[9] | 1 | <QPG:Generation>
| 2 | <QPG:Options>
| 3 | <QPG:User unattended="no" verbosity="2" listfiles="yes"/>
| 4 | <QPG:Defaults type="qnx_package"/>
| 5 | <QPG:Source></QPG:Source>
| 6 | <QPG:Release number="+"/>
| 7 | <QPG:Build></QPG:Build>
| 8 | <QPG:FileSorting strip="yes"/>
| 9 | <QPG:Package targets="combine"/>
| 10 | <QPG:Repository generate="yes"/>
| 11 | <QPG:FinalDir></QPG:FinalDir>
| 12 | <QPG:Cleanup></QPG:Cleanup>
| 13 | </QPG:Options>
| 14 |
| 15 | <QPG:Responsible>
| 16 | <QPG:Company></QPG:Company>
| 17 | <QPG:Department></QPG:Department>
| 18 | <QPG:Group></QPG:Group>
| 19 | <QPG:Team></QPG:Team>
| 20 | <QPG:Employee></QPG:Employee>
| 21 | <QPG:EmailAddress></QPG:EmailAddress>
| 22 | </QPG:Responsible>
| 23 |
| 24 | <QPG:Values>
| 25 | <QPG:Files>
| 26 | <QPG:Add file="../zconf.h" install="/opt/include/" user="root:sys" permission="644"/>
| 27 | <QPG:Add file="../zlib.h" install="/opt/include/" user="root:sys" permission="644"/>
| 28 | <QPG:Add file="../libz.so.1.2.3" install="/opt/lib/" user="root:bin" permission="644"/>
| 29 | <QPG:Add file="libz.so" install="/opt/lib/" component="dev" filetype="symlink" linkto="libz.so.1.2.3"/>
| 30 | <QPG:Add file="libz.so.1" install="/opt/lib/" filetype="symlink" linkto="libz.so.1.2.3"/>
| 31 | <QPG:Add file="../libz.so.1.2.3" install="/opt/lib/" component="slib"/>
| 32 | </QPG:Files>
| 33 |
| 34 | <QPG:PackageFilter>
| 35 | <QPM:PackageManifest>
| 36 | <QPM:PackageDescription>
| 37 | <QPM:PackageType>Library</QPM:PackageType>
| 38 | <QPM:PackageReleaseNotes></QPM:PackageReleaseNotes>
| 39 | <QPM:PackageReleaseUrgency>Medium</QPM:PackageReleaseUrgency>
| 40 | <QPM:PackageRepository></QPM:PackageRepository>
| 41 | <QPM:FileVersion>2.0</QPM:FileVersion>
| 42 | </QPM:PackageDescription>
| 43 |
| 44 | <QPM:ProductDescription>
| 45 | <QPM:ProductName>zlib</QPM:ProductName>
| 46 | <QPM:ProductIdentifier>zlib</QPM:ProductIdentifier>
| 47 | <QPM:ProductEmail>alain.bonnefoy@icbt.com</QPM:ProductEmail>
| 48 | <QPM:VendorName>Public</QPM:VendorName>
| 49 | <QPM:VendorInstallName>public</QPM:VendorInstallName>
| 50 | <QPM:VendorURL>www.gzip.org/zlib</QPM:VendorURL>
| 51 | <QPM:VendorEmbedURL></QPM:VendorEmbedURL>
| 52 | <QPM:VendorEmail></QPM:VendorEmail>
| 53 | <QPM:AuthorName>Jean-Loup Gailly,Mark Adler</QPM:AuthorName>
| 54 | <QPM:AuthorURL>www.gzip.org/zlib</QPM:AuthorURL>
| 55 | <QPM:AuthorEmbedURL></QPM:AuthorEmbedURL>
| 56 | <QPM:AuthorEmail>zlib@gzip.org</QPM:AuthorEmail>
| 57 | <QPM:ProductIconSmall></QPM:ProductIconSmall>
| 58 | <QPM:ProductIconLarge></QPM:ProductIconLarge>
| 59 | <QPM:ProductDescriptionShort>A massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library.</QPM:ProductDescriptionShort>
| 60 | <QPM:ProductDescriptionLong>zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered, lossless data compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system.</QPM:ProductDescriptionLong>
| 61 | <QPM:ProductDescriptionURL>http://www.gzip.org/zlib</QPM:ProductDescriptionURL>
| 62 | <QPM:ProductDescriptionEmbedURL></QPM:ProductDescriptionEmbedURL>
| 63 | </QPM:ProductDescription>
| 64 |
| 65 | <QPM:ReleaseDescription>
| 66 | <QPM:ReleaseVersion>1.2.3</QPM:ReleaseVersion>
| 67 | <QPM:ReleaseUrgency>Medium</QPM:ReleaseUrgency>
| 68 | <QPM:ReleaseStability>Stable</QPM:ReleaseStability>
| 69 | <QPM:ReleaseNoteMinor></QPM:ReleaseNoteMinor>
| 70 | <QPM:ReleaseNoteMajor></QPM:ReleaseNoteMajor>
| 71 | <QPM:ExcludeCountries>
| 72 | <QPM:Country></QPM:Country>
| 73 | </QPM:ExcludeCountries>
| 74 |
| 75 | <QPM:ReleaseCopyright>No License</QPM:ReleaseCopyright>
| 76 | </QPM:ReleaseDescription>
| 77 |
| 78 | <QPM:ContentDescription>
| 79 | <QPM:ContentTopic xmlmultiple="true">Software Development/Libraries and Extensions/C Libraries</QPM:ContentTopic>
| 80 | <QPM:ContentKeyword>zlib,compression</QPM:ContentKeyword>
| 81 | <QPM:TargetOS>qnx6</QPM:TargetOS>
| 82 | <QPM:HostOS>qnx6</QPM:HostOS>
| 83 | <QPM:DisplayEnvironment xmlmultiple="true">None</QPM:DisplayEnvironment>
| 84 | <QPM:TargetAudience xmlmultiple="true">Developer</QPM:TargetAudience>
| 85 | </QPM:ContentDescription>
| 86 | </QPM:PackageManifest>
| 87 | </QPG:PackageFilter>
| 88 |
| 89 | <QPG:PackageFilter proc="none" target="none">
| 90 | <QPM:PackageManifest>
| 91 | <QPM:ProductInstallationDependencies>
| 92 | <QPM:ProductRequirements></QPM:ProductRequirements>
| 93 | </QPM:ProductInstallationDependencies>
| 94 |
| 95 | <QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
| 96 | <QPM:Script xmlmultiple="true">
| 97 | <QPM:ScriptName></QPM:ScriptName>
| 98 | <QPM:ScriptType>Install</QPM:ScriptType>
| 99 | <QPM:ScriptTiming>Post</QPM:ScriptTiming>
| 100 | <QPM:ScriptBlocking>No</QPM:ScriptBlocking>
| 101 | <QPM:ScriptResult>Ignore</QPM:ScriptResult>
| 102 | <QPM:ShortDescription></QPM:ShortDescription>
| 103 | <QPM:UseBinaries>No</QPM:UseBinaries>
| 104 | <QPM:Priority>Optional</QPM:Priority>
| 105 | </QPM:Script>
| 106 | </QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
| 107 | </QPM:PackageManifest>
| 108 |
| 109 | <QPM:Launch>
| 110 | </QPM:Launch>
| 111 | </QPG:PackageFilter>
| 112 |
| 113 | <QPG:PackageFilter type="core" component="none">
| 114 | <QPM:PackageManifest>
| 115 | <QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
| 116 | <QPM:OrderDependency xmlmultiple="true">
| 117 | <QPM:Order>InstallOver</QPM:Order>
| 118 | <QPM:Product>zlib</QPM:Product>
| 119 | </QPM:OrderDependency>
| 120 | </QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
| 121 | </QPM:PackageManifest>
| 122 |
| 123 | <QPM:Launch>
| 124 | </QPM:Launch>
| 125 | </QPG:PackageFilter>
| 126 |
| 127 | <QPG:PackageFilter type="core" component="dev">
| 128 | <QPM:PackageManifest>
| 129 | <QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
| 130 | <QPM:OrderDependency xmlmultiple="true">
| 131 | <QPM:Order>InstallOver</QPM:Order>
| 132 | <QPM:Product>zlib-dev</QPM:Product>
| 133 | </QPM:OrderDependency>
| 134 | </QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
| 135 | </QPM:PackageManifest>
| 136 |
| 137 | <QPM:Launch>
| 138 | </QPM:Launch>
| 139 | </QPG:PackageFilter>
| 140 | </QPG:Values>
| 141 | </QPG:Generation>