/* ELLE - Copyright 1982, 1987 by Ken Harrenstien, SRI International * This software is quasi-public; it may be used freely with * like software, but may NOT be sold or made part of licensed * products without permission of the author. */ /* EEHELP - Help function */ #include "elle.h" /* include structure definitions */ #if FX_DESCRIBE /* EFUN: "Describe" */ /* DESCRIBE - Help-command hack. ** Crude approximation of EMACS function. */ static struct buffer *help_buf; f_describe() { register char *cp; register int i, c; char str[10]; struct buffer *savbuf, *b, *make_buf(); chroff bdot; saynow("Help for command: "); i = cmd_idx(c = cmd_read()); /* Get function idx for cmd */ if(c&CB_META) sayntoo("M-"); if(i == FN_PFXMETA) { sayntoo("M-"); i = cmd_idx(c = (cmd_read() | CB_META)); } else if(i == FN_PFXEXT) { sayntoo("^X-"); i = cmd_idx(c = (cmd_read() | CB_EXT)); } str[0] = c&0177; str[1] = 0; sayntoo(str); /* Now read in the help file, if necessary */ savbuf = cur_buf; if(help_buf) chg_buf(help_buf); else { saynow("Loading "); sayntoo(ev_helpfile); sayntoo("..."); chg_buf(help_buf = make_buf(" **HELP**")); if(read_file(ev_helpfile) == 0) { chg_buf(savbuf); kill_buf(help_buf); help_buf = 0; return; } } /* Find function index in current buffer */ cp = str; *cp++ = '<'; *cp++ = 'F'; cp = dottoa(cp, (chroff)i); *cp++ = '>'; e_gobob(); if(e_search(str, cp-str, 0) == 0) sayntoo(" No help found"); else { bdot = e_dot(); while(!e_lblankp()) e_gonl(); /* Move past 1st blank line */ b = make_buf(" *SHOW*"); sb_sins((SBBUF *)b, e_copyn(bdot - e_dot())); mk_showin(b); /* Show the stuff */ kill_buf(b); sayclr(); } chg_buf(savbuf); } #endif /*FX_DESCRIBE*/