/* test 10 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char *name[] = {"t10a", "t10b", "t10c", "t10d", "t10e", "t10f", "t10g", "t10h", "t10i", "t10j"}; int errct; long prog[300]; int psize; _PROTOTYPE(int main, (void)); _PROTOTYPE(void spawn, (int n)); _PROTOTYPE(void mkfiles, (void)); _PROTOTYPE(void cr_file, (char *name, int size)); _PROTOTYPE(void rmfiles, (void)); _PROTOTYPE(void quit, (void)); int main() { int i, n, pid, r; printf("Test 10 "); fflush(stdout); /* have to flush for child's benefit */ system("rm -rf DIR_10; mkdir DIR_10; cp t10a DIR_10"); chdir("DIR_10"); pid = getpid(); /* Create files t10b ... t10h */ mkfiles(); if (getpid() == pid) if (fork() == 0) { execl("t10a", (char *) 0); exit(0); } if (getpid() == pid) if (fork() == 0) { execl("t10b", (char *) 0); exit(0); } if (getpid() == pid) if (fork() == 0) { execl("t10c", (char *) 0); exit(0); } if (getpid() == pid) if (fork() == 0) { execl("t10d", (char *) 0); exit(0); } srand(100); for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) { r = rand() & 07; spawn(r); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) wait(&n); rmfiles(); quit(); return(-1); /* impossible */ } void spawn(n) int n; { int pid, k; if (pid = fork()) { wait(&n); /* wait for some child (any one) */ } else { k = execl(name[n], (char *) 0); errct++; printf("Child execl didn't take. file=%s errno=%d\n", name[n], errno); rmfiles(); exit(1); printf("Worse yet, EXIT didn't exit\n"); } } void mkfiles() { int fd; fd = open("t10a", 0); if (fd < 0) { printf("Can't open t10a\n"); exit(1); } psize = read(fd, (char *) prog, 300 * 4); cr_file("t10b", 1600); cr_file("t10c", 1400); cr_file("t10d", 2300); cr_file("t10e", 3100); cr_file("t10f", 2400); cr_file("t10g", 1700); cr_file("t10h", 1500); cr_file("t10i", 4000); cr_file("t10j", 2250); close(fd); } void cr_file(name, size) char *name; int size; { int fd; #if (CHIP == SPARC) size += 4000; #endif prog[6] = (long) size; fd = creat(name, 0755); write(fd, (char *) prog, psize); close(fd); } void rmfiles() { unlink("t10b"); unlink("t10c"); unlink("t10d"); unlink("t10e"); unlink("t10f"); unlink("t10g"); unlink("t10h"); unlink("t10i"); unlink("t10j"); } void quit() { chdir(".."); system("rm -rf DIR*"); if (errct == 0) { printf("ok\n"); exit(0); } else { printf("%d errors\n", errct); exit(1); } }