[9] | 1 | /* This file contains the clock task, which handles time related functions.
| 2 | * Important events that are handled by the CLOCK include setting and
| 3 | * monitoring alarm timers and deciding when to (re)schedule processes.
| 4 | * The CLOCK offers a direct interface to kernel processes. System services
| 5 | * can access its services through system calls, such as sys_setalarm(). The
| 6 | * CLOCK task thus is hidden from the outside world.
| 7 | *
| 8 | * Changes:
| 9 | * Oct 08, 2005 reordering and comment editing (A. S. Woodhull)
| 10 | * Mar 18, 2004 clock interface moved to SYSTEM task (Jorrit N. Herder)
| 11 | * Sep 30, 2004 source code documentation updated (Jorrit N. Herder)
| 12 | * Sep 24, 2004 redesigned alarm timers (Jorrit N. Herder)
| 13 | *
| 14 | * The function do_clocktick() is triggered by the clock's interrupt
| 15 | * handler when a watchdog timer has expired or a process must be scheduled.
| 16 | *
| 17 | * In addition to the main clock_task() entry point, which starts the main
| 18 | * loop, there are several other minor entry points:
| 19 | * clock_stop: called just before MINIX shutdown
| 20 | * get_uptime: get realtime since boot in clock ticks
| 21 | * set_timer: set a watchdog timer (+)
| 22 | * reset_timer: reset a watchdog timer (+)
| 23 | * read_clock: read the counter of channel 0 of the 8253A timer
| 24 | *
| 25 | * (+) The CLOCK task keeps tracks of watchdog timers for the entire kernel.
| 26 | * The watchdog functions of expired timers are executed in do_clocktick().
| 27 | * It is crucial that watchdog functions not block, or the CLOCK task may
| 28 | * be blocked. Do not send() a message when the receiver is not expecting it.
| 29 | * Instead, notify(), which always returns, should be used.
| 30 | */
| 31 |
| 32 | #include "kernel.h"
| 33 | #include "proc.h"
| 34 | #include <signal.h>
| 35 | #include <minix/com.h>
| 36 |
| 37 | /* Function prototype for PRIVATE functions. */
| 38 | FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void init_clock, (void) );
| 39 | FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int clock_handler, (irq_hook_t *hook) );
| 40 | FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( int do_clocktick, (message *m_ptr) );
| 41 | FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void load_update, (void));
| 42 |
| 43 | /* Clock parameters. */
| 44 | #define COUNTER_FREQ (2*TIMER_FREQ) /* counter frequency using square wave */
| 45 | #define LATCH_COUNT 0x00 /* cc00xxxx, c = channel, x = any */
| 46 | #define SQUARE_WAVE 0x36 /* ccaammmb, a = access, m = mode, b = BCD */
| 47 | /* 11x11, 11 = LSB then MSB, x11 = sq wave */
| 48 | #define TIMER_COUNT ((unsigned) (TIMER_FREQ/HZ)) /* initial value for counter*/
| 49 | #define TIMER_FREQ 1193182L /* clock frequency for timer in PC and AT */
| 50 |
| 51 | #define CLOCK_ACK_BIT 0x80 /* PS/2 clock interrupt acknowledge bit */
| 52 |
| 53 | /* The CLOCK's timers queue. The functions in <timers.h> operate on this.
| 54 | * Each system process possesses a single synchronous alarm timer. If other
| 55 | * kernel parts want to use additional timers, they must declare their own
| 56 | * persistent (static) timer structure, which can be passed to the clock
| 57 | * via (re)set_timer().
| 58 | * When a timer expires its watchdog function is run by the CLOCK task.
| 59 | */
| 60 | PRIVATE timer_t *clock_timers; /* queue of CLOCK timers */
| 61 | PRIVATE clock_t next_timeout; /* realtime that next timer expires */
| 62 |
| 63 | /* The time is incremented by the interrupt handler on each clock tick. */
| 64 | PRIVATE clock_t realtime; /* real time clock */
| 65 | PRIVATE irq_hook_t clock_hook; /* interrupt handler hook */
| 66 |
| 67 | /*===========================================================================*
| 68 | * clock_task *
| 69 | *===========================================================================*/
| 70 | PUBLIC void clock_task()
| 71 | {
| 72 | /* Main program of clock task. If the call is not HARD_INT it is an error.
| 73 | */
| 74 | message m; /* message buffer for both input and output */
| 75 | int result; /* result returned by the handler */
| 76 |
| 77 | init_clock(); /* initialize clock task */
| 78 |
| 79 | /* Main loop of the clock task. Get work, process it. Never reply. */
| 80 | while (TRUE) {
| 81 |
| 82 | /* Go get a message. */
| 83 | receive(ANY, &m);
| 84 |
| 85 | /* Handle the request. Only clock ticks are expected. */
| 86 | switch (m.m_type) {
| 87 | case HARD_INT:
| 88 | result = do_clocktick(&m); /* handle clock tick */
| 89 | break;
| 90 | default: /* illegal request type */
| 91 | kprintf("CLOCK: illegal request %d from %d.\n", m.m_type,m.m_source);
| 92 | }
| 93 | }
| 94 | }
| 95 |
| 96 | /*===========================================================================*
| 97 | * do_clocktick *
| 98 | *===========================================================================*/
| 99 | PRIVATE int do_clocktick(m_ptr)
| 100 | message *m_ptr; /* pointer to request message */
| 101 | {
| 102 | /* Despite its name, this routine is not called on every clock tick. It
| 103 | * is called on those clock ticks when a lot of work needs to be done.
| 104 | */
| 105 |
| 106 | /* A process used up a full quantum. The interrupt handler stored this
| 107 | * process in 'prev_ptr'. First make sure that the process is not on the
| 108 | * scheduling queues. Then announce the process ready again. Since it has
| 109 | * no more time left, it gets a new quantum and is inserted at the right
| 110 | * place in the queues. As a side-effect a new process will be scheduled.
| 111 | */
| 112 | if (prev_ptr->p_ticks_left <= 0 && priv(prev_ptr)->s_flags & PREEMPTIBLE) {
| 113 | lock_dequeue(prev_ptr); /* take it off the queues */
| 114 | lock_enqueue(prev_ptr); /* and reinsert it again */
| 115 | }
| 116 |
| 117 | /* Check if a clock timer expired and run its watchdog function. */
| 118 | if (next_timeout <= realtime) {
| 119 | tmrs_exptimers(&clock_timers, realtime, NULL);
| 120 | next_timeout = clock_timers == NULL ?
| 121 | TMR_NEVER : clock_timers->tmr_exp_time;
| 122 | }
| 123 |
| 124 | /* Inhibit sending a reply. */
| 125 | return(EDONTREPLY);
| 126 | }
| 127 |
| 128 | /*===========================================================================*
| 129 | * init_clock *
| 130 | *===========================================================================*/
| 131 | PRIVATE void init_clock()
| 132 | {
| 133 | /* Initialize the CLOCK's interrupt hook. */
| 134 | clock_hook.proc_nr_e = CLOCK;
| 135 |
| 136 | /* Initialize channel 0 of the 8253A timer to, e.g., 60 Hz, and register
| 137 | * the CLOCK task's interrupt handler to be run on every clock tick.
| 138 | */
| 139 | outb(TIMER_MODE, SQUARE_WAVE); /* set timer to run continuously */
| 140 | outb(TIMER0, TIMER_COUNT); /* load timer low byte */
| 141 | outb(TIMER0, TIMER_COUNT >> 8); /* load timer high byte */
| 142 | put_irq_handler(&clock_hook, CLOCK_IRQ, clock_handler);
| 143 | enable_irq(&clock_hook); /* ready for clock interrupts */
| 144 |
| 145 | /* Set a watchdog timer to periodically balance the scheduling queues. */
| 146 | balance_queues(NULL); /* side-effect sets new timer */
| 147 | }
| 148 |
| 149 | /*===========================================================================*
| 150 | * clock_stop *
| 151 | *===========================================================================*/
| 152 | PUBLIC void clock_stop()
| 153 | {
| 154 | /* Reset the clock to the BIOS rate. (For rebooting.) */
| 155 | outb(TIMER_MODE, 0x36);
| 156 | outb(TIMER0, 0);
| 157 | outb(TIMER0, 0);
| 158 | }
| 159 |
| 160 | /*===========================================================================*
| 161 | * clock_handler *
| 162 | *===========================================================================*/
| 163 | PRIVATE int clock_handler(hook)
| 164 | irq_hook_t *hook;
| 165 | {
| 166 | /* This executes on each clock tick (i.e., every time the timer chip generates
| 167 | * an interrupt). It does a little bit of work so the clock task does not have
| 168 | * to be called on every tick. The clock task is called when:
| 169 | *
| 170 | * (1) the scheduling quantum of the running process has expired, or
| 171 | * (2) a timer has expired and the watchdog function should be run.
| 172 | *
| 173 | * Many global global and static variables are accessed here. The safety of
| 174 | * this must be justified. All scheduling and message passing code acquires a
| 175 | * lock by temporarily disabling interrupts, so no conflicts with calls from
| 176 | * the task level can occur. Furthermore, interrupts are not reentrant, the
| 177 | * interrupt handler cannot be bothered by other interrupts.
| 178 | *
| 179 | * Variables that are updated in the clock's interrupt handler:
| 180 | * lost_ticks:
| 181 | * Clock ticks counted outside the clock task. This for example
| 182 | * is used when the boot monitor processes a real mode interrupt.
| 183 | * realtime:
| 184 | * The current uptime is incremented with all outstanding ticks.
| 185 | * proc_ptr, bill_ptr:
| 186 | * These are used for accounting. It does not matter if proc.c
| 187 | * is changing them, provided they are always valid pointers,
| 188 | * since at worst the previous process would be billed.
| 189 | */
| 190 | register unsigned ticks;
| 191 |
| 192 | /* Acknowledge the PS/2 clock interrupt. */
| 193 | if (machine.ps_mca) outb(PORT_B, inb(PORT_B) | CLOCK_ACK_BIT);
| 194 |
| 195 | /* Get number of ticks and update realtime. */
| 196 | ticks = lost_ticks + 1;
| 197 | lost_ticks = 0;
| 198 | realtime += ticks;
| 199 |
| 200 | /* Update user and system accounting times. Charge the current process for
| 201 | * user time. If the current process is not billable, that is, if a non-user
| 202 | * process is running, charge the billable process for system time as well.
| 203 | * Thus the unbillable process' user time is the billable user's system time.
| 204 | */
| 205 | proc_ptr->p_user_time += ticks;
| 206 | if (priv(proc_ptr)->s_flags & PREEMPTIBLE) {
| 207 | proc_ptr->p_ticks_left -= ticks;
| 208 | }
| 209 | if (! (priv(proc_ptr)->s_flags & BILLABLE)) {
| 210 | bill_ptr->p_sys_time += ticks;
| 211 | bill_ptr->p_ticks_left -= ticks;
| 212 | }
| 213 |
| 214 | /* Update load average. */
| 215 | load_update();
| 216 |
| 217 | /* Check if do_clocktick() must be called. Done for alarms and scheduling.
| 218 | * Some processes, such as the kernel tasks, cannot be preempted.
| 219 | */
| 220 | if ((next_timeout <= realtime) || (proc_ptr->p_ticks_left <= 0)) {
| 221 | prev_ptr = proc_ptr; /* store running process */
| 222 | lock_notify(HARDWARE, CLOCK); /* send notification */
| 223 | }
| 224 | return(1); /* reenable interrupts */
| 225 | }
| 226 |
| 227 | /*===========================================================================*
| 228 | * get_uptime *
| 229 | *===========================================================================*/
| 230 | PUBLIC clock_t get_uptime()
| 231 | {
| 232 | /* Get and return the current clock uptime in ticks. */
| 233 | return(realtime);
| 234 | }
| 235 |
| 236 | /*===========================================================================*
| 237 | * set_timer *
| 238 | *===========================================================================*/
| 239 | PUBLIC void set_timer(tp, exp_time, watchdog)
| 240 | struct timer *tp; /* pointer to timer structure */
| 241 | clock_t exp_time; /* expiration realtime */
| 242 | tmr_func_t watchdog; /* watchdog to be called */
| 243 | {
| 244 | /* Insert the new timer in the active timers list. Always update the
| 245 | * next timeout time by setting it to the front of the active list.
| 246 | */
| 247 | tmrs_settimer(&clock_timers, tp, exp_time, watchdog, NULL);
| 248 | next_timeout = clock_timers->tmr_exp_time;
| 249 | }
| 250 |
| 251 | /*===========================================================================*
| 252 | * reset_timer *
| 253 | *===========================================================================*/
| 254 | PUBLIC void reset_timer(tp)
| 255 | struct timer *tp; /* pointer to timer structure */
| 256 | {
| 257 | /* The timer pointed to by 'tp' is no longer needed. Remove it from both the
| 258 | * active and expired lists. Always update the next timeout time by setting
| 259 | * it to the front of the active list.
| 260 | */
| 261 | tmrs_clrtimer(&clock_timers, tp, NULL);
| 262 | next_timeout = (clock_timers == NULL) ?
| 263 | TMR_NEVER : clock_timers->tmr_exp_time;
| 264 | }
| 265 |
| 266 | /*===========================================================================*
| 267 | * read_clock *
| 268 | *===========================================================================*/
| 269 | PUBLIC unsigned long read_clock()
| 270 | {
| 271 | /* Read the counter of channel 0 of the 8253A timer. This counter counts
| 272 | * down at a rate of TIMER_FREQ and restarts at TIMER_COUNT-1 when it
| 273 | * reaches zero. A hardware interrupt (clock tick) occurs when the counter
| 274 | * gets to zero and restarts its cycle.
| 275 | */
| 276 | unsigned count;
| 277 |
| 278 | outb(TIMER_MODE, LATCH_COUNT);
| 279 | count = inb(TIMER0);
| 280 | count |= (inb(TIMER0) << 8);
| 281 |
| 282 | return count;
| 283 | }
| 284 |
| 285 | /*===========================================================================*
| 286 | * load_update *
| 287 | *===========================================================================*/
| 288 | PRIVATE void load_update(void)
| 289 | {
| 290 | u16_t slot;
| 291 | int enqueued = -1, q; /* -1: special compensation for IDLE. */
| 292 | struct proc *p;
| 293 |
| 294 | /* Load average data is stored as a list of numbers in a circular
| 295 | * buffer. Each slot accumulates _LOAD_UNIT_SECS of samples of
| 296 | * the number of runnable processes. Computations can then
| 297 | * be made of the load average over variable periods, in the
| 298 | * user library (see getloadavg(3)).
| 299 | */
| 300 | slot = (realtime / HZ / _LOAD_UNIT_SECS) % _LOAD_HISTORY;
| 301 | if(slot != kloadinfo.proc_last_slot) {
| 302 | kloadinfo.proc_load_history[slot] = 0;
| 303 | kloadinfo.proc_last_slot = slot;
| 304 | }
| 305 |
| 306 | /* Cumulation. How many processes are ready now? */
| 307 | for(q = 0; q < NR_SCHED_QUEUES; q++)
| 308 | for(p = rdy_head[q]; p != NIL_PROC; p = p->p_nextready)
| 309 | enqueued++;
| 310 |
| 311 | kloadinfo.proc_load_history[slot] += enqueued;
| 312 |
| 313 | /* Up-to-dateness. */
| 314 | kloadinfo.last_clock = realtime;
| 315 | }
| 316 |