/* * look.c * Facility: m4 macro processor * by: oz */ #include "mdef.h" #include "extr.h" /* * hash - compute hash value using the proverbial * hashing function. Taken from K&R. */ int hash (name) register char *name; { register int h = 0; while (*name) h += *name++; return (h % HASHSIZE); } /* * lookup - find name in the hash table * */ ndptr lookup(name) char *name; { register ndptr p; for (p = hashtab[hash(name)]; p != nil; p = p->nxtptr) if (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0) break; return (p); } /* * addent - hash and create an entry in the hash * table. The new entry is added in front * of a hash bucket. */ ndptr addent(name) char *name; { register int h; ndptr p; h = hash(name); if ((p = (ndptr) malloc(sizeof(struct ndblock))) != NULL) { p->nxtptr = hashtab[h]; hashtab[h] = p; p->name = strsave(name); } else error("m4: no more memory."); return p; } /* * remhash - remove an entry from the hashtable * */ void remhash(name, all) char *name; int all; { register int h; register ndptr xp, tp, mp; h = hash(name); mp = hashtab[h]; tp = nil; while (mp != nil) { if (strcmp(mp->name, name) == 0) { mp = mp->nxtptr; if (tp == nil) { freent(hashtab[h]); hashtab[h] = mp; } else { xp = tp->nxtptr; tp->nxtptr = mp; freent(xp); } if (!all) break; } else { tp = mp; mp = mp->nxtptr; } } } /* * freent - free a hashtable information block * */ void freent(p) ndptr p; { if (!(p->type & STATIC)) { free(p->name); if (p->defn != null) free(p->defn); } free(p); }