/* rlogind.c Created: by Philip Homburg Log: Utmp improvement by Kees Bot Split to compile easier on i86 by kjb */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define EXTERN #include "rlogind.h" char pty_str[]= "/dev/ptyXX"; char tty_str[]= "/dev/ttyXX"; char hex_str[16]= "0123456789abcdef"; char PATH_UTMP[] = "/etc/utmp"; /* current logins */ char PATH_WTMP[] = "/usr/adm/wtmp"; /* login/logout history */ char term[64]= "TERM="; #define ENVSIZE (sizeof("TERM=")-1) /* skip null for concatenation. */ int confirmed= 0; char *env[2]; char *args[10]; static void do_child(int tty_fd, char *tty_str); static void dealloc_term(int slot, char *tty_str, int pid); static void wtmp(char *user, char *id, char *line, int pid, int type, int slot); static void setup_term(int fd); static speed_t num2speed(int num); static int do_control(char *buf, int cnt); static void readall(char *buf, int cnt); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int error; int i, j= 0; int tty_fd, pty_fd; int login_pid, write_pid; int count, bytes, tmp_count; char *lp= 0, *cp; struct stat struct_stat; int slot; prog_name= argv[0]; /* Check if the remote user is allowed in. */ authenticate(); write(1, "", 1); /* Send the '\0' */ confirmed= 1; /* We try to convince the other side not the do ^S/^Q, the rlogin * protocol indicates the we only send this when XOFF is turned off * but we don't know when this happens so we tell the other side that * it is turned off. */ tcp_urg(1, 1); write(1, "\220", 1); tcp_urg(1, 0); /* Let's look for a pty. */ pty_fd= -1; for (i= 'p'; i <= 'z'; i++) { pty_str[sizeof(pty_str)-3]= i; pty_str[sizeof(pty_str)-2]= '0'; error= stat(pty_str, &struct_stat); if (error == -1) continue; for (j= 0; j < 16; j++) { pty_str[sizeof(pty_str)-2]= hex_str[j]; pty_fd= open(pty_str, O_RDWR); if (pty_fd != -1) break; } if (pty_fd != -1) break; } if (pty_fd == -1) { printf("%s: out of ptys\r\n", prog_name); exit(1); } tty_str[sizeof(pty_str)-3]= i; tty_str[sizeof(pty_str)-2]= hex_str[j]; tty_fd= open(tty_str, O_RDWR); if (tty_fd == -1) { printf("%s: unable to open '%s': %s\r\n", prog_name, tty_str, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } slot= fttyslot(tty_fd); login_pid= fork(); if (login_pid == -1) { printf("%s: unable to fork: %s\r\n", prog_name, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (login_pid == 0) { close(pty_fd); wtmp("", "", tty_str, login_pid, LOGIN_PROCESS, slot); do_child(tty_fd, tty_str); } close(tty_fd); write_pid= fork(); if (write_pid == -1) { printf("%s: unable to fork: %s\r\n", prog_name, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (write_pid == 0) { dup2(pty_fd, 0); count= 0; for (;;) { if (!count) { count= read(0, line, sizeof(line)); if (count <= 0) break; lp= line; } bytes= write(1, lp, count); if (bytes <= 0 || bytes > count) break; lp += bytes; count -= bytes; } kill(getppid(), SIGKILL); dealloc_term(slot, tty_str, login_pid); _exit(1); } dup2(pty_fd, 1); count= 0; for (;;) { if (!count) { count= read(0, line, sizeof(line)); if (count <= 0) break; lp= line; } tmp_count= count; cp= memchr(lp, 255, count); if (cp) { tmp_count= cp-lp; if (tmp_count == 0) { tmp_count= do_control(lp, count); if (tmp_count) { lp += tmp_count; count -= tmp_count; continue; } } } bytes= write(1, lp, tmp_count); if (bytes <= 0 || bytes > count) break; lp += bytes; count -= bytes; } kill(write_pid, SIGKILL); dealloc_term(slot, tty_str, login_pid); return(0); } static void do_child(int tty_fd, char *tty_str) { int ctty_fd, tst_fd; FILE *tty_file; int sav_errno; char **argp; /* Set up the terminal attributes. */ setup_term(tty_fd); /* Let's start the new session. */ setsid(); ctty_fd= open(tty_str, O_RDWR); if (ctty_fd == -1) { printf("%s(do_child): unable to open '%s': %s\r\n", prog_name, tty_str, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* Test if we really got a controlling tty. */ tst_fd= open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR); if (tst_fd == -1) { printf( "%s(do_child): '%s' didn't result in a controlling tty (%s)\r\n", prog_name, tty_str, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } argp= args; *argp++= "login"; *argp++= "-p"; *argp++= "-h"; *argp++= hostname; if (authenticated) *argp++= "-f"; if (lusername[0] != '\0') *argp++= lusername; /* We reached the point of no return. */ close(tst_fd); close(tty_fd); if (ctty_fd != 0) { dup2(ctty_fd, 0); close(ctty_fd); ctty_fd= 0; } dup2(ctty_fd, 1); #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "execing login\r\n"); #endif dup2(ctty_fd, 2); execve("/bin/login", args, env); if (errno == ENOENT) execve("/usr/bin/login", args, env); sav_errno= errno; tty_file= fdopen(2, "w"); if (tty_file) { fprintf(tty_file, "%s(do_child): unable to exec login: %s\r\n", prog_name, strerror(sav_errno)); fflush(tty_file); } _exit(1); } static void dealloc_term(int slot, char *tty_str, int pid) { wtmp("", "", tty_str, pid, DEAD_PROCESS, slot); /* Finally we reset the owner and mode of the terminal. */ chown(tty_str, 0, 0); chmod(tty_str, 0666); } static void wtmp( char *user, /* name of user */ char *id, /* inittab ID */ char *line, /* TTY name */ int pid, /* PID of process */ int type, /* TYPE of entry */ int slot) /* slot number in UTMP */ { /* Log an event into the UTMP and WTMP files. */ struct utmp utmp; /* UTMP/WTMP User Accounting */ int fd= -1; int log = 1; /* log in wtmp */ char *p; /* Strip the /dev part of the TTY name. */ p = strrchr(line, '/'); if (p != 0) line= p+1; if (type == DEAD_PROCESS) { /* Don't add a logout entry for just a dying login. */ if ((fd = open(PATH_UTMP, O_RDONLY)) < 0) return; if (lseek(fd, (off_t) slot * sizeof(utmp), SEEK_SET) != -1 && read(fd, (void *) &utmp, sizeof(utmp)) == sizeof(utmp)) { if (utmp.ut_type != INIT_PROCESS && utmp.ut_type != USER_PROCESS) log= 0; } close(fd); } if (type == LOGIN_PROCESS) log= 0; /* and don't log this one */ /* Clear the utmp record. */ memset((void *) &utmp, 0, sizeof(utmp)); /* Enter new values. */ strncpy(utmp.ut_name, user, sizeof(utmp.ut_name)); strncpy(utmp.ut_id, id, sizeof(utmp.ut_id)); strncpy(utmp.ut_line, line, sizeof(utmp.ut_line)); strncpy(utmp.ut_host, hostname, sizeof(utmp.ut_host)); utmp.ut_pid = pid; utmp.ut_type = type; utmp.ut_time = time((time_t *)0); if (log) { if ((fd = open(PATH_WTMP, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND)) < 0) return; write(fd, (char *) &utmp, sizeof(struct utmp)); close(fd); } /* write entry to utmp */ if ((fd = open(PATH_UTMP, O_WRONLY)) < 0) return; if (lseek(fd, (off_t) slot * sizeof(utmp), SEEK_SET) != -1) write(fd, (char *) &utmp, sizeof(struct utmp)); close(fd); } void fatal(int fd, char *msg, int err) { int len; char buf[80], *bp; bp= buf; if (!confirmed) *bp++= '\1'; if (err) len= sprintf(bp, "rlogind: %s: %s.\r\n", msg, strerror(err)); else len= sprintf(bp, "rlogind: %s.\r\n", msg); write(fd, buf, bp+len-buf); exit(1); } static void setup_term(int fd) { char *cp, *speed; struct termios tt; speed_t spd; int num; char *check; cp= strchr(term, '/'); if (cp) { tcgetattr(fd, &tt); *cp++= '\0'; speed= cp; cp= strchr(speed, '/'); if (cp) *cp++= '\0'; num= strtol(speed, &check, 0); spd= num2speed(num); if (spd != B0 && check[0] == '\0') { cfsetospeed(&tt, spd); cfsetispeed(&tt, spd); } tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tt); } env[0]= term; env[1]= 0; } static speed_t num2speed(int num) { static struct { int num; speed_t value; } speed_table[]= { { 0, B0, }, { 50, B50, }, { 75, B75, }, { 110, B110, }, { 134, B134, }, { 150, B150, }, { 200, B200, }, { 300, B300, }, { 600, B600, }, { 1200, B1200, }, { 1800, B1800, }, { 2400, B2400, }, { 4800, B4800, }, { 9600, B9600, }, { 19200, B19200, }, { 38400, B38400, }, { -1, -1 }, }; int i; for (i= 0; speed_table[i].num != -1; i++) { if (speed_table[i].num == num) return (speed_table[i].value); } return B0; } static int do_control(char *cp, int cnt) { char buf[20]; struct winsize winsize; if (cnt > sizeof(buf)) cnt= sizeof(buf); memcpy(buf, cp, cnt); /* Let's fetch the first 2 bytes. */ if (cnt < 2) readall(buf+cnt, 2-cnt); if ((unsigned char)buf[1] != 255) return 0; /* Let's fetch the first 4 bytes. */ if (cnt < 4) readall(buf+cnt, 4-cnt); if (buf[2] != 's' || buf[3] != 's') return 0; /* Let's fetch a winsize structure. */ if (cnt < 4 + sizeof(winsize)) readall(buf+cnt, 4 + sizeof(winsize) - cnt); memcpy(&winsize, buf+4, sizeof(winsize)); winsize.ws_row= ntohs(winsize.ws_row); winsize.ws_col= ntohs(winsize.ws_col); winsize.ws_xpixel= ntohs(winsize.ws_xpixel); winsize.ws_ypixel= ntohs(winsize.ws_ypixel); #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "setting window size to %d, %d\r\n", winsize.ws_row, winsize.ws_col); #endif ioctl(1, TIOCSWINSZ, &winsize); return 4 + sizeof(winsize); } static void readall(char *buf, int cnt) { int res; while(cnt) { res= read(0, buf, cnt); if (res <= 0) return; buf += cnt; cnt -= res; } }