#define Extern extern #include #include #include #include #include "sh.h" /* -------- io.c -------- */ /* #include "sh.h" */ /* * shell IO */ static struct iobuf sharedbuf = {AFID_NOBUF}; static struct iobuf mainbuf = {AFID_NOBUF}; static unsigned bufid = AFID_ID; /* buffer id counter */ struct ioarg temparg = {0, 0, 0, AFID_NOBUF, 0}; _PROTOTYPE(static void readhere, (char **name, char *s, int ec )); _PROTOTYPE(void pushio, (struct ioarg *argp, int (*fn)())); _PROTOTYPE(static int xxchar, (struct ioarg *ap )); _PROTOTYPE(void tempname, (char *tname )); int getc(ec) register int ec; { register int c; if(e.linep > elinep) { while((c=readc()) != '\n' && c) ; err("input line too long"); gflg++; return(c); } c = readc(); if (ec != '\'' && e.iop->task != XGRAVE) { if(c == '\\') { c = readc(); if (c == '\n' && ec != '\"') return(getc(ec)); c |= QUOTE; } } return(c); } void unget(c) int c; { if (e.iop >= e.iobase) e.iop->peekc = c; } int eofc() { return e.iop < e.iobase || (e.iop->peekc == 0 && e.iop->prev == 0); } int readc() { register c; for (; e.iop >= e.iobase; e.iop--) if ((c = e.iop->peekc) != '\0') { e.iop->peekc = 0; return(c); } else { if (e.iop->prev != 0) { if ((c = (*e.iop->iofn)(e.iop->argp, e.iop)) != '\0') { if (c == -1) { e.iop++; continue; } if (e.iop == iostack) ioecho(c); return(e.iop->prev = c); } else if (e.iop->task == XIO && e.iop->prev != '\n') { e.iop->prev = 0; if (e.iop == iostack) ioecho('\n'); return '\n'; } } if (e.iop->task == XIO) { if (multiline) return e.iop->prev = 0; if (talking && e.iop == iostack+1) prs(prompt->value); } } if (e.iop >= iostack) return(0); leave(); /* NOTREACHED */ } void ioecho(c) char c; { if (flag['v']) write(2, &c, sizeof c); } void pushio(argp, fn) struct ioarg *argp; int (*fn)(); { if (++e.iop >= &iostack[NPUSH]) { e.iop--; err("Shell input nested too deeply"); gflg++; return; } e.iop->iofn = fn; if (argp->afid != AFID_NOBUF) e.iop->argp = argp; else { e.iop->argp = ioargstack + (e.iop - iostack); *e.iop->argp = *argp; e.iop->argp->afbuf = e.iop == &iostack[0] ? &mainbuf : &sharedbuf; if (isatty(e.iop->argp->afile) == 0 && (e.iop == &iostack[0] || lseek(e.iop->argp->afile, 0L, 1) != -1)) { if (++bufid == AFID_NOBUF) bufid = AFID_ID; e.iop->argp->afid = bufid; } } e.iop->prev = ~'\n'; e.iop->peekc = 0; e.iop->xchar = 0; e.iop->nlcount = 0; if (fn == filechar || fn == linechar) e.iop->task = XIO; else if (fn == gravechar || fn == qgravechar) e.iop->task = XGRAVE; else e.iop->task = XOTHER; } struct io * setbase(ip) struct io *ip; { register struct io *xp; xp = e.iobase; e.iobase = ip; return(xp); } /* * Input generating functions */ /* * Produce the characters of a string, then a newline, then EOF. */ int nlchar(ap) register struct ioarg *ap; { register int c; if (ap->aword == NULL) return(0); if ((c = *ap->aword++) == 0) { ap->aword = NULL; return('\n'); } return(c); } /* * Given a list of words, produce the characters * in them, with a space after each word. */ int wdchar(ap) register struct ioarg *ap; { register char c; register char **wl; if ((wl = ap->awordlist) == NULL) return(0); if (*wl != NULL) { if ((c = *(*wl)++) != 0) return(c & 0177); ap->awordlist++; return(' '); } ap->awordlist = NULL; return('\n'); } /* * Return the characters of a list of words, * producing a space between them. */ int dolchar(ap) register struct ioarg *ap; { register char *wp; if ((wp = *ap->awordlist++) != NULL) { PUSHIO(aword, wp, *ap->awordlist == NULL? strchar: xxchar); return(-1); } return(0); } static int xxchar(ap) register struct ioarg *ap; { register int c; if (ap->aword == NULL) return(0); if ((c = *ap->aword++) == '\0') { ap->aword = NULL; return(' '); } return(c); } /* * Produce the characters from a single word (string). */ int strchar(ap) register struct ioarg *ap; { register int c; if (ap->aword == NULL || (c = *ap->aword++) == 0) return(0); return(c); } /* * Produce quoted characters from a single word (string). */ int qstrchar(ap) register struct ioarg *ap; { register int c; if (ap->aword == NULL || (c = *ap->aword++) == 0) return(0); return(c|QUOTE); } /* * Return the characters from a file. */ int filechar(ap) register struct ioarg *ap; { register int i; char c; struct iobuf *bp = ap->afbuf; if (ap->afid != AFID_NOBUF) { if ((i = ap->afid != bp->id) || bp->bufp == bp->ebufp) { if (i) lseek(ap->afile, ap->afpos, 0); do { i = read(ap->afile, bp->buf, sizeof(bp->buf)); } while (i < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (i <= 0) { closef(ap->afile); return 0; } bp->id = ap->afid; bp->ebufp = (bp->bufp = bp->buf) + i; } ap->afpos++; return *bp->bufp++ & 0177; } do { i = read(ap->afile, &c, sizeof(c)); } while (i < 0 && errno == EINTR); return(i == sizeof(c)? c&0177: (closef(ap->afile), 0)); } /* * Return the characters from a here temp file. */ int herechar(ap) register struct ioarg *ap; { char c; if (read(ap->afile, &c, sizeof(c)) != sizeof(c)) { close(ap->afile); c = 0; } return (c); } /* * Return the characters produced by a process (`...`). * Quote them if required, and remove any trailing newline characters. */ int gravechar(ap, iop) struct ioarg *ap; struct io *iop; { register int c; if ((c = qgravechar(ap, iop)&~QUOTE) == '\n') c = ' '; return(c); } int qgravechar(ap, iop) register struct ioarg *ap; struct io *iop; { register int c; if (iop->xchar) { if (iop->nlcount) { iop->nlcount--; return('\n'|QUOTE); } c = iop->xchar; iop->xchar = 0; } else if ((c = filechar(ap)) == '\n') { iop->nlcount = 1; while ((c = filechar(ap)) == '\n') iop->nlcount++; iop->xchar = c; if (c == 0) return(c); iop->nlcount--; c = '\n'; } return(c!=0? c|QUOTE: 0); } /* * Return a single command (usually the first line) from a file. */ int linechar(ap) register struct ioarg *ap; { register int c; if ((c = filechar(ap)) == '\n') { if (!multiline) { closef(ap->afile); ap->afile = -1; /* illegal value */ } } return(c); } void prs(s) register char *s; { if (*s) write(2, s, strlen(s)); } void putc(c) char c; { write(2, &c, sizeof c); } void prn(u) unsigned u; { prs(itoa(u, 0)); } void closef(i) register int i; { if (i > 2) close(i); } void closeall() { register u; for (u=NUFILE; u= 0 && fd < e.iofd); for (i=0; ih_tag = evalstr(s, DOSUB); if (h->h_tag == 0) return; h->h_iop = iop; iop->io_name = 0; h->h_next = NULL; if (inhere == 0) inhere = h; else for (lh = inhere; lh!=NULL; lh = lh->h_next) if (lh->h_next == 0) { lh->h_next = h; break; } iop->io_flag |= IOHERE|IOXHERE; for (s = h->h_tag; *s; s++) if (*s & QUOTE) { iop->io_flag &= ~ IOXHERE; *s &= ~ QUOTE; } h->h_dosub = iop->io_flag & IOXHERE; } void gethere() { register struct here *h, *hp; /* Scan here files first leaving inhere list in place */ for (hp = h = inhere; h != NULL; hp = h, h = h->h_next) readhere(&h->h_iop->io_name, h->h_tag, h->h_dosub? 0: '\''); /* Make inhere list active - keep list intact for scraphere */ if (hp != NULL) { hp->h_next = acthere; acthere = inhere; inhere = NULL; } } static void readhere(name, s, ec) char **name; register char *s; int ec; { int tf; char tname[30]; register c; jmp_buf ev; char line [LINELIM+1]; char *next; tempname(tname); *name = strsave(tname, areanum); tf = creat(tname, 0600); if (tf < 0) return; if (newenv(setjmp(errpt = ev)) != 0) unlink(tname); else { pushio(e.iop->argp, e.iop->iofn); e.iobase = e.iop; for (;;) { if (talking && e.iop <= iostack) prs(cprompt->value); next = line; while ((c = readc()) != '\n' && c) { if (next >= &line[LINELIM]) { c = 0; break; } *next++ = c; } *next = 0; if (strcmp(s, line) == 0 || c == 0) break; *next++ = '\n'; write (tf, line, (int)(next-line)); } if (c == 0) { prs("here document `"); prs(s); err("' unclosed"); } quitenv(); } close(tf); } /* * open here temp file. * if unquoted here, expand here temp file into second temp file. */ int herein(hname, xdoll) char *hname; int xdoll; { register hf, tf; if (hname == 0) return(-1); hf = open(hname, 0); if (hf < 0) return (-1); if (xdoll) { char c; char tname[30]; jmp_buf ev; tempname(tname); if ((tf = creat(tname, 0600)) < 0) return (-1); if (newenv(setjmp(errpt = ev)) == 0) { PUSHIO(afile, hf, herechar); setbase(e.iop); while ((c = subgetc(0, 0)) != 0) { char c1 = c&~QUOTE; if (c"E && !any(c1,"`$\\")) write(tf,"\\",1); write(tf, &c1, 1); } quitenv(); } else unlink(tname); close(tf); tf = open(tname, 0); unlink(tname); return (tf); } else return (hf); } void scraphere() { register struct here *h; for (h = inhere; h != NULL; h = h->h_next) { if (h->h_iop && h->h_iop->io_name) unlink(h->h_iop->io_name); } inhere = NULL; } /* unlink here temp files before a freearea(area) */ void freehere(area) int area; { register struct here *h, *hl; hl = NULL; for (h = acthere; h != NULL; h = h->h_next) if (getarea((char *) h) >= area) { if (h->h_iop->io_name != NULL) unlink(h->h_iop->io_name); if (hl == NULL) acthere = h->h_next; else hl->h_next = h->h_next; } else hl = h; } void tempname(tname) char *tname; { static int inc; register char *cp, *lp; for (cp = tname, lp = "/tmp/shtm"; (*cp = *lp++) != '\0'; cp++) ; lp = putn(getpid()*1000 + inc++); for (; (*cp = *lp++) != '\0'; cp++) ; }