[9] | 1 | /* ELLE - Copyright 1982, 1984 by Ken Harrenstien, SRI International
| 2 | * This software is quasi-public; it may be used freely with
| 3 | * like software, but may NOT be sold or made part of licensed
| 4 | * products without permission of the author.
| 5 | */
| 6 | /*
| 7 | * ELLE.H Global ELLE definitions
| 8 | */
| 9 |
| 10 | #ifndef EXT
| 11 | #define EXT extern /* Default assumes these are referencing decls */
| 12 | #endif
| 13 |
| 14 | /* Make identifiers unique in 1st 6 chars as per ANSI rule for externals */
| 15 | #define tvc_cin tvccin
| 16 | #define tvc_cdn tvccdn
| 17 | #define tvc_lin tvclin
| 18 | #define tvc_ldn tvcldn
| 19 | #define ev_fno1 evfno1
| 20 | #define ev_fno2 evfno2
| 21 | #define ev_fnn1 evfnn1
| 22 | #define ev_fnn2 evfnn2
| 23 |
| 24 | #define ask_sall asksal /* eebuff.c */
| 25 | #define ask_save asksav
| 26 | #define buf_tmod buftmo
| 27 | #define buf_tmat buftma
| 28 | #define e_gobob egobob /* eeedit.c */
| 29 | #define e_gobol egobol
| 30 | #define e_goeob egoeob
| 31 | #define e_goeol egoeol
| 32 | #define fill_prefix filpfx /* eefill.c */
| 33 | #define fill_plen filpln
| 34 | #define fill_cur_line filcln
| 35 | #define kill_ptr kilptr /* eef3.c */
| 36 | #define kill_push kilpsh
| 37 | #define ed_insert edinst /* eefed.c */
| 38 | #define ed_insn edinsn
| 39 | #define ed_deln eddeln
| 40 | #define ed_delete eddele
| 41 | #define f_fillreg ffilrg /* eejust.c */
| 42 | #define f_fillpara ffilpa
| 43 |
| 44 | #include "eesite.h" /* Insert site-dependent flags and parameters */
| 45 | #include "sb.h" /* Insert SB package definitions */
| 46 | #include "eeprof.h" /* Insert user profile definition. This is a
| 47 | * separate file so ELLEC can use it too. */
| 48 | #include "eefidx.h" /* Insert desired function defs */
| 49 |
| 50 | /* ELLE Compile-time parameter defaults */
| 51 |
| 52 | #ifndef KILL_LEN
| 53 | #define KILL_LEN 8 /* Size of kill ring */
| 54 | #endif
| 55 | #ifndef MAXHT
| 56 | #define MAXHT 72 /* Height (# lines) of largest screen we'll suport */
| 57 | #endif
| 58 | #ifndef MAXLINE
| 59 | #define MAXLINE 132 /* Width (# chars) of largest screen we'll support */
| 60 | #endif
| 61 | #ifndef FNAMELEN
| 62 | #define FNAMELEN 14 /* Sys-dep: Max size of last filename component */
| 63 | #endif /* Check FNAMSIZ if you change this. */
| 64 | #ifndef FNAMSIZ
| 65 | #define FNAMSIZ 100 /* Sys-dep: Max size of complete filename */
| 66 | #endif /* This must be at least as large as FNAMELEN! */
| 67 | #ifndef ISRCHLIM
| 68 | #define ISRCHLIM 50 /* Max # of chars to allow I-search on */
| 69 | #endif
| 70 | #ifndef TOBFSIZ
| 71 | #define TOBFSIZ 80 /* Size of TTY output buffer */
| 72 | #endif
| 73 | #ifndef TIBFSIZ
| 74 | #define TIBFSIZ 50 /* Size of TTY input buffer */
| 75 | #endif
| 76 | #ifndef ECHOLINES
| 77 | #define ECHOLINES 1 /* # of lines for echo area (below mode line) */
| 78 | #endif
| 79 | #ifndef MAXARGFILES
| 80 | #define MAXARGFILES 2 /* # of filename args OK at startup */
| 81 | #endif
| 82 |
| 83 | /* ELLE initialized variables.
| 84 | * Initial values are defined in EEVINI.C, but the vars must be
| 85 | * declared here as well so that references from all modules will
| 86 | * compile correctly.
| 87 | */
| 88 |
| 89 | extern char *ev_verstr; /* String: Editor name and version # */
| 90 | extern int ev_filmod; /* Default file creation mode */
| 91 | extern char *ev_fno1,*ev_fno2; /* Pre, postfix for "old" filenames */
| 92 | extern char *ev_fnn1,*ev_fnn2; /* Pre, postfix for "new" filenames */
| 93 | extern int ev_fcolumn; /* Fill Column variable */
| 94 | #if FX_INDCOMM
| 95 | extern int ev_ccolumn; /* Comment Column variable */
| 96 | #endif
| 97 | extern int ev_nwpct, ev_mvpct; /* New window selection percentages */
| 98 | #if FX_SOWIND
| 99 | extern int ev_modwso; /* Initial mode window standout flag */
| 100 | #endif
| 101 | #if FX_2MODEWINDS
| 102 | extern int ev_2modws; /* Initial setting of 2-mode-window flag */
| 103 | #endif
| 104 | extern char *ev_markshow; /* String to show when Set Mark done */
| 105 | extern char *ev_helpfile; /* Location of ELLE help file */
| 106 | extern char *ev_profile; /* Filename of ELLE binary user profile */
| 107 | extern struct profile def_prof; /* ELLE default user profile */
| 108 |
| 109 | /* Global variables */
| 110 |
| 111 | EXT chroff cur_dot; /* Current dot */
| 112 | EXT chroff mark_dot; /* Dot for mark */
| 113 | EXT int mark_p; /* flag indicating whether mark exists */
| 114 | EXT int this_cmd, last_cmd; /* Command type */
| 115 | EXT int unrchf; /* Stuffed character back for readcommand */
| 116 | EXT int exp; /* Numeric argument for commands */
| 117 | EXT int exp_p; /* Flag meaning an arg was given */
| 118 | EXT int pgoal; /* Permanent goal column */
| 119 | EXT int goal;
| 120 | EXT char *srch_str; /* Last search string specified (0 = none) */
| 121 | EXT int srch_len; /* Length of srch_str string */
| 122 | EXT int ask_len; /* Length of last string returned by "ask" */
| 123 | EXT char *homedir; /* User's home directory */
| 124 | EXT int kill_ptr; /* Index into kill ring */
| 125 | extern SBSTR *kill_ring[]; /* Kill ring table (allocated in eevini) */
| 126 |
| 127 | /* Editor Command types */
| 128 |
| 129 | #define KILLCMD 1 /* Kill command, for kill merging */
| 130 | #define ARGCMD 2 /* Argument-setter, for main loop */
| 131 | #define YANKCMD 3 /* Yank command, for yankpop */
| 132 | #define LINECMD 4 /* Next or previous line goal hacking */
| 133 | #if IMAGEN
| 134 | #define INSCMD 5 /* Simple char-insert command, for autowrap */
| 135 | #endif /*IMAGEN*/
| 136 |
| 137 | /* Misc char definitions */
| 138 | #define CTRL(ch) (037&ch)
| 139 | #define BELL ('\007') /* Will become \a in ANSI */
| 140 | #define BS ('\b')
| 141 | #define TAB ('\t')
| 142 | #define LF ('\n')
| 143 | #define FF ('\f')
| 144 | #define CR ('\r')
| 145 | #define ESC ('\033')
| 146 | #define SP (' ')
| 147 | #define DEL ('\177')
| 148 |
| 149 | #define CB_META (0200) /* Meta bit in command char */
| 150 | #define CB_EXT (0400) /* Extend bit in command char */
| 151 | #define METIZER ESC
| 152 | #define EXTIZER CTRL('X')
| 153 |
| 154 | /* Terminal parameters - set at runtime startup */
| 155 |
| 156 | EXT char *tv_stype; /* Terminal type string specified by user/system */
| 157 | EXT int scr_ht; /* # lines of main screen area */
| 158 | EXT int scr_wid; /* # columns of screen */
| 159 | EXT int scr_wd0; /* scr_wid - 1 (for 0-origin stuff) */
| 160 | EXT int trm_ospeed; /* Output speed index */
| 161 | EXT int tvc_pos; /* Cost for absolute move (# of output chars) */
| 162 | EXT int tvc_bs; /* Cost for backspace */
| 163 | EXT int tvc_ci, tvc_cin; /* Char ins cost per call, cost per column */
| 164 | EXT int tvc_cd, tvc_cdn; /* Char del " " " " " " */
| 165 | EXT int tvc_li, tvc_lin; /* Line ins cost per call, cost per line */
| 166 | EXT int tvc_ld, tvc_ldn; /* Line del " " " " " " */
| 167 |
| 168 | EXT int trm_flags; /* Terminal capabilities - bit flags */
| 169 | /* Maybe change to word vars someday (faster) */
| 170 | #define TF_IDLIN 01 /* Has I/D line */
| 171 | #define TF_IDCHR 02 /* Has I/D char */
| 172 | #define TF_SO 04 /* Has usable standout mode */
| 173 | #define TF_CLEOL 010 /* Has clear-to-eol */
| 174 | #define TF_METAKEY 020 /* Has meta key */
| 175 | #define TF_DIRVID 040 /* Has direct-video type interface */
| 176 |
| 177 |
| 178 | /* Redisplay definitions */
| 179 |
| 180 | EXT int curs_lin; /* Line # of current cursor (0 origin) */
| 181 | EXT int curs_col; /* Column # of current cursor (0 origin) */
| 182 |
| 183 | EXT int rd_type; /* Global var: holds redisplay "hints" */
| 184 | #define redp(n) rd_type |= (n)
| 185 |
| 186 | #define RD_SCREEN 01 /* Clear everything and redisplay */
| 187 | #define RD_WINDS 02 /* Check all windows for changes (b/emod) */
| 188 | #define RD_MODE 04 /* Mode line has changed, update it. */
| 189 | #define RD_WINRES 0400 /* Assume all of window was changed (clear b/emod) */
| 190 | #define RD_MOVE 010 /* Cursor has moved */
| 191 | #define RD_UPDWIN 020 /* Window fixed, must update modified screen lines */
| 192 | /*#define RD_ICHR 0 *//* Hint: Char insert done */
| 193 | /*#define RD_DCHR 0 *//* Hint: Char del done */
| 194 | #define RD_ILIN 0100 /* Hint: Line insert done */
| 195 | #define RD_DLIN 0200 /* Hint: Line del done */
| 196 |
| 197 | /* #define RD_MOVWIN 02000 *//* Window should be re-positioned */
| 198 | #define RD_FIXWIN 02000 /* Window needs fixing (call fix_wind) */
| 199 | #define RD_TMOD 04000 /* Text changed in this window, check it. */
| 200 | #define RD_WINCLR 010000 /* Clear window with CLEOLs (not yet) */
| 201 | #define RD_CHKALL 020000 /* Check all windows for redisplay flags */
| 202 | #if IMAGEN
| 203 | #define RD_REDO 040000 /* Just re-do the entire window, don't think */
| 204 | #endif /*IMAGEN*/
| 205 |
| 206 | /* Flags with global effects, only seen in rd_type */
| 208 | /* Flags which are allowed per-window (in w_redp) */
| 209 | #define RDS_WINFLGS (~RDS_GLOBALS)
| 210 | /* Flags which force FIX_WIND() to do something */
| 212 |
| 213 | #define CI_CLINE '!' /* Char indicator for continued line */
| 214 | #define CI_CNTRL '^' /* Char indicator for control chars */
| 215 | #define CI_META '~' /* Char indicator for meta-bit (8th) set */
| 216 | #define CI_TOP '|' /* Char indicator for top-bit (9th) set */
| 217 | #define MAXCHAR (8+3) /* Longest char representation (TAB) + slop */
| 218 |
| 219 | /* Definitions for screen structures */
| 220 |
| 221 | struct scr_line {
| 222 | chroff sl_boff; /* Ptr to start of line's text in buffer */
| 223 | int sl_len; /* # buffer chars in line (incl NL) */
| 224 | char *sl_line; /* Ptr to screen image of line */
| 225 | int sl_col; /* # chars in image == # columns used */
| 226 | char sl_flg; /* Flags - set if this line modified */
| 227 | char sl_cont; /* If line being continued on next, this */
| 228 | /* contains 1 plus # extra chars (if any) */
| 229 | /* stored at end of this line which shd be */
| 230 | /* put at beg of next line. */
| 231 | char *sl_nlin; /* New screen image line if modified flag set */
| 232 | int sl_ncol;
| 233 | };
| 234 | /* sl_flg definitions */
| 235 | #define SL_MOD 01 /* New line exists, must update to it */
| 236 | #define SL_EOL 02 /* Buffer line ends with EOL */
| 237 | #define SL_CSO 04 /* Current screen line is in standout mode */
| 238 | #define SL_NSO 010 /* New screen line is in standout mode */
| 239 | #if IMAGEN
| 240 | #define SL_REDO 0100 /* Line should be redone completely */
| 241 | #endif /*IMAGEN*/
| 242 |
| 243 | extern struct scr_line *scr[]; /* Screen line ptrs (allocated in e_vinit) */
| 244 |
| 245 |
| 246 | /* Buffer stuff */
| 247 |
| 248 | struct buffer
| 249 | { SBBUF b_sb; /* MUST be 1st thing! */
| 250 | struct buffer *b_next; /* ptr to next in chain */
| 251 | char *b_name; /* text name */
| 252 | char *b_fn; /* filename */
| 253 | chroff b_dot; /* point (dot) */
| 254 | int b_flags; /* misc. bits */
| 255 | struct majmode *b_mode; /* Mode of buffer */
| 256 | #if IMAGEN
| 257 | long b_mtime; /* Last file modification time */
| 258 | #endif /*IMAGEN*/
| 259 | };
| 260 | /* b_flags definitions */
| 261 | #define B_MODIFIED 01 /* Buffer is modified */
| 262 | #define B_EOLCRLF 0200 /* On = CRLF mode, off = LF mode */
| 263 | #if IMAGEN
| 264 | #define B_PERMANENT 002 /* buffer cannot be killed */
| 265 | #define B_CMODE 004 /* "C" mode (HACK HACK) */
| 266 | #define B_BACKEDUP 010 /* Buffer has been backed up once */
| 267 | #define B_TEXTMODE 020 /* Text mode (auto-wrap, basically) */
| 268 | #define B_QUERYREP 040 /* Query-replace mode (qualifier) */
| 269 | #endif /*IMAGEN*/
| 270 |
| 271 | /* Handy macro to check EOL mode */
| 272 | #define eolcrlf(buf) (((struct buffer *)buf)->b_flags&B_EOLCRLF)
| 273 |
| 274 | /* Buffer pointers */
| 275 |
| 276 | EXT struct buffer
| 277 | *buf_head, /* head of list of all buffers */
| 278 | *cur_buf, /* buffer we are editing now */
| 279 | *last_buf, /* buffer we were editing before */
| 280 | *lines_buf; /* buffer for sep_win */
| 281 |
| 282 | /* Window stuff */
| 283 |
| 284 | struct window
| 285 | { struct window *w_next; /* ptr to next in chain */
| 286 | int w_flags; /* Window flags */
| 287 | int w_pos; /* index of top line */
| 288 | int w_ht; /* number of lines */
| 289 | struct buffer *w_buf; /* buffer in this window */
| 290 | int w_pct; /* % of buffer window is at */
| 291 | int w_redp; /* Redisplay hints */
| 292 | chroff w_topldot; /* line currently at top of window */
| 293 | chroff w_dot; /* Saved dot while not cur_win */
| 294 | chroff w_bmod; /* Lower bound of modified text */
| 295 | chroff w_emod; /* Upper bound of modified text */
| 296 | /* (offset from end of buffer!) */
| 297 | chroff w_oldz; /* Buffer len as of last update */
| 298 | };
| 299 |
| 300 | /* Window flags */
| 301 | #define W_STANDOUT 01 /* Use terminal's standout mode for window */
| 302 | #define W_MODE 02 /* This is a mode window */
| 303 |
| 304 | /* Window pointers */
| 305 |
| 306 | EXT struct window
| 307 | *win_head, /* head of list of all windows */
| 308 | *cur_win, /* window we are now in */
| 309 | *user_win, /* current user window */
| 310 | *oth_win, /* "other" user window */
| 311 | *mode_win, /* window for mode line */
| 312 | *ask_win, /* window for ask (echo) area */
| 313 | *sep_win; /* window for separation dashes */
| 314 |
| 315 | /* Major Mode stuff. Each buffer has its own major mode.
| 316 | * Only one major mode may be in effect at any time.
| 317 | */
| 318 | struct majmode {
| 319 | char *mjm_name; /* Simple for now */
| 320 | };
| 321 | EXT struct majmode *fun_mode; /* Fundamental mode - the default */
| 322 | EXT struct majmode *cur_mode; /* Current major mode */
| 323 |
| 324 | /* Minor modes are currently implemented by means of flag variables
| 325 | * which have global effects (regardless of buffer or major mode).
| 326 | * Each variable has the name "x_mode" where x is the name of the minor
| 327 | * mode. These are declared in the modules containing their support code.
| 328 | * In the future this may be generalized along the lines of major modes.
| 329 | */
| 330 |
| 331 |
| 332 | /* Miscellaneous debug stuff */
| 333 |
| 334 | EXT int dbgval; /* Set nonzero to do verify stuff */
| 335 | EXT int dbg_isw; /* Set to enable interrupts if possible */
| 336 | #if IMAGEN
| 337 | EXT int dbg_redp; /* Set to debug redisplay algorithms */
| 338 | #endif /*IMAGEN*/
| 339 | extern int errno;
| 340 |
| 341 | /* V7 routines for setexit/reset emulation */
| 342 |
| 343 | #if !(V6)
| 344 | #include <setjmp.h>
| 345 | EXT jmp_buf env_main;
| 346 | #define setexit(a) setjmp(env_main)
| 347 | #define reset(a) longjmp(env_main,a)
| 348 | #endif /*-V6*/
| 349 |
| 350 | /* Declare functions returning CHROFF values (offsets into a buffer) */
| 351 |
| 352 | extern chroff e_dot(),e_nldot(),e_pldot(),e_boldot(),e_eoldot(),
| 353 | e_alldot(),ex_boldot(),ex_alldot(),
| 354 | ex_blen(),e_blen(),ex_dot(),e_wdot();
| 355 |
| 356 | extern SBSTR *e_copyn();
| 357 |
| 358 | /* Some other commonly needed declarations */
| 359 |
| 360 | extern char *memalloc(), *ask(), *dottoa(), *strdup();
| 361 | #if !(V6)
| 362 | extern char *getenv();
| 363 | #endif /*-V6*/
| 364 | #include "eeproto.h" /* function prototypes */