/* ELLE - Copyright 1982, 1987 by Ken Harrenstien, SRI International * This software is quasi-public; it may be used freely with * like software, but may NOT be sold or made part of licensed * products without permission of the author. */ /* EEVINI - ELLE initialized variables and array storage. * Initial values are defined here, but the vars must be * declared in ELLE.H as well so that references from all modules will * compile correctly. * Arrays are also allocated here, so size re-definitions only require * re-compiling this single small module. */ #define EXT /* Allocate storage for non-initialized vars */ #include "elle.h" #ifndef EVFILMOD #if V6 #define EVFILMOD (0600) /* (int) Default file creation mode on V6 */ #else #define EVFILMOD (0666) /* (int) Default file creation mode on V7, note */ #endif /*-V6*/ /* paranoids can use V7 "umask" in shell. */ #endif #ifndef EVFNO1 #define EVFNO1 0 /* (char *) "Old" filename prefix */ #endif #ifndef EVFNN1 #define EVFNN1 0 /* (char *) "New" filename prefix */ #endif #ifndef EVFNO2 #define EVFNO2 "O" /* (char *) "Old" filename postfix */ #endif #ifndef EVFNN2 #define EVFNN2 "N" /* (char *) "New" filename postfix */ #endif #ifndef EVFCOL #define EVFCOL (71) /* (int) Initial value for Fill Column */ #endif #ifndef EVCCOL #define EVCCOL (40) /* (int) Initial value for Comment Column */ #endif #ifndef EVNWPCT #define EVNWPCT 50 /* (int) 50% For random New Window, center cursor. */ #endif #ifndef EVMVPCT #define EVMVPCT 67 /* (int) 67% When move off edge, show 67% new stuff */ #endif #ifndef EVMODWSO #define EVMODWSO 0 /* (bool) Initial mode window standout mode */ #endif #ifndef EV2MODEWS #define EV2MODEWS 1 /* 2-mode-window flag. 0=Never, 1=if SO, 2=always */ #endif #ifndef EVMARKSHOW #define EVMARKSHOW 0 /* (char *) String shown for Set Mark */ #endif #ifndef EVHELPFILE /* (char *) Location of ELLE help file. */ #define EVHELPFILE "/usr/src/elle/help.dat" #endif char *ev_verstr = "ELLE 4.1b"; /* String: Editor name and version # */ int ev_filmod = EVFILMOD; /* Default file creation mode */ char *ev_fno1 = EVFNO1; /* "Old" filename prefix */ char *ev_fnn1 = EVFNN1; /* "New" filename prefix */ char *ev_fno2 = EVFNO2; /* "Old" filename postfix */ char *ev_fnn2 = EVFNN2; /* "New" filename postfix */ int ev_fcolumn = EVFCOL; /* Initial value for Fill Column */ #if FX_INDCOMM int ev_ccolumn = EVCCOL; /* Initial value for Comment Column */ #endif /* New window selection parameters. ** Both are expressed as an integer % of window lines (where the whole ** window is 100), and apply when a new window is selected. ** ev_nwpct - when "New Window" is called, % of lines between top and cursor. ** Also applies when screen has changed randomly. ** ev_mvpct - when cursor moves out of window, this is the % of lines ** between top and cursor (if moved off top) or between bottom and ** cursor (if moved off bottom). */ int ev_nwpct = EVNWPCT; /* New Window cursor loc preference (%) */ int ev_mvpct = EVMVPCT; /* Moved cursor loc preference (%) */ #if FX_SOWIND int ev_modwso = EVMODWSO; /* Initial mode window standout flag */ #endif #if FX_2MODEWINDS int ev_2modws = EV2MODEWS; /* Initial 2-mode-wind flag */ #endif char *ev_markshow = EVMARKSHOW; /* String to display when Set Mark done */ char *ev_helpfile = EVHELPFILE; /* Location of ELLE help file */ char *ev_profile = EVPROFBINFILE; /* Location of ELLE binary user profile */ /* Note ELLE doesn't use EVPROFTEXTFILE. */ /* Array allocations */ struct scr_line *scr[MAXHT]; /* Array of screen line structures */ SBSTR *kill_ring[KILL_LEN]; /* Kill ring table */