/* tags.c - Obtain DHCP tags from the config file * Author: Kees J. Bot * 16 Dec 2000 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dhcpd.h" #define doff(field) offsetof(dhcp_t, field) void settag(dhcp_t *dp, int tag, void *data, size_t len) { if (!dhcp_settag(dp, tag, data, len)) { /* Oops, it didn't fit? Is this really Minix??? */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: DHCP packet too big, please trim the configuration\n", program); exit(1); } } static int name2ip(ipaddr_t *pip, const char *name, ipaddr_t ifip) { /* Translate a name to an IP address, preferably from the hosts file, * but also from the DNS if being a server. Prefer the address closest * to the interface with IP address 'ifip' if there are choices.. */ extern struct hostent *_gethostent(void); /* File reading versions. */ extern void _endhostent(void); struct hostent *he; size_t len= strlen(name); u32_t d, distance= -1; ipaddr_t ip; int i; char *hn; /* Already an IP address? */ if (inet_aton(name, pip)) return 1; /* In the hosts file? */ while ((he= _gethostent()) != nil) { hn= he->h_name; i= -1; do { if (strncasecmp(name, hn, len) == 0 && (hn[len] == 0 || hn[len] == '.') ) { memcpy(&ip, he->h_addr, sizeof(ip)); d= ntohl(ip) ^ ntohl(ifip); if (d < distance) { *pip= ip; distance= d; } break; } } while ((hn= he->h_aliases[++i]) != nil); } _endhostent(); if (distance < -1) return 1; /* Nothing? Try the real DNS if being a server. */ if (serving) { if ((he= gethostbyname(name)) != nil && he->h_addrtype == AF_INET) { /* Select the address closest to 'ifip'. */ for (i= 0; he->h_addr_list[i] != nil; i++) { memcpy(&ip, he->h_addr_list[i], sizeof(ip)); d= ntohl(ip) ^ ntohl(ifip); if (d < distance) { *pip= ip; distance= d; } } return 1; } } return 0; } static char *ip2name(ipaddr_t ip) { /* Translate an IP address to a name, etc, etc. */ extern struct hostent *_gethostent(void); /* File reading versions. */ extern void _endhostent(void); struct hostent *he; /* In the hosts file? */ while ((he= _gethostent()) != nil) { if (memcmp(he->h_addr, &ip, sizeof(ip)) == 0) break; } _endhostent(); /* Nothing? Try the real DNS if being a server. */ if (he == nil && serving) { he= gethostbyaddr((char *) &ip, sizeof(ip), AF_INET); } return he != nil ? he->h_name : nil; } static int cidr_aton(const char *cidr, ipaddr_t *addr, ipaddr_t *mask) { char *slash, *check; ipaddr_t a; int ok; unsigned long len; if ((slash= strchr(cidr, '/')) == nil) return 0; *slash++= 0; ok= inet_aton(cidr, &a); len= strtoul(slash, &check, 10); if (check == slash || *check != 0 || len > 32) ok= 0; *--slash= '/'; if (!ok) return 0; *addr= a; *mask= htonl(len == 0 ? 0 : (0xFFFFFFFFUL << (32-len)) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL); return 1; } char *cidr_ntoa(ipaddr_t addr, ipaddr_t mask) { ipaddr_t testmask= 0xFFFFFFFFUL; int n; static char result[sizeof("")]; for (n= 32; n >= 0; n--) { if (mask == htonl(testmask)) break; testmask= (testmask << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL; } sprintf(result, "%s/%-2d", inet_ntoa(addr), n); if (n == -1) strcpy(strchr(result, '/')+1, inet_ntoa(mask)); return result; } static size_t ascii2octet(u8_t *b, size_t size, const char *a) { /* Convert a series of hex digit pairs to an octet (binary) array at * 'b' with length 'size'. Return the number of octets in 'a' or * -1 on error. */ size_t len; int n, c; len= 0; n= 0; while ((c= *a++) != 0) { if (between('0', c, '9')) c= (c - '0') + 0x0; else if (between('a', c, 'f')) c= (c - 'a') + 0xa; else if (between('A', c, 'F')) c= (c - 'A') + 0xA; else { return -1; } if (n == 0) { if (len < size) b[len] = c << 4; } else { if (len < size) b[len] |= c; len++; } n ^= 1; } return n == 0 ? len : -1; } void ether2clid(u8_t *clid, ether_addr_t *eth) { /* Convert an Ethernet address to the default client ID form. */ clid[0]= DHCP_HTYPE_ETH; memcpy(clid+1, eth, DHCP_HLEN_ETH); } static size_t ascii2clid(u8_t *clid, const char *a) { /* Convert an ethernet address, or a series of hex digits to a client ID. * Return its length if ok, otherwise -1. */ size_t len; ether_addr_t *eth; if ((eth= ether_aton(a)) != nil) { ether2clid(clid, eth); len= 1+DHCP_HLEN_ETH; } else { len= ascii2octet(clid, CLID_MAX, a); } return len; } static config_t *dhcpconf; /* In-core DHCP configuration. */ /* DHCP tag types. */ typedef enum { TT_ASCII, TT_BOOLEAN, TT_IP, TT_NUMBER, TT_OCTET } tagtype_t; /* DHCP/BOOTP tag definitions. */ typedef struct tagdef { u8_t tag; /* Tag number. */ u8_t type; /* Type and flags. */ u8_t gran; /* Granularity. */ u8_t max; /* Maximum number of arguments. */ const char *name; /* Defined name. */ } tagdef_t; #define TF_TYPE 0x07 /* To mask out the type. */ #define TF_STATIC 0x08 /* "Static", i.e. a struct field. */ #define TF_RO 0x10 /* Read-only, user can't set. */ /* List of static DHCP fields. The tag field is misused here as an offset * into the DHCP structure. */ static tagdef_t statictag[] = { { doff(op), TT_NUMBER|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 1, 1, "op" }, { doff(htype), TT_NUMBER|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 1, 1, "htype" }, { doff(hlen), TT_NUMBER|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 1, 1, "hlen" }, { doff(hops), TT_NUMBER|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 1, 1, "hops" }, { doff(xid), TT_NUMBER|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 4, 1, "xid" }, { doff(secs), TT_NUMBER|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 2, 1, "secs" }, { doff(flags), TT_NUMBER|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 2, 1, "flags" }, { doff(ciaddr), TT_IP|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 1, 1, "ciaddr" }, { doff(yiaddr), TT_IP|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 1, 1, "yiaddr" }, { doff(siaddr), TT_IP|TF_STATIC, 1, 1, "siaddr" }, { doff(giaddr), TT_IP|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 1, 1, "giaddr" }, { doff(chaddr), TT_OCTET|TF_STATIC|TF_RO, 1, 16, "chaddr" }, { doff(sname), TT_ASCII|TF_STATIC, 1, 64, "sname" }, { doff(file), TT_ASCII|TF_STATIC, 1, 128, "file" }, }; #define N_STATIC arraysize(statictag) static tagdef_t alltagdef[N_STATIC + 254]; /* List of tag definitions. */ #define tagdef (alltagdef+N_STATIC-1) /* Just the optional ones. */ #define tagdefined(tp) ((tp)->name != nil) static void inittagdef(void) { /* Initialize the tag definitions from the "tag" commands in the config * file. */ int t; tagdef_t *tp; static tagdef_t predef[] = { { DHCP_TAG_NETMASK, TT_IP, 1, 1, "netmask" }, { DHCP_TAG_GATEWAY, TT_IP, 1, 255, "gateway" }, { DHCP_TAG_DNS, TT_IP, 1, 255, "DNSserver" }, }; static char *typenames[] = { "ascii", "boolean", "ip", "number", "octet" }; config_t *cfg; static u8_t rotags[] = { DHCP_TAG_REQIP, DHCP_TAG_OVERLOAD, DHCP_TAG_TYPE, DHCP_TAG_SERVERID, DHCP_TAG_REQPAR, DHCP_TAG_MESSAGE, DHCP_TAG_MAXDHCP }; for (t= 1; t <= 254; t++) { tp= &tagdef[t]; tp->tag= t; tp->type= TT_OCTET; tp->name= nil; } /* Set the static and "all Minix needs" tags. */ memcpy(alltagdef, statictag, sizeof(statictag)); for (tp= predef; tp < arraylimit(predef); tp++) tagdef[tp->tag] = *tp; /* Search for tag definitions in the config file. */ for (cfg= dhcpconf; cfg != nil; cfg= cfg->next) { config_t *cmd= cfg->list; if (strcasecmp(cmd->word, "tag") == 0) { if (config_length(cmd) == 6 && (cmd->next->flags & CFG_DULONG) && config_isatom(cmd->next->next) && config_isatom(cmd->next->next->next) && (cmd->next->next->next->next->flags & CFG_DULONG) && (cmd->next->next->next->next->next->flags & CFG_DULONG) ) { unsigned long tag, gran, max; const char *name, *typename; unsigned type; tag= strtoul(cmd->next->word, nil, 10); name= cmd->next->next->word; typename= cmd->next->next->next->word; gran= strtoul(cmd->next->next->next->next->word, nil, 10); max= strtoul(cmd->next->next->next->next->next->word, nil, 10); for (type= 0; type < arraysize(typenames); type++) { if (strcasecmp(typename, typenames[type]) == 0) break; } if (!(1 <= tag && tag <= 254) || !(type < arraysize(typenames)) || !((type == TT_NUMBER && (gran == 1 || gran == 2 || gran == 4)) || (type != TT_NUMBER && 1 <= gran && gran <= 16)) || !(max <= 255) ) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Tag definition is incorrect\n", cmd->file, cmd->line); exit(1); } tp= &tagdef[(int)tag]; tp->type= type; tp->name= name; tp->gran= gran; tp->max= max; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: tag number name type granularity max\n", cmd->file, cmd->line); exit(1); } } } /* Many DHCP tags are not for the user to play with. */ for (t= 0; t < arraysize(rotags); t++) tagdef[rotags[t]].type |= TF_RO; } static tagdef_t *tagdefbyname(const char *name) { /* Find a tag definition by the name of the tag. Return null if not * defined. */ tagdef_t *tp; for (tp= alltagdef; tp < arraylimit(alltagdef); tp++) { if (tagdefined(tp) && strcasecmp(tp->name, name) == 0) return tp; } return nil; } void initdhcpconf(void) { /* Read/refresh configuration from the DHCP configuration file. */ dhcpconf= config_read(configfile, 0, dhcpconf); if (config_renewed(dhcpconf)) inittagdef(); } static void configtag(dhcp_t *dp, config_t *cmd, ipaddr_t ifip) { /* Add a tag to a DHCP packet from the config file. */ tagdef_t *tp; u8_t data[260], *d; size_t i; int delete= 0; if (strcasecmp(cmd->word, "no") == 0) { if (config_length(cmd) != 2 || !config_isatom(cmd->next)) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: no tag-name\n", cmd->file, cmd->line); exit(1); } cmd= cmd->next; delete= 1; } if ((tp= tagdefbyname(cmd->word)) == nil) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Unknown tag '%s'\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, cmd->word); exit(1); } if (tp->type & TF_RO) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Tag '%s' can't be configured\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, cmd->word); exit(1); } i= 0; d= data; if (!delete) { config_t *arg= cmd->next; do { switch (tp->type & TF_TYPE) { case TT_ASCII: { if (arg == nil || !config_isatom(arg) || arg->next != nil) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: %s string\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, cmd->word); exit(1); } strncpy((char *) data, arg->word, sizeof(data)); d += i = strnlen((char *) data, sizeof(data)); break;} case TT_BOOLEAN: { if (arg == nil || !config_isatom(arg) || !(strcasecmp(arg->word, "false") == 0 || strcasecmp(arg->word, "true") == 0) ) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: %s false|true ...\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, cmd->word); exit(1); } if (d < arraylimit(data)) { *d++ = (arg->word[0] != 'f' && arg->word[0] != 'F'); } i++; break;} case TT_IP: { ipaddr_t ip; unsigned long len; char *end; if (arg == nil || !config_isatom(arg)) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: %s host ...\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, cmd->word); exit(1); } if (arg->word[0] == '/' && between(1, len= strtoul(arg->word+1, &end, 10), 31) && *end == 0 ) { ip= htonl((0xFFFFFFFFUL << (32-len)) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL); } else if (!name2ip(&ip, arg->word, ifip)) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Can't translate %s to an IP address\n", arg->file, arg->line, arg->word); exit(1); } if (d <= arraylimit(data) - sizeof(ip)) { memcpy(d, &ip, sizeof(ip)); d += sizeof(ip); } i++; break;} case TT_NUMBER: { unsigned long n; int g; if (arg == nil || !(arg->flags & CFG_CLONG)) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: %s number ...\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, cmd->word); exit(1); } n= strtoul(arg->word, nil, 0); g= tp->gran; do { if (d <= arraylimit(data)) *d++ = (n >> (--g * 8)) & 0xFF; } while (g != 0); i++; break;} case TT_OCTET: { if (arg == nil || !config_isatom(arg) || arg->next != nil) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: %s hexdigits\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, cmd->word); exit(1); } i= ascii2octet(data, sizeof(data), arg->word); if (i == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: %s: Bad hexdigit string\n", arg->file, arg->line, arg->word); exit(1); } d= data + i; break;} } } while ((arg= arg->next) != nil); if (d > data + 255) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Tag value is way too big\n", cmd->file, cmd->line); exit(1); } if ((tp->type & TF_TYPE) != TT_NUMBER && (i % tp->gran) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Expected a multiple of %d initializers\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, tp->gran); exit(1); } if (tp->max != 0 && i > tp->max) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Got %d initializers, can have only %d\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, (int) i, tp->max); exit(1); } } if (tp->type & TF_STATIC) { size_t len= tp->gran * tp->max; if ((tp->type & TF_TYPE) == TT_IP) len *= sizeof(ipaddr_t); memset(B(dp) + tp->tag, 0, len); memcpy(B(dp) + tp->tag, data, (d - data)); } else { settag(dp, tp->tag, data, (d - data)); } } int makedhcp(dhcp_t *dp, u8_t *class, size_t calen, u8_t *client, size_t cilen, ipaddr_t ip, ipaddr_t ifip, network_t *np) { /* Fill in a DHCP packet at 'dp' for the host identified by the * (class, client, ip) combination. Makedhcp is normally called twice, * once to find the IP address (so ip == 0) and once again to find all * data that goes with that IP address (ip != 0). On the first call the * return value of this function should be ignored and only 'yiaddr' * checked and used as 'ip' on the next pass. True is returned iff there * is information for the client on the network at interface address * 'ifip', by checking if the 'ip' and 'ifip' are on the same network. * If np is nonnull then we are working for one of our own interfaces, so * options can be set and adjourning interfaces can be programmed. */ config_t *todo[16]; size_t ntodo= 0; ipaddr_t hip, mask; u8_t *pmask; char *hostname; u32_t distance= -1; initdhcpconf(); /* Start creating a packet. */ dhcp_init(dp); dp->op= DHCP_BOOTREPLY; /* The initial TODO list is the whole DHCP config. */ todo[ntodo++]= dhcpconf; while (ntodo > 0) { config_t *cmd, *follow; if (todo[ntodo-1] == nil) { ntodo--; continue; } cmd= todo[ntodo-1]->list; todo[ntodo-1]= todo[ntodo-1]->next; follow= nil; /* Macro or list to follow next? */ if (strcasecmp(cmd->word, "client") == 0) { u8_t cfgid[CLID_MAX]; size_t cfglen; char *name; int ifno; u32_t d; if (between(3, config_length(cmd), 5) && config_isatom(cmd->next) && (cfglen= ascii2clid(cfgid, cmd->next->word)) != -1 && config_isatom(cmd->next->next) && (((ifno= ifname2if(cmd->next->next->word)) == -1 && config_length(cmd) <= 4) || ((ifno= ifname2if(cmd->next->next->word)) != -1 && config_length(cmd) >= 4 && config_isatom(cmd->next->next->next))) ) { if (cilen == cfglen && memcmp(client, cfgid, cilen) == 0 && (ifno == -1 || np == nil || ifno == np->n) ) { config_t *atname= cmd->next->next; if (ifno != -1) atname= atname->next; name= atname->word; if (name2ip(&hip, name, ifip) && (ip == 0 || ip == hip)) { d= ntohl(hip) ^ ntohl(ifip); if (d < distance) { dp->yiaddr= hip; follow= atname->next; distance= d; } } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: client ID [ip#] host [macro|{params}]\n", cmd->file, cmd->line); exit(1); } } else if (strcasecmp(cmd->word, "class") == 0) { config_t *clist; int match; match= 0; for (clist= cmd->next; clist != nil && clist->next != nil && config_isatom(clist); clist= clist->next) { if (calen > 0 && strncmp(clist->word, (char *) class, calen) == 0 ) { match= 1; } } if (clist == cmd->next || clist->next != nil) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: class class-name ... macro|{params}\n", cmd->file, cmd->line); } if (match) follow= clist; } else if (strcasecmp(cmd->word, "host") == 0) { if (config_length(cmd) == 3 && config_isatom(cmd->next) ) { if (ip != 0) { if (cidr_aton(cmd->next->word, &hip, &mask)) { if (((hip ^ ip) & mask) == 0) { if (!gettag(dp, DHCP_TAG_NETMASK, nil, nil)) { settag(dp, DHCP_TAG_NETMASK, &mask, sizeof(mask)); } dp->yiaddr= ip; follow= cmd->next->next; } } else if (name2ip(&hip, cmd->next->word, ifip)) { if (hip == ip) { dp->yiaddr= ip; follow= cmd->next->next; } } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: host host-spec macro|{params}\n", cmd->file, cmd->line); exit(1); } } else if (strcasecmp(cmd->word, "interface") == 0) { if (between(3, config_length(cmd), 4) && config_isatom(cmd->next) && config_isatom(cmd->next->next) ) { network_t *ifnp; if (np != nil) { if ((ifnp= if2net(ifname2if(cmd->next->word))) == nil) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Can't find interface %s\n", cmd->next->file, cmd->next->line, cmd->next->word); exit(1); } if (!name2ip(&hip, cmd->next->next->word, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Can't find IP address of %s\n", cmd->next->next->file, cmd->next->next->line, cmd->next->next->word); exit(1); } ifnp->ip= hip; if (ifnp == np) { dp->yiaddr= hip; follow= cmd->next->next->next; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: interface ip# host%s\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, ntodo==1 ? " [macro|{params}]" : ""); exit(1); } } else if (strcasecmp(cmd->word, "macro") == 0) { if (config_length(cmd) == 2 && config_isatom(cmd->next)) { follow= cmd->next; } else if (ntodo > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: macro macro-name\n", cmd->file, cmd->line); exit(1); } } else if (strcasecmp(cmd->word, "tag") == 0) { if (ntodo > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: A %s can't be defined here\n", cmd->file, cmd->line, cmd->word); exit(1); } } else if (strcasecmp(cmd->word, "option") == 0) { int ifno; network_t *ifnp; config_t *opt; if ((opt= cmd->next) != nil && config_isatom(opt) && (ifno= ifname2if(opt->word)) != -1 ) { if ((ifnp= if2net(ifno)) == nil) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Interface %s is not enabled\n", opt->file, opt->line, opt->word); exit(1); } opt= opt->next; } else { ifnp= np; } if (between(1, config_length(opt), 2) && config_isatom(opt) && strcasecmp(opt->word, "server") == 0 && (opt->next == nil || strcasecmp(opt->next->word, "inform") == 0) ) { if (np != nil) { ifnp->flags |= NF_SERVING; if (opt->next != nil) ifnp->flags |= NF_INFORM; } } else if (config_length(opt) == 2 && config_isatom(opt) && strcasecmp(opt->word, "relay") == 0 && config_isatom(opt->next) ) { if (np != nil) { if (!name2ip(&hip, opt->next->word, ifip)) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Can't find IP address of %s\n", opt->next->file, opt->next->line, opt->next->word); exit(1); } ifnp->flags |= NF_RELAYING; ifnp->server= hip; } } else if (config_length(opt) == 1 && config_isatom(opt) && strcasecmp(opt->word, "possessive") == 0 ) { if (np != nil) ifnp->flags |= NF_POSSESSIVE; } else if (config_length(opt) == 2 && config_isatom(opt) && strcasecmp(opt->word, "hostname") == 0 && config_isatom(opt->next) ) { if (np != nil) np->hostname= opt->next->word; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Unknown option\n", cmd->file, cmd->line); exit(1); } } else { /* Must be an actual data carrying tag. */ configtag(dp, cmd, ifip); } if (follow != nil) { /* A client/class/host entry selects a macro or list that must * be followed next. */ config_t *macro; if (config_isatom(follow)) { /* Macro name */ config_t *cfg; for (cfg= dhcpconf; cfg != nil; cfg= cfg->next) { macro= cfg->list; if (strcasecmp(macro->word, "macro") == 0) { if (config_length(macro) == 3 && config_isatom(macro->next) && config_issub(macro->next->next) ) { if (strcasecmp(macro->next->word, follow->word) == 0 ) { break; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Usage: macro macro-name {params}\n", macro->file, macro->line); } } } follow= cfg == nil ? nil : macro->next->next->list; } else { /* Simply a list of more tags and stuff. */ follow= follow->list; } if (ntodo == arraysize(todo)) { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %u: Nesting is too deep\n", follow->file, follow->line); exit(1); } todo[ntodo++]= follow; } } /* Check if the IP and netmask are OK for the interface. */ if (!gettag(dp, DHCP_TAG_NETMASK, &pmask, nil)) return 0; memcpy(&mask, pmask, sizeof(mask)); if (((ip ^ ifip) & mask) != 0) return 0; /* Fill in the hostname and/or domain. */ if ((hostname= ip2name(ip)) != nil) { char *domain; if ((domain= strchr(hostname, '.')) != nil) *domain++ = 0; if (!gettag(dp, DHCP_TAG_HOSTNAME, nil, nil)) { settag(dp, DHCP_TAG_HOSTNAME, hostname, strlen(hostname)); } if (domain != nil && !gettag(dp, DHCP_TAG_DOMAIN, nil, nil)) { settag(dp, DHCP_TAG_DOMAIN, domain, strlen(domain)); } } return 1; } static char *dhcpopname(int op) { static char *onames[] = { "??\?", "REQUEST", "REPLY" }; return onames[op < arraysize(onames) ? op : 0]; } char *dhcptypename(int type) { static char *tnames[] = { "??\?", "DISCOVER", "OFFER", "REQUEST", "DECLINE", "ACK", "NAK", "RELEASE", "INFORM" }; return tnames[type < arraysize(tnames) ? type : 0]; } void printdhcp(dhcp_t *dp) { /* Print the contents of a DHCP packet, usually for debug purposes. */ tagdef_t *tp; u8_t *data, *ovld; size_t i, len; for (tp= alltagdef; tp < arraylimit(alltagdef); tp++) { if (tp->type & TF_STATIC) { data= B(dp) + tp->tag; len= tp->gran * tp->max; if ((tp->type & TF_TYPE) == TT_IP) len *= sizeof(ipaddr_t); if (tp->tag == doff(chaddr)) len= dp->hlen; /* Don't show uninteresting stuff. */ if (tp->tag == doff(htype) && dp->htype == DHCP_HTYPE_ETH) continue; if (tp->tag == doff(hlen) && dp->hlen == DHCP_HLEN_ETH) continue; if ((tp->tag == doff(file) || tp->tag == doff(sname)) && gettag(dp, DHCP_TAG_OVERLOAD, &ovld, nil) && (ovld[0] & (tp->tag == doff(file) ? 1 : 2)) ) { continue; } for (i= 0; i < len && data[i] == 0; i++) {} if (i == len) continue; } else { if (!gettag(dp, tp->tag, &data, &len)) continue; } if (tagdefined(tp)) { printf("\t%s =", tp->name); } else { printf("\tT%d =", tp->tag); } i= 0; while (i < len) { switch (tp->type & TF_TYPE) { case TT_ASCII: { printf(" \"%.*s\"", (int) len, data); i= len; break;} case TT_BOOLEAN: { printf(data[i++] == 0 ? " false" : " true"); break;} case TT_IP: { ipaddr_t ip; memcpy(&ip, data+i, sizeof(ip)); printf(" %s", inet_ntoa(ip)); i += sizeof(ip); break;} case TT_NUMBER: { u32_t n= 0; int g= tp->gran; do n= (n << 8) | data[i++]; while (--g != 0); printf(" %lu", (unsigned long) n); if ((tp->type & TF_STATIC) && tp->tag == doff(op)) { printf(" (%s)", dhcpopname(n)); } if (!(tp->type & TF_STATIC) && tp->tag == DHCP_TAG_TYPE) { printf(" (%s)", dhcptypename(n)); } break;} case TT_OCTET: { if (i == 0) fputc(' ', stdout); printf("%02X", data[i++]); break;} } } fputc('\n', stdout); } }