source: trunk/minix/commands/simple/decomp16.c@ 17

Last change on this file since 17 was 9, checked in by Mattia Monga, 13 years ago

Minix 3.1.2a

File size: 13.8 KB
[9]1/* decomp16: decompress 16bit compressed files on a 16bit Intel processor
2 *
3 * Version 1.3 of 25 Mar 92.
4 *
5 * This was written by John N. White on 6/30/91 and is Public Domain.
6 * Patched to run under news by Will Rose, Feb 92.
7 * J N White's (earlier) patches added by Will Rose, 20 Feb 92.
8 * Unsigned int increment/wrap bug fixed by Will Rose, 24 Mar 92.
9 * Argument bug fixed, stdio generalised by Will Rose, 25 Mar 92.
10 *
11 * decomp16 can use as as little as 512 bytes of stack; since it forks
12 * four additional copies, it's probably worth using minimum stack rather
13 * than the 8192 byte Minix default. To reduce memory still further,
14 * change BUFSZ below to 256; it is currently set to 1024 for speed. The
15 * minimal decomp16 needs about 280k to run in pipe mode (56k per copy).
16 *
17 * This program acts as a filter:
18 * decomp16 < compressed_file > decompressed_file
19 * The arguments -0 to -4 run only the corresponding pass.
20 * Thus:
21 * decomp16 -4 < compressed_file > 3;
22 * decomp16 -3 < 3 > 2;
23 * decomp16 -2 < 2 > 1;
24 * decomp16 -1 < 1 > 0;
25 * decomp16 -0 < 0 > decompressed_file
26 * will also work, as will connecting the passes by explicit pipes if
27 * there is enough memory to do so. File name arguments can also be
28 * given directly on the command line.
29 *
30 * Compress uses a modified LZW compression algorithm. A compressed file
31 * is a set of indices into a dictionary of strings. The number of bits
32 * used to store each index depends on the number of entries currently
33 * in the dictionary. If there are between 257 and 512 entries, 9 bits
34 * are used. With 513 entries, 10 bits are used, etc. The initial dictionary
35 * consists of 0-255 (which are the corresponding chars) and 256 (which
36 * is a special CLEAR code). As each index in the compressed file is read,
37 * a new entry is added to the dictionary consisting of the current string
38 * with the first char of the next string appended. When the dictionary
39 * is full, no further entries are added. If a CLEAR code is received,
40 * the dictionary will be completely reset. The first two bytes of the
41 * compressed file are a magic number, and the third byte indicates the
42 * maximum number of bits, and whether the CLEAR code is used (older versions
43 * of compress didn't have CLEAR).
44 *
45 * This program works by forking four more copies of itself. The five
46 * programs form a pipeline. Copy 0 writes to stdout, and forks copy 1
47 * to supply its input, which in turn forks and reads from copy 2, etc.
48 * This sequence is used so that when the program exits, all writes
49 * are completed and a program that has exec'd uncompress (such as news)
50 * can immediately use the uncompressed data when the wait() call returns.
51 *
52 * If given a switch -#, where # is a digit from 0 to 4 (example: -2), the
53 * program will run as that copy, reading from stdin and writing to stdout.
54 * This allows decompressing with very limited RAM because only one of the
55 * five passes is in memory at a time.
56 *
57 * The compressed data is a series of string indices (and a header at
58 * the beginning and an occasional CLEAR code). As these indices flow
59 * through the pipes, each program decodes the ones it can. The result
60 * of each decoding will be indices that the following programs can handle.
61 *
62 * Each of the 65536 strings in the dictionary is an earlier string with
63 * some character added to the end (except for the the 256 predefined
64 * single char strings). When new entries are made to the dictionary,
65 * the string index part will just be the last index to pass through.
66 * But the char part is the first char of the next string, which isn't
67 * known yet. So the string can be stored as a pair of indices. When
68 * this string is specified, it is converted to this pair of indices,
69 * which are flagged so that the first will be decoded in full while
70 * the second will be decoded to its first char. The dictionary takes
71 * 256k to store (64k strings of 2 indices of 2 bytes each). This is
72 * too big for a 64k data segment, so it is divided into 5 equal parts.
73 * Copy 4 of the program maintains the high part and copy 0 holds the
74 * low part.
75 */
77#include <sys/types.h>
78#include <fcntl.h>
79#include <stdlib.h>
80#include <unistd.h>
82#define BUFSZ 1024 /* size of i/o buffers */
83#define BUFSZ_2 (BUFSZ/2) /* # of unsigned shorts in i/o bufs */
84#define DICTSZ (unsigned)13056 /* # of local dictionary entries */
85#define EOF_INDEX (unsigned short)0xFFFF /* EOF flag for pipeline */
86#define FALSE 0
87#define TRUE ~FALSE
89int fdin, fdout, fderr; /* input, output, and error file descriptors */
90int ibufstart, obufind, ibufend;/* i/o buffer indices */
91int ipbufind = BUFSZ_2; /* pipe buffer indices */
92int opbufind = 0;
93int pnum = -1; /* ID of this copy */
94unsigned short ipbuf[BUFSZ_2]; /* for buffering input */
95unsigned short opbuf[BUFSZ_2]; /* for buffering output */
96unsigned char *ibuf = (unsigned char *) ipbuf;
97unsigned char *obuf = (unsigned char *) opbuf;
99unsigned short dindex[DICTSZ]; /* dictionary: index to substring */
100unsigned short dchar[DICTSZ]; /* dictionary: last char of string */
101unsigned iindex, tindex, tindex2; /* holds index being processed */
102unsigned base; /* where in global dict local dict starts */
103unsigned tbase;
104unsigned locend; /* where in global dict local dict ends */
105unsigned curend = 256; /* current end of global dict */
106unsigned maxend; /* max end of global dict */
107int dcharp; /* ptr to dchar that needs next index entry */
108int curbits; /* number of bits for getbits() to read */
109int maxbits; /* limit on number of bits */
110int clearflg; /* if set, allow CLEAR */
111int inmod; /* mod 8 for getbits() */
113_PROTOTYPE(int main, (int argc, char **argv));
114_PROTOTYPE(void ffork, (void));
115_PROTOTYPE(void die, (char *s));
116_PROTOTYPE(void myputc, (unsigned c));
117_PROTOTYPE(unsigned mygetc, (void));
118_PROTOTYPE(void getbits, (void));
119_PROTOTYPE(void getpipe, (void));
120_PROTOTYPE(void putpipe, (unsigned u, int flag));
122int main(argc, argv)
123int argc;
124char **argv;
126 char c, *cp;
127 int j, k, fdtmp;
128 unsigned int len;
130 /* Find the program name */
131 j = 0;
132 while (argv[0][j] != '\0') j++;
133 len = (unsigned int) j;
134 while (j--)
135 if (argv[0][j] == '/') break;
136 if (argv[0][j] == '/') j++;
137 cp = argv[0] + j;
138 len -= j;
140 /* Sort out the flags */
141 for (k = 1; k < argc; k++) {
142 if (argv[k][0] == '-') {
143 c = argv[k][1];
144 switch (c) {
145 case '0': /* pass numbers */
146 case '1':
147 case '2':
148 case '3':
149 case '4': pnum = c - '0'; break;
150 case 'd': /* used by news */
151 break;
152 default:
153 (void) write(1, "Usage: ", 7);
154 (void) write(1, cp, len);
155 (void) write(1, " [-#] [in] [out]\n", 17);
156 exit(0);
157 break;
158 }
160 /* Once it's checked, lose it anyway */
161 for (j = k; j < argc; j++) argv[j] = argv[j + 1];
162 argc--;
163 k--;
164 }
165 }
167 /* Default i/o settings */
168 fdin = 0;
169 fdout = 1;
170 fderr = 2;
172 /* Try to open specific files and connect them to stdin/stdout */
173 if (argc > 1) {
174 if ((fdtmp = open(argv[1], 0)) == -1) die("input open failed");
175 (void) close(0);
176 if ((fdin = dup(fdtmp)) == -1) die("input dup failed\n");
177 (void) close(fdtmp);
178 }
179 if (argc > 2) {
180 (void) unlink(argv[2]);
181 if ((fdtmp = creat(argv[2], 0666)) == -1) die("output creat failed");
182 (void) close(1);
183 if ((fdout = dup(fdtmp)) == -1) die("output dup failed\n");
184 (void) close(fdtmp);
185 }
187 /* Sort out type of compression */
188 if (pnum == -1 || pnum == 4) {/* if this is pass 4 */
189 /* Check header of compressed file */
190 if (mygetc() != 0x1F || mygetc() != 0x9D) /* check magic number */
191 die("not a compressed file\n");
192 iindex = mygetc(); /* get compression style */
193 } else
194 getpipe(); /* get compression style */
196 maxbits = iindex & 0x1F;
197 clearflg = ((iindex & 0x80) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
198 if (maxbits < 9 || maxbits > 16) /* check for valid maxbits */
199 die("can't decompress\n");
200 if (pnum != -1 && pnum != 0)
201 putpipe(iindex, 0); /* pass style to next copy */
203 /* Fork off an ancestor if necessary - ffork() increments pnum */
204 if (pnum == -1) {
205 pnum = 0;
206 if (pnum == 0) ffork();
207 if (pnum == 1) ffork();
208 if (pnum == 2) ffork();
209 if (pnum == 3) ffork();
210 }
212 /* Preliminary inits. Note: end/maxend/curend are highest, not
213 * highest + 1 */
214 base = DICTSZ * pnum + 256;
215 locend = base + DICTSZ - 1;
216 maxend = (1 << maxbits) - 1;
217 if (maxend > locend) maxend = locend;
219 while (TRUE) {
220 curend = 255 + (clearflg ? 1 : 0); /* init dictionary */
221 dcharp = DICTSZ; /* flag for none needed */
222 curbits = 9; /* init curbits (for copy 0) */
223 while (TRUE) { /* for each index in input */
224 if (pnum == 4) {/* get index using getbits() */
225 if (curbits < maxbits && (1 << curbits) <= curend) {
226 /* Curbits needs to be increased */
227 /* Due to uglyness in compress, these
228 * indices in the compressed file are
229 * wasted */
230 while (inmod) getbits();
231 curbits++;
232 }
233 getbits();
234 } else
235 getpipe(); /* get next index */
237 if (iindex == 256 && clearflg) {
238 if (pnum > 0) putpipe(iindex, 0);
239 /* Due to uglyness in compress, these indices
240 * in the compressed file are wasted */
241 while (inmod) getbits();
242 break;
243 }
244 tindex = iindex;
245 /* Convert the index part, ignoring spawned chars */
246 while (tindex >= base) tindex = dindex[tindex - base];
247 /* Pass on the index */
248 putpipe(tindex, 0);
249 /* Save the char of the last added entry, if any */
250 if (dcharp < DICTSZ) dchar[dcharp++] = tindex;
251 if (curend < maxend && ++curend > (base - 1))
252 dindex[dcharp = (curend - base)] = iindex;
254 /* Do spawned chars. They are naturally produced in
255 * the wrong order. To get them in the right order
256 * without using memory, a series of passes,
257 * progressively less deep, are used */
258 tbase = base;
259 while ((tindex = iindex) >= tbase) {/* for each char to spawn*/
260 while ((tindex2 = dindex[tindex - base]) >= tbase)
261 tindex = tindex2; /* scan to desired char */
262 putpipe(dchar[tindex-base], 1); /* put it to the pipe*/
263 tbase = tindex + 1;
264 if (tbase == 0) break; /* it's a wrap */
265 }
266 }
267 }
271/* F f o r k
272 *
273 * Fork off the previous pass - the parent reads from the child.
274 */
275void ffork()
277 int j, pfd[2];
279 if (pipe(pfd) == -1) die("pipe() error\n");
280 if ((j = fork()) == -1) die("fork() error\n");
281 if (j == 0) { /* this is the child */
282 if (close(1) == -1) die("close(1) error\n");
283 if (dup(pfd[1]) != 1) die("dup(1) error\n");
284 (void) close(pfd[0]);
285 pnum++;
286 } else { /* this is the parent */
287 if (close(0) == -1) die("close(0) error\n");
288 if (dup(pfd[0]) != 0) die("dup(0) error\n");
289 (void) close(pfd[1]);
290 }
294/* D i e
295 *
296 * If s is a message, write it to stderr. Flush buffers if needed. Then exit.
297 */
298void die(s)
299char *s;
301 /* Flush stdout buffer if needed */
302 if (obufind != 0) {
303 if (write(fdout, (char *) obuf, (unsigned) obufind) != obufind)
304 s = "bad stdout write\n";
305 obufind = 0;
306 }
308 /* Flush pipe if needed */
309 do
310 putpipe(EOF_INDEX, 0);
311 while (opbufind);
312 /* Write any error message */
313 if (s != (char *) NULL) {
314 while (*s) (void) write(fderr, s++, 1);
315 }
316 exit((s == (char *) NULL) ? 0 : 1);
320/* M p u t c
321 *
322 * Put a char to stdout.
323 */
324void myputc(c)
325unsigned c;
327 obuf[obufind++] = c;
328 if (obufind >= BUFSZ) { /* if stdout buffer full */
329 if (write(fdout, (char *) obuf, BUFSZ) != BUFSZ) /* flush to stdout */
330 die("bad stdout write\n");
331 obufind = 0;
332 }
336/* M y g e t c
337 *
338 * Get a char from stdin. If EOF, then die() and exit.
339 */
340unsigned mygetc()
342 if (ibufstart >= ibufend) { /* if stdin buffer empty */
343 if ((ibufend = read(fdin, (char *) ibuf, BUFSZ)) <= 0)
344 die((char *) NULL); /* if EOF, do normal exit */
345 ibufstart = 0;
346 }
347 return(ibuf[ibufstart++] & 0xff);
351/* G e t b i t s
352 *
353 * Put curbits bits into index from stdin. Note: only copy 4 uses this.
354 * The bits within a byte are in the correct order. But when the bits
355 * cross a byte boundry, the lowest bits will be in the higher part of
356 * the current byte, and the higher bits will be in the lower part of
357 * the next byte.
358 */
359void getbits()
361 int have;
362 static unsigned curbyte; /* byte having bits extracted from it */
363 static int left; /* how many bits are left in curbyte */
365 inmod = (inmod + 1) & 7; /* count input mod 8 */
366 iindex = curbyte;
367 have = left;
368 if (curbits - have > 8) {
369 iindex |= mygetc() << have;
370 have += 8;
371 }
372 iindex |= ((curbyte = mygetc()) << have) & ~((unsigned) 0xFFFF << curbits);
373 curbyte >>= curbits - have;
374 left = 8 - (curbits - have);
378/* G e t p i p e
379 *
380 * Get an index from the pipeline. If flagged firstonly, handle it here.
381 */
382void getpipe()
384 static short flags;
385 static int n = 0; /* number of flags in flags */
387 while (TRUE) { /* while index with firstonly flag set */
388 if (n <= 0) {
389 if (ipbufind >= BUFSZ_2) { /* if pipe input buffer
390 * empty */
391 if (read(fdin, (char *) ipbuf, BUFSZ) != BUFSZ)
392 die("bad pipe read\n");
393 ipbufind = 0;
394 }
395 flags = ipbuf[ipbufind++];
396 n = 15;
397 }
398 iindex = ipbuf[ipbufind++];
399 if (iindex > curend)
400 die((iindex == EOF_INDEX) ? (char *) NULL : "invalid data\n");
401 flags <<= 1;
402 n--;
403 /* Assume flags < 0 if highest remaining flag is set */
404 if (flags < 0) { /* if firstonly flag for index is not set */
405 while (iindex >= base) iindex = dindex[iindex - base];
406 putpipe(iindex, 1);
407 } else
408 return; /* return with valid non-firstonly index */
409 }
413/* P u t p i p e
414 *
415 * put an index into the pipeline.
416 */
417void putpipe(u, flag)
418unsigned u;
419int flag;
421 static unsigned short flags, *flagp;
422 static int n = 0; /* number of flags in flags */
424 if (pnum == 0) { /* if we should write to stdout */
425 myputc(u); /* index will be the char value */
426 return;
427 }
428 if (n == 0) { /* if we need to reserve a flag entry */
429 flags = 0;
430 flagp = opbuf + opbufind;
431 opbufind++;
432 }
433 opbuf[opbufind++] = u; /* add index to buffer */
434 flags = (flags << 1) | flag; /* add firstonly flag */
435 if (++n >= 15) { /* if block of 15 indices */
436 n = 0;
437 *flagp = flags; /* insert flags entry */
438 if (opbufind >= BUFSZ_2) { /* if pipe out buffer full */
439 opbufind = 0;
440 if (write(fdout, (char *) opbuf, BUFSZ) != BUFSZ)
441 die("bad pipe write\n");
442 }
443 }
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