 4.<br>
2642 | You might be able to get an electronic copy of this<br>
2643 | from the ACM Digital Library.<br>
2644 | <br>
2645 | David J. Wheeler<br>
2646 | Program bred3.c and accompanying document bred3.ps.<br>
2647 | This contains the idea behind the multi-table Huffman coding scheme.<br>
2648 | ftp://ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/djw3/<br>
2649 | <br>
2650 | Jon L. Bentley and Robert Sedgewick<br>
2651 | "Fast Algorithms for Sorting and Searching Strings"<br>
2652 | Available from Sedgewick's web page,<br>
2653 | www.cs.princeton.edu/~rs<br>
2654 | </p></div>
2655 | <p>The following paper gives valuable additional insights into
2656 | the algorithm, but is not immediately the basis of any code used
2657 | in bzip2.</p>
2658 | <div class="literallayout"><p>Peter Fenwick:<br>
2659 | Block Sorting Text Compression<br>
2660 | Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Computer Science Conference,<br>
2661 | Melbourne, Australia. Jan 31 - Feb 2, 1996.<br>
2662 | ftp://ftp.cs.auckland.ac.nz/pub/peter-f/ACSC96paper.ps</p></div>
2663 | <p>Kunihiko Sadakane's sorting algorithm, mentioned above, is
2664 | available from:</p>
2665 | <div class="literallayout"><p>http://naomi.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~sada/papers/Sada98b.ps.gz<br>
2666 | </p></div>
2667 | <p>The Manber-Myers suffix array construction algorithm is
2668 | described in a paper available from:</p>
2669 | <div class="literallayout"><p>http://www.cs.arizona.edu/people/gene/PAPERS/suffix.ps<br>
2670 | </p></div>
2671 | <p>Finally, the following papers document some
2672 | investigations I made into the performance of sorting
2673 | and decompression algorithms:</p>
2674 | <div class="literallayout"><p>Julian Seward<br>
2675 | On the Performance of BWT Sorting Algorithms<br>
2676 | Proceedings of the IEEE Data Compression Conference 2000<br>
2677 | Snowbird, Utah. 28-30 March 2000.<br>
2678 | <br>
2679 | Julian Seward<br>
2680 | Space-time Tradeoffs in the Inverse B-W Transform<br>
2681 | Proceedings of the IEEE Data Compression Conference 2001<br>
2682 | Snowbird, Utah. 27-29 March 2001.<br>
2683 | </p></div>
2684 | </div>
2685 | </div>
2686 | </div></body>
2687 | </html>