1 | (*
2 | (c) copyright 1988 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
3 | See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
4 | *)
5 |
6 | (*$R-*)
8 | (*
9 | Module: Array sorting module.
10 | Author: Ceriel J.H. Jacobs
11 | Version: $Header: /cvsup/minix/src/lib/ack/libm2/ArraySort.mod,v 1.1 2005/10/10 15:27:46 beng Exp $
12 | *)
13 | FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS, BYTE; (* no generics in Modula-2, sorry *)
14 |
16 |
17 | VAR compareproc: CompareProc;
18 |
19 | PROCEDURE Sort(base: ADDRESS; (* address of array *)
20 | nel: CARDINAL; (* number of elements in array *)
21 | size: CARDINAL; (* size of each element *)
22 | compar: CompareProc); (* the comparison procedure *)
23 | BEGIN
24 | compareproc := compar;
25 | qsort(base, base+(nel-1)*size, size);
26 | END Sort;
27 |
28 | PROCEDURE qsort(a1, a2: ADDRESS; size: CARDINAL);
29 | (* Implemented with quick-sort, with some extra's *)
30 | VAR left, right, lefteq, righteq: ADDRESS;
31 | cmp: CompareResult;
32 | mainloop: BOOLEAN;
33 | BEGIN
34 | WHILE a2 > a1 DO
35 | left := a1;
36 | right := a2;
37 | lefteq := a1 + size * (((a2 - a1) + size) DIV (2 * size));
38 | righteq := lefteq;
39 | (*
40 | Pick an element in the middle of the array.
41 | We will collect the equals around it.
42 | "lefteq" and "righteq" indicate the left and right
43 | bounds of the equals respectively.
44 | Smaller elements end up left of it, larger elements end
45 | up right of it.
46 | *)
47 | LOOP
48 | LOOP
49 | IF left >= lefteq THEN EXIT END;
50 | cmp := compareproc(left, lefteq);
51 | IF cmp = greater THEN EXIT END;
52 | IF cmp = less THEN
53 | left := left + size;
54 | ELSE
55 | (* equal, so exchange with the element
56 | to the left of the "equal"-interval.
57 | *)
58 | lefteq := lefteq - size;
59 | exchange(left, lefteq, size);
60 | END;
61 | END;
62 | mainloop := FALSE;
63 | LOOP
64 | IF right <= righteq THEN EXIT END;
65 | cmp := compareproc(right, righteq);
66 | IF cmp = less THEN
67 | IF left < lefteq THEN
68 | (* larger one at the left,
69 | so exchange
70 | *)
71 | exchange(left,right,size);
72 | left := left + size;
73 | right := right - size;
74 | mainloop := TRUE;
75 | EXIT;
76 | END;
77 | (*
78 | no more room at the left part, so we
79 | move the "equal-interval" one place to the
80 | right, and the smaller element to the
81 | left of it.
82 | This is best expressed as a three-way
83 | exchange.
84 | *)
85 | righteq := righteq + size;
86 | threewayexchange(left, righteq, right,
87 | size);
88 | lefteq := lefteq + size;
89 | left := lefteq;
90 | ELSIF cmp = equal THEN
91 | (* equal, zo exchange with the element
92 | to the right of the "equal"
93 | interval
94 | *)
95 | righteq := righteq + size;
96 | exchange(right, righteq, size);
97 | ELSE
98 | (* leave it where it is *)
99 | right := right - size;
100 | END;
101 | END;
102 | IF (NOT mainloop) THEN
103 | IF left >= lefteq THEN
104 | (* sort "smaller" part *)
105 | qsort(a1, lefteq - size, size);
106 | (* and now the "larger" part, saving a
107 | procedure call, because of this big
108 | WHILE loop
109 | *)
110 | a1 := righteq + size;
111 | EXIT; (* from the LOOP *)
112 | END;
113 | (* larger element to the left, but no more room,
114 | so move the "equal-interval" one place to the
115 | left, and the larger element to the right
116 | of it.
117 | *)
118 | lefteq := lefteq - size;
119 | threewayexchange(right, lefteq, left, size);
120 | righteq := righteq - size;
121 | right := righteq;
122 | END;
123 | END;
124 | END;
125 | END qsort;
126 |
127 | PROCEDURE exchange(a,b: BytePtr; size : CARDINAL);
128 | VAR c: BYTE;
129 | BEGIN
130 | WHILE size > 0 DO
131 | DEC(size);
132 | c := a^;
133 | a^ := b^;
134 | a := ADDRESS(a) + 1;
135 | b^ := c;
136 | b := ADDRESS(b) + 1;
137 | END;
138 | END exchange;
139 |
140 | PROCEDURE threewayexchange(p,q,r: BytePtr; size: CARDINAL);
141 | VAR c: BYTE;
142 | BEGIN
143 | WHILE size > 0 DO
144 | DEC(size);
145 | c := p^;
146 | p^ := r^;
147 | p := ADDRESS(p) + 1;
148 | r^ := q^;
149 | r := ADDRESS(r) + 1;
150 | q^ := c;
151 | q := ADDRESS(q) + 1;
152 | END;
153 | END threewayexchange;
154 |
155 | END ArraySort.