/* * IO to the floppyd daemon running on the local X-Server Host * * written by: * * Peter Schlaile * * udbz@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de * */ #include "sysincludes.h" #include "stream.h" #include "mtools.h" #include "msdos.h" #include "scsi.h" #include "partition.h" #include "floppyd_io.h" #ifdef USE_FLOPPYD /* ######################################################################## */ typedef unsigned char Byte; typedef unsigned long Dword; char* AuthErrors[] = { "Auth success!", "Auth failed: Packet oversized!", "Auth failed: X-Cookie doesn't match!", "Auth failed: Wrong transmission protocol version!", "Auth failed: Device locked!" }; typedef struct RemoteFile_t { Class_t *Class; int refs; Stream_t *Next; Stream_t *Buffer; int fd; mt_off_t offset; mt_off_t lastwhere; mt_off_t size; } RemoteFile_t; #ifndef HAVE_HTONS unsigned short myhtons(unsigned short parm) { Byte val[2]; val[0] = (parm >> 8) & 0xff; val[1] = parm & 0xff; return *((unsigned short*) (val)); } #endif Dword byte2dword(Byte* val) { Dword l; l = (val[0] << 24) + (val[1] << 16) + (val[2] << 8) + val[3]; return l; } void dword2byte(Dword parm, Byte* rval) { rval[0] = (parm >> 24) & 0xff; rval[1] = (parm >> 16) & 0xff; rval[2] = (parm >> 8) & 0xff; rval[3] = parm & 0xff; } Dword read_dword(int handle) { Byte val[4]; read(handle, val, 4); return byte2dword(val); } void write_dword(int handle, Dword parm) { Byte val[4]; dword2byte(parm, val); write(handle, val, 4); } /* ######################################################################## */ int authenticate_to_floppyd(int sock, char *display) { off_t filelen; Byte buf[16]; char *command[] = { "xauth", "xauth", "extract", "-", 0, 0 }; char *xcookie; Dword errcode; command[4] = display; filelen=strlen(display); filelen += 100; xcookie = (char *) safe_malloc(filelen+4); filelen = safePopenOut(command, xcookie+4, filelen); if(filelen < 1) return AUTH_AUTHFAILED; dword2byte(4,buf); dword2byte(FLOPPYD_PROTOCOL_VERSION,buf+4); write(sock, buf, 8); if (read_dword(sock) != 4) { return AUTH_WRONGVERSION; } errcode = read_dword(sock); if (errcode != AUTH_SUCCESS) { return errcode; } dword2byte(filelen, xcookie); write(sock, xcookie, filelen+4); if (read_dword(sock) != 4) { return AUTH_PACKETOVERSIZE; } errcode = read_dword(sock); return errcode; } static int floppyd_reader(int fd, char* buffer, int len) { Dword errcode; Dword gotlen; int l; int start; Byte buf[16]; dword2byte(1, buf); buf[4] = OP_READ; dword2byte(4, buf+5); dword2byte(len, buf+9); write(fd, buf, 13); if (read_dword(fd) != 8) { errno = EIO; return -1; } gotlen = read_dword(fd); errcode = read_dword(fd); if (gotlen != -1) { if (read_dword(fd) != gotlen) { errno = EIO; return -1; } for (start = 0, l = 0; start < gotlen; start += l) { l = read(fd, buffer+start, gotlen-start); if (l == 0) { errno = EIO; return -1; } } } else { errno = errcode; } return gotlen; } static int floppyd_writer(int fd, char* buffer, int len) { Dword errcode; Dword gotlen; Byte buf[16]; dword2byte(1, buf); buf[4] = OP_WRITE; dword2byte(len, buf+5); write(fd, buf, 9); write(fd, buffer, len); if (read_dword(fd) != 8) { errno = EIO; return -1; } gotlen = read_dword(fd); errcode = read_dword(fd); errno = errcode; return gotlen; } static int floppyd_lseek(int fd, mt_off_t offset, int whence) { Dword errcode; Dword gotlen; Byte buf[32]; dword2byte(1, buf); buf[4] = OP_SEEK; dword2byte(8, buf+5); dword2byte(truncBytes32(offset), buf+9); dword2byte(whence, buf+13); write(fd, buf, 17); if (read_dword(fd) != 8) { errno = EIO; return -1; } gotlen = read_dword(fd); errcode = read_dword(fd); errno = errcode; return gotlen; } /* ######################################################################## */ typedef int (*iofn) (int, char *, int); static int floppyd_io(Stream_t *Stream, char *buf, mt_off_t where, int len, iofn io) { DeclareThis(RemoteFile_t); int ret; where += This->offset; if (where != This->lastwhere ){ if(floppyd_lseek( This->fd, where, SEEK_SET) < 0 ){ perror("floppyd_lseek"); This->lastwhere = (mt_off_t) -1; return -1; } } ret = io(This->fd, buf, len); if ( ret == -1 ){ perror("floppyd_io"); This->lastwhere = (mt_off_t) -1; return -1; } This->lastwhere = where + ret; return ret; } static int floppyd_read(Stream_t *Stream, char *buf, mt_off_t where, size_t len) { return floppyd_io(Stream, buf, where, len, (iofn) floppyd_reader); } static int floppyd_write(Stream_t *Stream, char *buf, mt_off_t where, size_t len) { return floppyd_io(Stream, buf, where, len, (iofn) floppyd_writer); } static int floppyd_flush(Stream_t *Stream) { #if 0 Byte buf[16]; DeclareThis(RemoteFile_t); dword2byte(1, buf); buf[4] = OP_FLUSH; write(This->fd, buf, 5); if (read_dword(This->fd) != 8) { errno = EIO; return -1; } read_dword(This->fd); read_dword(This->fd); #endif return 0; } static int floppyd_free(Stream_t *Stream) { Byte buf[16]; DeclareThis(RemoteFile_t); if (This->fd > 2) { dword2byte(1, buf); buf[4] = OP_CLOSE; write(This->fd, buf, 5); return close(This->fd); } else { return 0; } } static int floppyd_geom(Stream_t *Stream, struct device *dev, struct device *orig_dev, int media, struct bootsector *boot) { size_t tot_sectors; int sect_per_track; DeclareThis(RemoteFile_t); dev->ssize = 2; /* allow for init_geom to change it */ dev->use_2m = 0x80; /* disable 2m mode to begin */ if(media == 0xf0 || media >= 0x100){ dev->heads = WORD(nheads); dev->sectors = WORD(nsect); tot_sectors = DWORD(bigsect); SET_INT(tot_sectors, WORD(psect)); sect_per_track = dev->heads * dev->sectors; tot_sectors += sect_per_track - 1; /* round size up */ dev->tracks = tot_sectors / sect_per_track; } else if (media >= 0xf8){ media &= 3; dev->heads = old_dos[media].heads; dev->tracks = old_dos[media].tracks; dev->sectors = old_dos[media].sectors; dev->ssize = 0x80; dev->use_2m = ~1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Unknown media type\n"); exit(1); } This->size = (mt_off_t) 512 * dev->sectors * dev->tracks * dev->heads; return 0; } static int floppyd_data(Stream_t *Stream, time_t *date, mt_size_t *size, int *type, int *address) { DeclareThis(RemoteFile_t); if(date) /* unknown, and irrelevant anyways */ *date = 0; if(size) /* the size derived from the geometry */ *size = (mt_size_t) This->size; if(type) *type = 0; /* not a directory */ if(address) *address = 0; return 0; } /* ######################################################################## */ static Class_t FloppydFileClass = { floppyd_read, floppyd_write, floppyd_flush, floppyd_free, floppyd_geom, floppyd_data }; /* ######################################################################## */ int get_host_and_port(const char* name, char** hostname, char **display, short* port) { char* newname = strdup(name); char* p; char* p2; p = newname; while (*p != '/' && *p) p++; p2 = p; if (*p) p++; *p2 = 0; *port = atoi(p); if (*port == 0) { *port = FLOPPYD_DEFAULT_PORT; } *display = strdup(newname); p = newname; while (*p != ':' && *p) p++; p2 = p; if (*p) p++; *p2 = 0; *port += atoi(p); /* add display number to the port */ if (!*newname || strcmp(newname, "unix") == 0) { free(newname); newname = strdup("localhost"); } *hostname = newname; return 1; } /* * * Return the IP address of the specified host. * */ static IPaddr_t getipaddress(char *ipaddr) { struct hostent *host; IPaddr_t ip; if (((ip = inet_addr(ipaddr)) == INADDR_NONE) && (strcmp(ipaddr, "") != 0)) { if ((host = gethostbyname(ipaddr)) != NULL) { memcpy(&ip, host->h_addr, sizeof(ip)); } endhostent(); } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "IP lookup %s -> 0x%08lx\n", ipaddr, ip); #endif return (ip); } /* * * Connect to the floppyd server. * */ static int connect_to_server(IPaddr_t ip, short port) { struct sockaddr_in addr; int sock; /* * Allocate a socket. */ if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { return (-1); } /* * Set the address to connect to. */ addr.sin_family = AF_INET; #ifndef HAVE_HTONS addr.sin_port = myhtons(port); #else addr.sin_port = htons(port); #endif addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip; /* * Connect our socket to the above address. */ if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { return (-1); } /* * Set the keepalive socket option to on. */ { int on = 1; setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)); } return (sock); } static int ConnectToFloppyd(const char* name); Stream_t *FloppydOpen(struct device *dev, struct device *dev2, char *name, int mode, char *errmsg, int mode2, int locked) { RemoteFile_t *This; if (!dev || !(dev->misc_flags & FLOPPYD_FLAG)) return NULL; This = New(RemoteFile_t); if (!This){ printOom(); return NULL; } This->Class = &FloppydFileClass; This->Next = 0; This->offset = 0; This->lastwhere = 0; This->refs = 1; This->Buffer = 0; This->fd = ConnectToFloppyd(name); if (This->fd == -1) { Free(This); return NULL; } return (Stream_t *) This; } static int ConnectToFloppyd(const char* name) { char* hostname; char* display; short port; int rval = get_host_and_port(name, &hostname, &display, &port); int sock; int reply; if (!rval) return -1; sock = connect_to_server(getipaddress(hostname), port); if (sock == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't connect to floppyd server on %s, port %i!\n", hostname, port); return -1; } reply = authenticate_to_floppyd(sock, display); if (reply != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Permission denied, authentication failed!\n" "%s\n", AuthErrors[reply]); return -1; } free(hostname); free(display); return sock; } #endif